View Full Version : Anxiety is back! Venlafaxine not working anymore. Back to Citalopram/Sertraline?

21-07-24, 13:31
Good afternoon all. I'd like to hear from people who've successfully switched ADs from Venlafaxine. How did you change over? What did you change to? I’m aware of gradual tapering as I did lower my dose a couple of years ago but then my partner took his own life 18 months ago.

I'm currently on 225mg of Venlafaxine and have been for 7-8 years. Whilst it definitely gave me relief for a while, it has also made me quite 'flat' and recently my anxiety has returned. My health anxiety is actually getting worse and I'm struggling daily atm! I've been referred for 1:1 CBT 🤞🏻 I don’t like being at home on my own and I don’t go out unless it’s with someone.

I don't want to increase the Venlafaxine as my annual ECG last year showed a long QT which the GP informed me would be because of the Venlafaxine. This is what originally started off the anxiety spiral. Then blood tests last month showed my cholesterol to be high. I have completely changed my diet (which is now an obsession) and started exercising. I was around 4-5 stone overweight and have lost 1st 5lb in 6 weeks.

My daughters partner (and father to her 2 young children) who was only a few years younger than me, recently died suddenly of an undetected LVH and whilst his diet was consistent takeaways and fatty food, he did no exercise and avoided doctors, I’ve found myself in an even worse downward spiral of anxiety since this happened a couple of weeks ago.

I have been on Sertraline and Citalopram before and they both worked well for a few years so I'm hoping I can maybe go back on to one of those.

I'm pretty sure peri menopause isn't helping but trying HRT went tits up mentally when adding progesterone so waiting for a gynae appointment.

I'm also 100% sure I have ASD/ADHD (realised after going through diagnosis with my 12 year old last year, and one of my grown up DDs has also been referred) and that's the root cause of my anxiety. I am open to the possibility of taking ADHD meds once I get my appointment for an assessment which I would be able to do whilst on Venlafaxine.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated 😊