View Full Version : Seeing things again

07-09-21, 19:23
I feel like my anxiety is winning today. I’ve been doing some acceptance and relaxation exercises my therapist taught me and, as a result, doing a little better anxiety wise, until last night.

So, I have guests staying with me. We all sat down to eat last night and closed our eyes to bless the food. I looked at a glass right before I closed my eyes. About ten seconds into the prayer, I saw the glass on my closed eye lids. The image was quite vivid but lasted only a few seconds.

This was the latest in a long string of eye issues. I did the worst thing ever—I cracked and googled. I either had a seizure or a stroke, or I have a brain tumor or mad cow disease.

I called to get an appointment with my neuro-ophthalmologist and the receptionist said to wait until I have my eye exam with my dry eye doc next week. Sigh.

Any thoughts and words of encouragement would be much appreciated.

07-09-21, 21:13
I think what you're describing is called an afterimage - i get them too and they can be totally benign! i first started getting them when i started antidepressants and also from anxiety and tbh they never fully went away but did get less bad, i've seen this symptom mentioned pretty often amongst people with anxiety who get visual symptoms. i guess it's always good to be sure but it's most likely nothing to worry about.

07-09-21, 21:21
Thanks for responding!!

I get lots of afterimages. They come immediately after I see whatever provokes them and not well defined. This image was delayed a bit and very defined.

Do you have afterimages like this one?

07-09-21, 21:32
This is absolutely an after image. It actually means your brain is working as it should.

08-09-21, 08:07
What do you think you've got, Debbie? How will you manage your anxiety until next week?

08-09-21, 17:09
Thanks for all your responses. Pulisa, I don’t have any specific worry, just a general “something’s wrong” feeling. I’m actually doing better today anxiety wise. I’ve been doing all the things my therapist taught me. They help. Sometimes, though, it just all overwhelms me. When that happens, I think I just need to vent and get support from people who understand.

08-09-21, 17:53
"Support" also means helping you manage your anxiety practically and not just comparing symptoms. I doubt whether you would be reassured by anyone on here saying they had identical symptoms anyway?

I'm glad you are managing to keep the anxiety at bay and that the therapy techniques are helping.