View Full Version : Kidney Disease Fears

10-06-24, 19:21
For about a year or so now, I've suffered with random tiredness and muscle aches to the point I got referred to rheumatology for further investigation after a positive ANA result in a blood test. After the first referral got forgotten about, I finally got the appointment a year later and they've done another blood test which I'm now worrying about.

The eGFR result is out of range at 84 and my other abnormal results are Immunoglobulin A, Globulin, Phosphate, Total Protein and ESR. The ANA seems to have come back negative which is something. But I'm now paranoid that I have kidney damage or something. I am not good at hydrating, I rarely drink more than a litre of water a day which I know is bad. The last several days I've been trying to do 2 litres but I've started to feel a bit bleugh and I'm worried that it's putting strain on my kidneys and I'm going to do more harm than good.

I don't know how long it takes from getting results for the doctor to get back to me but I'm kind of spiralling here.

17-06-24, 19:05
I am not sure what all those tests mean but I just wanted to offer some support. Did you hear back from your doctor?