View Full Version : Worried about a cyst

Joey f
28-05-24, 16:01
Having a cyst removed in the next few days. I've had an MRI scan on it, a CT scan, ultrasound scan twice, a FNA Biopsy, blood tests and all came back negative for anything sinister. Then I get a copy of a letter to my GP from the consultant saying he saw me recently, discussed the removal and the possibility it could something sinister !

Now in bits with worry that this is something far worse than they've led me to believe.

28-05-24, 16:28
I think they're just covering their bases, by saying it "could" be something sinister before they do the removal.
But if you've had all those tests and a biopsy, and they all came back clear, you've got nothing to worry about. They're not leading you to believe anything, they would lose their medical license if they flat out lied to you.
That's why they're including the possibility it could be something sinister, so they cover all possibilities. The only thing they can still do after removal, is a biopsy. And they already did that, so that's not suddenly going to show something different

Joey f
28-05-24, 17:01
Thank you for your quick reply. I wish I could be so optimistic at times like this. It's been a hell journey to get where I am at the mo. I've waited 18 months to see the specialist. I should have been seen within 2 weeks!! Someone at the hospital marked me down as non urgent instead of urgent. In the meantime I had 2 heart attacks which they blamed stress. I had 2 cardiac arrests while in hospital and 1 induced coma. Then an ICD fitted which they managed to cock up and had to have it done again. So it's not been the best of times for trying not always thinking the worst.

Seriously felt like throwing the towel in over the past few weeks because I think I've had my luck health wise already.

Thank you SFairy.

28-05-24, 20:37
I’m sorry, I know how scary it is.
You could speak to your gp about it for some advice maybe.
The chances are, after all those tests that you would know more if it was something nasty.

Joey f
28-05-24, 21:49
Hi Scass
I did try to speak to my GP but trying to make an appointment is nigh on impossible. Couldn't even get a phone appt either.

29-05-24, 15:03
Css as n you do econsult at your practice? Or go in and ask?