View Full Version : Feel like I have forgotten how to breathe

23-06-24, 10:00
I’ve been feeling really anxious over the past couple of months and in the last 2 weeks or so it’s like I’ve forgotten how to breathe properly. I get these feelings of fatigued that come over me. I get a kind of buzzy feeling that starts around my face and goes down my arms, my eyes feel heavy, I yawn loads and have been getting headaches that that don’t want to go. My shoulders always seem to be up in my neck and whenever I try to relax them down they are back up there in seconds. I’m always tensed and just can’t seem to get a full breath of air. Can anyone relate?

23-06-24, 18:48
I used to have this feeling all the time couple of years ago! Strange and scary, but classic anxiety! You'll be alright, you cannot forget how to breathe, it's just a trick that anxiety does to feed itself! ❤

23-06-24, 20:22
Thanks so much for replying. It kind of helps to know I’m not on my own. I just want to have a life where anxiety isn’t in control.

23-06-24, 21:23
Thanks so much for replying. It kind of helps to know I’m not on my own. I just want to have a life where anxiety isn’t in control.

Do you go to any therapy?