View Full Version : Anger

20-11-07, 12:49
Do you find your anxiety and panic makes you angry and you take it out on others? Lately i've been really horrible to my family and my head is full of angry thoughts. Sometimes I scare myself because I totally flip and lose control over the slightest thing then I feel really guilty for being such a bit*ch to the people I love. I think maybe it's because i'm frustrated with the anxiety holding me back it's turning me into an ogre so I take it out on others. I've got to the stage now where I can't be bothered with anything or anybody and i'm isolating myself from everything I used to enjoy doing. I'm totally dreading Christmas because it means going out and buying presents for everyone which is such a big effort and all I want to do is go to bed and wake up when it's all over. Sorry for sounding like a right misery guts but I was wondering if anyone else gets angry over the slightest thing and has nasty thoughts. :closedeyes:

20-11-07, 13:13
No, I get angry as well hun. I tend to let it build up inside me because I dont want to let other people know I'm angry.

It all comes out sooner or later though and its usually over the most irrational things!

I think one thing to do is to accept that you are angry instead of fighting it. Accept you are angry and then look at the reasons why but dont try and fight it. Once you accept your feelings rather than fighting them, this helps the feelings to subside believe it or not.

I was really upset this morning, almost on the verge of tears as I was on the bus but the moment I started accepting I was upset and why, I calmed down :)

21-11-07, 13:20
I also feel angry,
i get so frustrated at not being able to do things i want to like going shopping etc that i get really wound up then eventually i will just snap, usually at my husband. He has got use to my tantrums now, but i still feel bad about it.
I think we just need to release some of the pressure that builds up.
Take care

21-11-07, 13:41
i also get realy angry all the time i take it out my bf and my kids sometimes i just cant be bothered with them.

22-11-07, 00:41
I know when my anxiety is high i lash out on almost everyone.. Honestly seems like i have no patients at all.. I always feel bad after i calm down..
So just try to relax and take deep breaths.. I know its hard and this is something i'm tryin to work on myself.

Take Care

22-11-07, 13:53
I really understand where your comeing from hun im just the same ! I just flip at my fiance and feel really bad afterwards end up in tears and panic! will flip ova the slightese things and get in my partners face and feel really guilty after i have done it ! i sometimes wonder how he puts up with me but he keeps telling me he loves me and knows it aint my fault !
when its time to go meet my therapst i get really frustrated at him after i come back from seeing her i feel so bad for taking it all out on him really wish i could find a way to stop it it really hurts me !! xoxox

22-11-07, 14:13
We all tend to take our anger out on the ones we love because at the end of the day they are the only ones that would accept this behaviour. I doubt we would go up to a complete stranger and rant and rave at them because we would end up with a sore nose lol

Mostly it comes from frustration and the feeling that no one understands how we feel or what we are going through but in all truth those we love would do anything to support us and to deeply understand us. In the past I had anger issues but now I take a step back and see that its because I have had a bad day.
I cant make any excuses for my past behaviour or blame my anxiety or panic attacks, yea it magnified the situation but the truth is we can learn to control it. This does not mean that we bottle it up, instead we talk about it and find the root cause...
I find relaxing therapy helps...Just taking time out each day to self talk...I suppose its a form of self hypnosis.

Ok I have come along way with regards to this but it took time and through time I think most of us that have this anger will benefit from just stopping for a moment and thinking.

Take care