View Full Version : writer's block

13-11-07, 15:03
Hi everyone,
Writer's block is something I've struggled with for years now. It started when I was about 16, before anxiety was a real issue for me, at 21 I still have alot of trouble with it, but it's become easier.
When I say writer's block, it's more of a creative block, because it affects everything creative. Drawing, music, or even making this post. It's seriously taken me a long time... :laugh:
Sometimes in conversation I feel so empty, like I have no idea how to express who I am. I ususally feel very inadequate socially, so that's obviously part of the problem.
School was tough. It's so frustrating to try and write an essay and to just feel blank. I could only come away with a page of ramblings and cliches, but I was usually just glad to get near the word limit. It was always like that, even when I used the simplest of language, and wrote with no structure.

I think it has alot to do with self confidence. Usually when I'm feeling good about myself I can express myself more fluently, but it's hard to maintain that momentum.
When I begin writing, or even playing guitar I often feel really agitated, and there's a tightness in my chest and any creativity just feels blocked.
It seems like some sort of performance anxiety, but it happens with the most trivial things. It's like an obsessive pressure that I put on myself, and it's paralyzing.
But as I said, it's gotten much easier, probably because I've kept a journal and been out of school for a while. A few years ago, writing this would have been nearly impossible for me... So I'm on the right track, I'm just not where I want to be.
I was just wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences and what they've done about it.


13-11-07, 15:11
Hi Chuck,I have the same thing .I am a beadwork tutor and struggle to design my own things as I have this fear of failure. I think it is all self confidence, my counsellor tells me to afirm myself daily(wierd talking to yourself in the mirror)but I am getting there have designed something for the first time. Hope you feel better soon and keep looking in that mirror.:hugs: Lesleyb

13-11-07, 15:14
I think i am probably in the same sort of situation. mine is a bit different but boils down to a self confidence issue.

I was a very quiet guy all through school, never bullied as i was lucky to be good at sport which gets you accepted.

Once i left school and started going out socially i realised that when i drank alcohol life seemed much easier. So i would go out and get drunk most nights. i built up a large social network an became real popular, girlfriends, lots of mates and would be in a pub and everyone knew me.

This is all 12 years ago and it hasnt been until the past few weeks when anxiety set in that i have realised that im a very insecure person who craves attention. i cant stay in on my own and have thrown myself into all sorts of situations so as im not sat at home alone. eg i worked 12 hrs a day, went to pub after work etc. being succesful at work and out every night has finally caught up with me at the most unusual time. 18 months ago i met the woman of my dreams and settled down, left my stressful job and stopped the binge drinking. then 8 wks ago bang i colapsed with what felt like a blood sugar issue. after every medical test and it is now known to be anxiety caused by my subconcious mind which has got so used to being busy and occupied that now i do go home and watch T.V with the family im not able to sit still and forcing myself to has created anxiety!

only advise i can give is be yourself and dont try to be something your not. it puts so much pressure on your body that it will eventually crack under the strain and you will end up in a worse situation.