View Full Version : Seriously need talked off a ledge right now with lymphoma fears!!

27-05-24, 21:46
I started off with tension headaches and pain around eyes, this lasted about 3-4 days on & off, then I take my temperature at the weekend and find I’ve a low grade fever (37.5c) which is most likely what was causing the headaches, since then my temperature has been fluctuating between that and normal. Somewhere in the middle I’ve also developed a dry cough that has been going on 5 days now and seems to be worsening. I also have been feeling lethargic, no appetite and keep getting random chills throughout my body even tho it’s hot out…like I’d be sitting and my body just breaks into goosebumps. it’s got to the point where I’m scared to go to sleep as I’m terrified to wake up with night sweats and that will just confirm my worst fear. Please someone talk me down so I can get through this night 😩

28-05-24, 02:02
Can I ask what your worst fear is?

It sounds to me like you've got a bad cold, or the flu. It will probably be a matter of treating the symptoms and giving your body a chance to get better.

28-05-24, 08:25
Probably dying before my time? I’m only 28 and my partner is pregnant with my child, I don’t really bother her with this as she’s going through enough.

28-05-24, 11:00
So I was correct, started to fall asleep last night and immediately felt myself excessively sweating, my head, chest, underarms and backs of legs, I had to keep shaking myself awake or I’d have likely ended up in a situation where I’d soaked the bedsheets. Took me ages to get some sleep eventually so now I’m dreading bedtime again, it’s something bad this time I know it.

28-05-24, 12:18
You don't know it! You fear it! I'm more of a GAD sufferer, so I don't understand HA and how you can immediately go to lymphoma when to me this screams cold or flu. That would be my first thought, not lymphoma!
But being on this forum I've seen many times that HA sufferers go straight to the worst. But this honestly feels more cold/flu like to me

28-05-24, 15:17
I’m not really having the usual cold/flu symptoms though like nasal congestion sore throat etc

28-05-24, 15:34
Flu wouldn't always come with that. For me it hardly ever does. If I just have the flu on it's own, it's fever, sweating and fatigue

28-05-24, 17:04
When do I worry about the fever though? I managed to reduce it today with paracetamol but that was quite a few hours ago and it’s slowly climbing up again! Feel like going insane

28-05-24, 17:39
Why don't you make a doctor's appointment? That would be the first thing I do when I have a fever.
Fevers worry me too, but they are so common with any type of infection, including the common flu. A doctor would at least be able to give you some medication for it if necessary

29-05-24, 09:34
My fever reached 38.6c last night and still on the high side this morning so I’ve made an appointment for later today, I’m feeling very stressed right now but needs must.

29-05-24, 15:03
Sounds like a flu/covid. I had similar in March which was just a cough and fever.

You can take paracetamol every 4-6 hours, as well as nurofen, so you could alternate them. Don’t take more than 8 tablets in 24 hours though.

Feel better soon.

29-05-24, 15:27
Did you find your temperature was fluctuating a lot? Mine seems to come down pretty well with paracetamol but can be just as quick to creep back up, also I find the medication breaks me out in a sweat.

29-05-24, 20:24
Yes it will fluctuate with the paracetamol. The sweat is because you are breaking the fever and it makes you sweat. These are all normal things and they are ok.

29-05-24, 20:34
Ok really appreciate you replying, one last question, how long did it last for you? I’m on day 3 and I’m ready for the hills 😩

Thanks again

29-05-24, 22:07
Usually day 3/4 are the middle & you should start feeling better within the next few days. If it gets worse or you have your fever for longer than a week then see your dr.