View Full Version : Lost 5-6llbs in under a week

01-06-24, 12:35
As from my previous posts you’ll see I’ve had a very anxiety fuelled week with fears of Cancer,
My latest concern is a bit of weight loss, I checked my weight last Sunday and it was 12st 8llbs. Note that this was in the evening so true weight is probably closer to 12.5 or so. Then first thing this morning I checked and was 12st exactly, so there’s definitely been a significant drop, I’ll also note that during this week I haven’t been eating like I usually have, skipping meals, not finishing meals, not been having my usual evening snacks and no beers. This has all been down to crippling anxiety over certain symptoms and just not having an appetite at all…really losing the will to live now.

01-06-24, 16:27

01-06-24, 21:10
If you eat less then you will lose weight.

03-06-24, 17:03
Nothing can make you lose weight like constant, crippling anxiety. Nothing. That is what it is.

GO back to the doctor and demand CBCw/Differential, it will show ANY problems with the blood. And I just saw your question to me regarding one of your other posts: I would not have finished the antibiotics with no proof that there is a bacterial infection. I simply refuse to do that. If you already finished them, that is it. Recently, past years, in the US the medical community is much more aware of the fact that giving antibiotics without testing for bacterial infections can do serious harm, plus there is the development of the bacterial resistance.

Do not keep on going for days with this crippling fear and ruminating, go back and ask for blood tests. You must, otherwise it is just going to get worse because your mind will start creating "symptoms". It happened to me so, so many times.

Let us know how it goes.

03-06-24, 18:15
Oh it gets better.

As a matter of fact I DID go back to my gp today and while I got longer, I got no further, would you believe me they tried to give me MORE antibiotics?!? I nearly laughed…this was after talking in depth about my symptoms and my fears, showing her what I believe it petechiae on my leg! Her taking my temperature and it being 38 there and then! She can hear me coughing this is the best part…she couldn’t order a blood test because it was past a certain time (15.30) and I’ll need to call and schedule one during the week lol she ended up sending me on my way with beta blockers in the meantime and her recommendation was A&E if I really couldn’t get a hold on my anxiety…joys of being from the uk where granted the healthcare is free but it’s the damn bare minimum…really at my wits end here…

03-06-24, 21:03
I just sent you a PM.