View Full Version : Worried about bruise under skin

16-07-24, 11:52
I'm hoping someone can help me. 2 weeks ago I had a bruise like spor under my chin which I put down to stress as my dad was in hospital..then yesterday I have another one at the other side. Now my health anxiety is telling me I have leukemia

16-07-24, 18:56
I think it is great you that you are saying 'my health anxiety is telling me.....' instead of 'I think I have...'. That is a really good first step in getting the fear under control. Bruises are one of the most common things humans have, we can get them extremely easily and you have gotten tons of bruises before in your life before this I am sure. I bet you've even gotten bruises before and said to yourself, 'huh I dont remember what I did to get this' - thats how common bruises are! Leukemia is very rare. your stress is just stressing you out