View Full Version : Driving anxiety

13-06-24, 21:35
I have been ill on and off with anemia and I had two iron infusions last year and my iron levels increased. I then became ill in January 2024 and I found out that I had anemia again and I then had a panic attack whilst driving. I had to stop driving for three months and I have gone back to driving again but I am still anxious and I cannot drive very far and definitely not on motorways.

I would like to know if anyone has had the same problem and if so how did they reduce their anxiety please. I also have symptoms of anxiety such as dry mouth, feeling anxious, stomach pains, and feeling like something bad is going to happen.

I need to get back to driving like I used to before the panic attack please

13-06-24, 21:44
Hiya garooba and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

13-06-24, 22:12
Have a look at my posts - driving anxiety is my main problem

14-06-24, 10:18
I stopped driving for years because of PA.
Now driving but just locally, a lot of people I know won't go on motorways anymore.
I found just travelling a little further gradually a good way to get back into until it becomes natural again.
I like to put my radio so it feels like someone is with me.

14-06-24, 10:37
I've just read your story Nicola and wanted to say how brilliantly you've coped and progressed (although quite a while ago now). Your story is encouraging and I could resonate a lot with it.

Davy 53
22-06-24, 17:31
Hello, you have my sympathies...my fear of driving abroad has yet again ruined another family holiday to spain. I m now dealing with the inevitable guilt /feelings of inadequacy........which is another miserable mental path i have to go down .again. Davy