View Full Version : heart pain and arm pain? a heart attack warning sign

07-11-22, 12:26

I have suffered with HA for 20 years but have never experienced worry about my heart before. I DO experience palpitations when my anxiety has been at its worst many years ago now.

Anyway. Last week I had left sided toothache...which only lasted one day. It then seemed to travel to my ear for a bit. Wasn't bad enough to warrant me any worry my teeth aren't great and this happens.

Then during the week seemingly unrelated I experienced some heart palpitations out of nowhere. Thought it was weird but gave it no more thought at time as I KNOW they are usually anxiety.

Fast forward to Saturday. I wake up with a panging pain deep in my chest, right where my heart is. Not painful enough to panic but it certainly isn't something I've ever had before. It would pang on and off all day. Seemed worse lying down but not when breathing in or exerting myself. I put it down to anxiety.

But the next morning when my anxiety symptoms usually disappear with a good sleep, I woke up with the pain in my heart. And also pain in my left arm and hand! It's not painful enough to keel over. And it's okay when I take IBU but now I'm worried. Have I left an infection and it's travelled to my heart? I woke up this morning with the pains still there AND swollen lymph node in my arm.pit so now I'm fully panicking. Are these early heart attack signs?! I have no family history and I don't drink or smoke and I'm vegetarian and generally not super unhealthy.

I'm really concerned that the pain in my tooth was an infection and now it's spread to my heart.

I haven't had: a temp, breathlessness, dizziness or nausea or fast or slow heart rate or any furthur palpitations. I've even had to walk up a massive hill four times daily since sat and this doesn't seem to cause pain or any extra exertion to me.

I have had : panging pain in heart. Pains in various places down left arm. Both get better with IBU. Swollen lymph node under left arm.pit. recent tooth pain/ear pain.

I have rung docs and am waiting on a call back which could take any amount of time 😭

07-11-22, 12:28
Just a quick tip: you don't know the pain is your heart, it could easily be your chest wall, your oesophagus - any number of things.

I honestly wouldn't panic if I were you.

07-11-22, 15:01
Just a quick tip: you don't know the pain is your heart, it could easily be your chest wall, your oesophagus - any number of things.

I honestly wouldn't panic if I were you.

I know that's true but it just feels sooo specific. Like one exact spot. I imagine if it was muscle I would feel it over a wider area....or it would hurt when I move. Or if it was my lungs I'd have a cough or something. It somehow feels like the pain is attached to my heart beat.that sounds crazy but it feels like that. It's like a sudden beat of pain.

07-11-22, 15:04
You have a choice at this point: either you can convince yourself that I'm wrong and stay in your panic zone, or you can listen to me, and to your own common sense.

07-11-22, 18:20
There are lots of nerves in the arm that a swollen lymph node can irritate. If you've been fighting off any kind of infection, you can get random twinges all over your body. The chest pain could simply be tension related or an irritated nerve that fires off every now and again. If it's short pangs, it's not usually indicative of a heart issue, unless it was a constant stab of pain with every single beat.

If you're concerned, like truly concerned, then get medical attention because none of us are doctors here. It doesn't sound heart related to me though.

08-11-22, 09:46
There are lots of nerves in the arm that a swollen lymph node can irritate. If you've been fighting off any kind of infection, you can get random twinges all over your body. The chest pain could simply be tension related or an irritated nerve that fires off every now and again. If it's short pangs, it's not usually indicative of a heart issue, unless it was a constant stab of pain with every single beat.

If you're concerned, like truly concerned, then get medical attention because none of us are doctors here. It doesn't sound heart related to me though.

Thanks guys. This is very sensible well rounded advice. I'm taking it on board! I am trying relaxation techniques like meditation to try and relax my muscles and lots of hot baths even though who can barely afford hot water these days 😵*💫

I went to docs and he said exact same thing. V unlikely ro be heart related and everything sounded good and my obs were perfect.

He did that annoying thing though that triggered more worry in me...even knowing my history of health anxiety! (He's not my fave doc he can be soo rude)

Anyway because my underarm is sore on that side he had a feel. He couldn't feel any lumps but then told me if I still have pain there in 2-3 weeks I MUST come back to be referred to breast clinic for exam!!! I Wasn't even worried about breast cancer/lymph node pain when I went in! I just thought it was a symptom of some infection with my heart 😆😆😆

So now he's had me triggered worrying all night about the pain but no lump under my arm. FFS.

08-11-22, 10:16
Thanks guys. This is very sensible well rounded advice. I'm taking it on board! I am trying relaxation techniques like meditation to try and relax my muscles and lots of hot baths even though who can barely afford hot water these days 😵*💫

I went to docs and he said exact same thing. V unlikely ro be heart related and everything sounded good and my obs were perfect.

He did that annoying thing though that triggered more worry in me...even knowing my history of health anxiety! (He's not my fave doc he can be soo rude)

Anyway because my underarm is sore on that side he had a feel. He couldn't feel any lumps but then told me if I still have pain there in 2-3 weeks I MUST come back to be referred to breast clinic for exam!!! I Wasn't even worried about breast cancer/lymph node pain when I went in! I just thought it was a symptom of some infection with my heart 😆😆😆

So now he's had me triggered worrying all night about the pain but no lump under my arm. FFS.

I can assure you that he would say that to anyone who had ANY kind of pain for longer than three weeks. It's just what they do to give every patient they see a rough timeframe for seeking more help. And for the overwhelming majority of those people who do have an ongoing pain, it's usually a perfectly benign cause when they get it investigated.

My GP always tells me things like that when I go in too. Your doctor is just being a good doctor :)

And also, I get painful armpits without a lump, or at least not a detectable one. I've had that on and off for years and it's never turned out to be anything big and scary.

08-11-22, 13:03
I can assure you that he would say that to anyone who had ANY kind of pain for longer than three weeks. It's just what they do to give every patient they see a rough timeframe for seeking more help. And for the overwhelming majority of those people who do have an ongoing pain, it's usually a perfectly benign cause when they get it investigated.

My GP always tells me things like that when I go in too. Your doctor is just being a good doctor :)

And also, I get painful armpits without a lump, or at least not a detectable one. I've had that on and off for years and it's never turned out to be anything big and scary.

You are absolutely right!

I have also definitely had pain and even little lumps in my armpits before and I've never ever paid it any attention- I know they can get irritated from shaving and deodorant.

I went to a meet up today with my kids and I was barely able to concentrate to hold a conversation. The pain under my arm and down my arm to my hand was sooo bad. I felt really sick and got a headache. This really made me panic. I just feel crap and thr pain triggers such bad anxiety that I end up feeling even worse! I now can't tell the difference between the pain I had originally and anxiety pains, whether it's worse because I'm anxious or worse because it's worsening a problem! I wish he hadn't told me about the damn breast clinic even though he was being a good Doctor! I was all ready to.go home feeling reassured....even though I know seeking reassurance is the worst thing for a HA sufferer!