View Full Version : Feeling faint all the time

05-06-24, 14:54
Has anyone else had bouts of this and did it go away? I had a horrible virus a few weeks ago it started with sweats and dizziness. All went away but the lightheaded feeling and tirdness. I have had 2 days at back to work and felt a bit better but today I went home as felt worse again. I feel like I’m letting people down and have been through so much stress lately which probably doesn’t help.

05-06-24, 16:48
Do you think it could be an inner ear thing? X

05-06-24, 19:20
Saw dr on Friday and he didn’t think so, plus the tiredness is really bad. It’s such a struggle at the moment.

05-06-24, 19:41
Here's the thing Willous,

I said the same thing to another long time member here. Your HA journey is well documented here over the last 12 years. It's sad to see you falling into the rabbit hole again :weep: I would suggest revisiting and reading your post history and take in the suggestions and tips that have been given to you. Also, seeing the same HA thoughts and patterns documented in those threads can give you insight and illustrate the irrationality that is plaguing you again now. Hope you feel better soon.


05-06-24, 20:20
Here's the thing Willous,

I said the same thing to another long time member here. Your HA journey is well documented here over the last 12 years. It's sad to see you falling into the rabbit hole again :weep: I would suggest revisiting and reading your post history and take in the suggestions and tips that have been given to you. Also, seeing the same HA thoughts and patterns documented in those threads can give you insight and illustrate the irrationality that is plaguing you again now. Hope you feel better soon.


What would NMP do without you FMP? We are mighty lucky to have you

05-06-24, 23:14
TY Jojo.. Truly appreciated.


06-06-24, 15:44
Thank you FMP, I am going to do that now. I had bloods this morning which were all perfect som i am worried now. I was hoping an imbalance would show so I could get it sorted. This afternoon I was occupied and did feel slightly more normal so going to keep trying, plus I will read my posts like your suggestion. I hate this

07-06-24, 09:06
Should the fact that the dizziness started during the virus give me peace of mind it’s not anything sinister

07-06-24, 09:57
i JUST GOOGLED DIZINESS AND i KNOW I SHOULDNT HAVE,,, BRAIN TUMOUR CAME UP AND NOW i am being sick and have had to leave work

07-06-24, 10:05
Should the fact that the dizziness started during the virus give me peace of mind it’s not anything sinister

It should, when I had a bad cold a while ago it affected my balance terribly. Even when I was better my balance took a couple of weeks more to get back to normal.

07-06-24, 10:19
This has been weeks now... I feel weak rather than spinney if that makes sense. I dont know what to do..
I had an eye test with all the scans and stuff a few weeks ago, could that have picked up a brain you know what
I am done nowm, my whole lofe is ruined. I just want to be myself and happy

07-06-24, 13:06
Could it be depersonalisation

07-06-24, 23:54
Could it be depersonalisation

08-06-24, 08:46
Perhaps it is but after googling brain you know what yesterday I have woken up feeling really sick. I just need to end this feeling

08-06-24, 08:49
At work yesterday there was mention of 2 cases of brain…..too

10-06-24, 12:09
I feel slightly better each day but it’s such a slow process. I still feel awful but not AS dizzy etc. more of an unsteady feeling now and tired. Is that a sign that it’s not something horrendous as slowly easing?

The anxiety is still awful and sometimes I feel other symptoms I worry about but in comparison to last week it’s a bit better for example.