View Full Version : I'm new here. HA out of control - again.

14-03-24, 15:07
Hi. I am new here. I have had HA all my life since I was a teenager. I am now 61. Sometimes it flares up bad usually at stressful times of my life. Right now Iam really struggling. I don't have anyone to talk to about this. My Mum died last year. I was her carer for many years and I was with her through the last horrible few months of her life. Since then my HA has increased more than it has before. I am overwhelmed.

I wonder if I am making my symptoms worse by the worry. I developed pre diabetes last summer and the doctor said he thought it was high level of cortisol caused by stress as I am normally fit and healthy. There is an ongoing investigation into the NHS for negligence of my Mum by a doctor just before she died. So I am quite stressed. I have had chest pains since she died. I have had investigations for this. ECG's / blood tests / 24 hour monitor etc. I was last in hospital in A & E 2 weeks ago with horrific chest pain. I had blood tests / chest x ray / ECG and then the doctor said ' we better check your pancreas' - so he did a lipase ? test - everything came back normal. They said it was Gastritis.

BUT now he has mentioned pancreas I have now fixated on the fact i might have cancer. My sister in law died from it last year and I cant stop thinking about it. I had chest pains last night and I am in a terrible state. My heart is constantly racing and my stomach area around my bra line feels so sore. Sometimes the pain goes into my back. Can that be from gastritis? Im trying not to google as I just feel worse. So wondered if anyone here can help.
Thank you :scared15: