View Full Version : Intro

11-11-07, 19:00
Hi folks,

Have just found this forum, so I will take some time to introduce myself and hopefully can gain and contribute to this community... It's nice to have found somewhere with people who can understand the way I'm feeling.

I'm 27 years old and have have been diagnosed with Chronic PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder), the PTSD stems from losing my newborn baby to cot death 4 years ago. Unfortunately despite much treatment I cannot rid myself of this terrible affliction..... Gradually things have gone from bad to worse, the latest 'event' being the breakdown of my marriage a month ago we are now seperated and I am living alone. With the PTSD comes severe panic attacks (which brought me to this forum).

My panic attackshave now got to the stage where I am having several per day lasting anywhere between a few minutes and 2-3 hours.... I cope with these by taking small doses of diazepam, which is a medication I realy hate taking because of the addictiveness and side affects associated with them.

My last one happened 4 hours ago and I am only just starting to feel better . I get huge adraneline surges, palputations and pounding heart as well as becoming an emotional wreck. The feeling of being on the verge of fainting is quite common and just feel like I want to get into bed and lose conciousness. I have a feeling of constant coldness.... I am sitting with a jumper and coat on with hood up despite being no more than a meter from a working radiator.

Sometimes these are sparked by my emotions feeling sad or tearful but it is not unusual for these panic attacks to come out of the blue and happen for no apparent or logical reason.....

The only things getting me through this are the internet and support of my family, but sometimes I wonder if they fully understand what I'm going through...... I came here to find people who can relate to this.

I am have tried CBT and am awaiting a refferal for more therapy, I have good days and bad... reading the information here has certainly helped.

Thankyou for your time,


11-11-07, 19:26
Hello chaswood :welcome: to you.

My goodness, what an awful time you have had. :hugs:

Yes, having a supportive family is wonderful - but there's nothing like having people understand, through their own experience, exactly what you're going through - I feel the same.

I'm glad you found us and am finding help through all the information available here.

I'm sure there will be plenty of support and advice from those who can relate to your particular circumstances.

Pleased to meet you!


11-11-07, 19:51
Hi mate


I really hope this place helps you chap, sounds like you have had a terrible time.



11-11-07, 20:41
Cheers guys your kind words of welcome make all the difference

Glad to be here.


11-11-07, 21:40
Hello Chaswood And Welcome To The Site,im Sure You Will Find Lots Of Support Here As We All Can Relate One Way Or Another Wish Ya Well........linda

12-11-07, 08:06
Hi CW,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

12-11-07, 11:12
Hi Chasewood

Welcome to the site, i hope you find lots of help & support here...take care

Best Wishes

12-11-07, 12:17
Hi Chasewood, sorry to hear about all your problems, its good that your family understands and hopefully therapy will help, it did me. Welcome to nmp and hope you get lots of help.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Take care.

12-11-07, 12:26
Hi Chasewood, glad you found this site it has really helped me. Welcome


12-11-07, 12:38

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xxx

12-11-07, 15:25
Hi Chasewood

Just wanted to welcome you to NMP too, its lovely to see you here.:)


12-11-07, 19:36
Welcome to the site,
I just wanted to let you know that I was in the exact same place back in august as you are now. I would suffer huge adrenalin surges and be shaking with cold, I would wake up during the night with my heart pounding and a huge fear that something terrible was going to happen. Emotionally I was a mess, crying all the time and not understanding what was happening. These lasted all day everyday for a week and I thought I was losing my mind.

To cut a long story short I eventually saw a really good doctor who diagnosed panic disorder, I now take beta blockers after trying all sorts of tablets and have found the really help. Please be assured they do get better but it takes time, Im still not 100% but am working my way to getting through this, the best thing to remember is you are not alone with how you feel and this forum has been a godsend for me.

feel free to pm me if you need to


12-11-07, 20:33
Hi Chaswood,

I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. I'm new to this site too and have also joined to meet people who understand what it's like to have panic attacks. Like you, I also have a supportive family but sometimes feel like I'm a burden on them, so that's where this site comes in!

I hope we can all help each other to get better...take care.

Katie x

12-11-07, 20:50
Hi Lapwing

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

13-11-07, 17:29
Hi Chasewood and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

Pink Princess
15-11-07, 08:36
hey cw


take kare xxx