View Full Version : Weird pain and swelling on right collar bone/right shoulder blade

14-06-24, 06:00
Hey everyone,

Two years ago I got my third Covid shot and that’s when I realized a bit of swelling above my right collar bone and at the base of my neck. I would get pain there on and off if I laid down the wrong way. I spoke with my doctor about it and she felt the area and said it feels like it’s just fat and not my lymph node but I never got it checked further.

Since then, if I sleep the wrong way I get pain in my upper right shoulder, as well as pain in that area more often. It feels like a deep burning pain, it really worries me that it’s my lymph node and I’m genuinely scared to get it checked out.

17-06-24, 19:02
Well, if it has been 2 years I am betting it is nothing serious. I know how those things can eat at you though. Do yourself a favor and consult with the doctor again. (I always have to force myself to do this but then am glad I did)