View Full Version : Temperature always between 98.6 and 99.5, unusual for me.

02-06-24, 10:50
I know this can be considered normal range but it’s really not for me, anytime I remember taking my temp in the past it was always in the 97.7 mark. This has been for over a week now along with a dry cough that won’t let up, I’ve also noticed I start to feel really hot and sweaty as I’m falling into a sleep, although I haven’t had any true night sweats. There’s definitely something going on with me and I’ve been in a high state of anxiety over this all week and planning to call the doctor in the morning.

02-06-24, 15:33
Is this concerning? Anyone please

02-06-24, 15:54
You've posted six threads in a a little over a week. What are you doing to address your anxiety?


02-06-24, 17:16
I’m making a 2nd doctors appointment in the morning because I was completely overlooked the first time, unfortunately I can’t see myself getting a hold on my anxiety until I get told I am in the clear…

02-06-24, 17:44
In which case, what happens the next time you get a scare?

02-06-24, 18:07
I’ll be honest I really cannot see beyond getting cleared / diagnosed with something at this point in time so once that happens I’ll focus on the next step then.

03-06-24, 04:49
I've been there - to an extent I still am - and it's no way to live your life. You need to accept your own irrationality and view the anxiety as the main issue.

03-06-24, 14:34
Hi - I get where you are coming from. My temp always runs low, in the 97's and 96's. So when I hit the 98's I begin to worry. Last time I hit 98.6 I felt horrible even though people were telling me I did not have a fever and couldn't be sick. Turns out it was a fever and a couple days later it was up to 103 and I had a bad case of a tick borne disease. I'm NOT saying that is what you have and am no way implying you are even sick. Just saying I get where you are coming from with your worries. I'm wondering if you've called your doctor yet and what he/she had to say. FWIW, 99.5 may be perfectly normal depending on the circumstances, time of day, exercise, dehydration, outdoor temp. Or with the cough maybe your body is fighting a slight cold.

I also get where you are coming from regarding the "what are you going about your anxiety" question. I really hate it when people on this and other sites say this; it is not helpful, they are totally ignoring your question and have no clue what some of us go through. I personally cannot get a grasp on what I'm going to do about my "anxiety" until I know what is or isn't wrong with me. And my problem isn't even "anxiety." It's depression over what is wrong. My next step in handling this will be dependent on what is or isn't wrong with me.

I hope you are feeling better.

03-06-24, 14:53
FamilyPicnic, how do you know I have no clue what you're going through?