View Full Version : N. Fowleri from an under-chlorinated pool

04-06-24, 22:55
This has always been a fear of mine. I know how statistically unlikely this is but I also know that studies show that it is likely under-reported…although still it would be rare. But I’m not afraid for me but my 10 year old daughter.

We have a pool in our backyard and my husband keeps up with the chemicals. Today my husband and daughter went swimming. I went out later and immediately noticed the water was cloudy. My husband agreed and said, he needed to make a run to Lowe’s to get more chemicals because the pool is low on chlorine. I nearly died! My daughter had been playing in the cloudy water for an hour or longer by that time; going under the water, diving for rings, etc. She usually wears a pair of googles that cover her nose and she was much of the time today. However she didn’t wear them the whole time and she said that she knows that water went up her nose a few times because it burned. I’m so mad at him because he’s so nonchalant about the whole thing. He’s gone now to get more shock and chlorine. And I’m terrified! Rationally I know this is slim. But I live in the south where there have been cases of this. I’m not sure how long it’s been since the pool was last treated. I’m beside myself!