View Full Version : Sudden balanitis

18-08-23, 00:47
So a few weeks ago I began experiencing balanitis on my penis, a rash in my inner foreskin that spreads to my glans. I'm uncircumcised, wash daily, and this came on suddenly a few days after having sex with my partner (unprotected).
At first I figured she had a yeast infection and passed it to me. However, she doesn't, and the balanitis has been coming back on and off every few days (we haven't had sex in weeks and it's still coming back).

A year ago I had full bloodwork and came back clean. However, I'm worried this may be a sign of diabetes (though it would be surprising that it would develop in just a year, and I have no other symptoms). I don't use harsh soaps on my penis, and previously only had balanitis maybe twice in my life ages ago. Any ideas?

18-08-23, 07:04
I'd never heard of it so I looked it up
Looks like if you're keeping it clean you don't have it.
Balanitis is when the head of the penis (the glans) becomes inflamed. If you have balanitis, you might notice that the head of your penis is red, swollen, itchy or painful. Balanitis is not sexually transmitted. Balanitis can usually be treated by keeping good skin hygiene in the area.