View Full Version : So 2 nights ago I walked into A&E…lowest moment yet.

05-06-24, 08:57
Explained everything to them the cough the fevers the just general feeling shitty and I’ll admit I did make a few symptoms up to ensure being seen (not proud). So anyway in all of 6 hours, I had 2 blood tests, an ecg and a chest X-ray. Everything was normal apart from a slightly elevated wbc on the blood test, at first the doctor explained that this indicates infection somewhere, then later when he seen me again he pretty much confirmed infection and gave me strong antibiotics, I’m really trying to not get hung up on this and trust his judgment but I’ve just never heard of such infection that causes you to feel like utter shit for almost 2 weeks now. Guess we’ll see.

05-06-24, 13:35
Did they tell you any details about the infection?

05-06-24, 14:33
Honestly it’s all a bit of a blur due to the state of panic I was in the whole time then after that I was just relieved to hear my platelets where normal but he said that it was in the chest and bacterial in nature.

05-06-24, 20:04
Honestly it’s all a bit of a blur due to the state of panic I was in the whole time then after that I was just relieved to hear my platelets where normal but he said that it was in the chest and bacterial in nature.

So that's what it is MrBlack. Simple as that. You're bound to feel crap because you have an infection. Take the meds as prescribed and expect to feel crap for a week or so. They say it takes a week to get an infection/cold, a week to have it and a week to feel better afterwards. Think about it, when you catch a cold or get a stomach virus or the like, you feel crap for a few weeks. Sometimes less and sometimes more depending. That's just the nature of common illnesses.

Chill out and take your meds. You'll heal and feal better soon enough. And stay off Google and trust the professionals. I know you're new here but your HA pattern is very well documented here in many member's threads as are my replies. I'm a survivor. Two heart attacks, triple bypass, triple stents and Stage IVa H&N cancer. I'm willing to bet my next paycheck you don't have anything serious going on. If I'm wrong, I'll openly admit it. I'm basing this on the decade+ I've spent on this site. I originally came here because I followed a couple of posters on the cancer forum I was part of during my battle with the beast. I came originally to give them a piece of my mind. When I read the threads, things changed. I have a daughter that suffers from depression and anxiety and I've gained insight to her mindset and that's helped me help her. I've also responded to thousands of posts. I admit I'm blunt and to the point but sometimes that kick upside the head is needed to help you snap out of the negative mindset. I can count on one hand the number of members that have had their worst fear come true in the decade+ I've been here. And interestingly enough, those members faced their fear head on and put their fears and HA behind them as they faced the challenges.

Take the time to read some of the long time member's threads and you'll see the behavioral similarities and irrationality in their posts. The key is to treat the real issue.... HA.


07-06-24, 15:15
Hi Fishmanpa

Just want to say thank you for reaching out. I’ve seen many of your replies to various members and i remember almost all of them making me feel at ease, never lose that bluntness as it’s what most of us need. I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve been through, I can’t even fathom dealing with one of those never mind all of them. You truly are an inspiration and to still take the time to help others after all that. I really am gonna make a point of getting better. I done so well for so long (almost 4 years!) and I don’t want to get as bad as I did before. Thanks again.

07-06-24, 15:24
Please don't blame yourself, MrBlack? We all backslide from time to time - I'm currently in the process of clawing myself back from the brink and trying to practice what I preach.

This is an illness, and we all have flareups sometimes.