View Full Version : Worried about tumour growing in the right side of my chest

26-06-24, 15:07
Hello everyone,

Two years ago I got my third Covid shot, I’m not sure if it was by chance as in it was always there, or if it happened due to the Covid vaccine but I noticed some swelling right above my collar bone at the base of my neck. It’s the section between my collar bone and before my shoulder bone starts.

It would cause a bit of pain if I would lean on my right side. I remember going to my doctor and showing her the swollen area, I asked if it was a lymph node from the Covid shot, she pressed down on it and said it feels just like fatty tissue and nothing else.

Since then the swelling hasn’t gone down but it hasn’t gotten better. I now notice my right collar bone closest to that area tends to go out more, almost as if something is behind it. In February of this year I got Covid for the first time since I got the third covid vaccine 2 years ago. Ever since then the pain has gotten worse, mainly if I sleep on my right side or if I lean on my right arm. It also hurts more when I put a heavy bag on my shoulder.

The pain is mainly in my right shoulder blade, sometimes goes tot he tip of my shoulder. And goes into my neck. It’s quite chronic and has been there for the last couple of months. Gets worse if I sleep on my right side. I’m worried I have a tumour growing inside because the collar bone comes out a bit more than usual.

Any thoughts on this? I might go back to my doctor but I’m so scared of getting news it’s a cancerous tumour or, it’s a big tumour they will have to remove. Could it just be an irritated lymph node?