View Full Version : Chest gas bubbles. Fluttering

29-05-22, 12:18
Ok so I have in and went to the er. I am sad that I did. I was getting these gas bubbles type feeling on the very far left of my chest. It sorta happened before a skipped heartbeat as well. I noticed passing gas relieved the symptoms. But then it would continue afterwards and eventually it seemed at random. I kept telling myself it’s most likely gas and it can take a few days to get better. Just give it time. Well. I didn’t. I ran to the hospital and they did a complete blood count and metabolic panel. They did an ekg and she listened to my heart. The blood tests came back normal and she said to schedule an appointment with my cardiologist. Which I already have for next month. I’m worried it’s lung related or heart related but surely they would’ve noticed something when she was listening to my heart. I’m so tired of worrying. I felt a bit better on the way back home but now that I’m laying here in bed I’m feeling it again. 😭😭