View Full Version : I'm back. Weird taste in mouth

09-09-21, 19:40
So I'm back after being okay for a while. Unfortunately 3 weeks ago I suffered a miscarriage, I was 10 weeks pregnant. One of my symptoms was a horrible taste in my mouth. But even after losing the baby the taste never left. Now I'm left wondering if jts either somthing more sinister or all in my head because I'm obsessing about it. I hate myself for getting in such a state over somthing so silly. Anyone else could just ignore it but not me. I googled and it said basically its most likley somthing silly but the again could be liver or kidney problems or even diabetes. Hello health anxiety welcome back 😭

09-09-21, 21:05
I haven't got any advice health wise. Just wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss.