View Full Version : Elevated liver enzymes…back to square one.

12-06-24, 19:51
I’m getting really physically and mentally exhausted of all this now 😢 so I went for another blood test monday, just to make sure my elevated wbc was back to normal after it being elevated a week prior (which I was told by the doctor was due to infection) spoiler alert it wasn’t…was still elevated. But that’s not all no…course not, my liver enzymes are also raised. Just Nuke me at this point honestly it would be kinder. The doctor left a note with my gp saying that it’s likely due to the 2 weeks of antibiotics I was on, 2 different antibiotics at that. They also want me to do another blood test in 4 weeks to see if things go back to normal. Yeah cool but what if they don’t?! How am I gonna cope until then? I’m already going through the worst phase in my anxiety yet and now I can’t even get answers for 4 weeks?? I genuinely feel sick to the stomach.

14-06-24, 17:16
Anyone at all? Am I that doomed people don’t even want to reply?

14-06-24, 18:27
I think it’s hard to really say, because liver values can do a lot of things and it’s usually benign. It’s not uncommon at all for antibiotics to raise the enzymes, since the liver filters what we consume. I really think your doctors have this well in hand, and it’s very likely everything will be back to normal when they retest.

15-06-24, 16:56
Hi, yeah I’m actually less worried about the liver enzymes and more so about my elevated wbc, I know what that can mean. I’m just freaking out that my by my next blood test they will have elevated even more so and that definitely spells bad news. I don’t know how I’m gonna cope until then let alone waiting on the results when that time comes.

27-06-24, 19:29
I’m in the same boat! I had a blood test in April because I thought my thyroid wasn’t right but that was all good instead my liver enzymes came back high! What were your levels?