View Full Version : Tiny lump in armpit: Need some insight.

14-05-21, 20:54
So before I explain, i have seen a doctor yesterday about this and I am getting my ultrasound in two weeks (luckily there was a cancellation because they were going to have me seen in June).

So I’ve had this tiny seed size lump in my right armpit (closer to where your arm bends towards the shoulder bone). it’s not soft per say, feels like a grain of rice, but I can grab it and move it side to side with my finger tips. It feels rubbery at times. I’m pretty sure I’ve had this for years.

My right side has a history. I’ve had what was called cellulitis in 2012, but i don’t know if I ever took care of it. Then in 2018, my right nipple developed atopic dermatitis which I’ve treated. Since 2018 I’ve had tender breasts with periods which is when I noticed this small seed size lump. But I never thought anything of it for years because it hasn’t grown and I wasn’t aware that this part of your armpit is connected to your breast (this is me being young and naive). In 2020, my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer (not likely to be genetic). But this is when I became aware of things more. I noticed this lump again in September 2020, thought it was just a pimple under the skin. Then I forgot about it because it doesn’t cause pain when I’m not on my cycle so I’m not aware of it honestly. I noticed it again in March/Apr and so I decided it’s time to get it checked out (I honestly hate myself for waiting this long but I really just didn’t think).

I saw a doctor yesterday for my Pap smear and I asked for a breast exam. She told me they don’t recommend women to do self exams anymore (just for women to notice changes and understand their breast), and that they actually don’t do them in the visit anymore unless you notice something then they will check. (This is news to me).

So she checked the area, she said it feels like a possibly cyst sac or possibly my tissue but she said it’s so so so tiny she can’t really tell me. It is definitely under the skin. I mentioned my anxiety about it and that I want to figure out what it is. She said well we can order an ultrasound just to see if it’s anything at all. To me she seemed unconcerned. It’s just more like what is it kinda thing.

A part of me is saying that if it were serious wouldn’t it have grown or I’ve noticed any changes in that area? Then the other part of me is saying what would stick with me this long, being static, and not going away?

She also mentioned my breast weren’t lumpy at all. Which I’ve always felt they were because of the size (I’m a 40 DDD). Maybe I’m feeling fatty tissue.

Of course I’m getting it taken care of, but seeing the referral is slightly triggering seeing the word mass of Axilla on the paper. My parents told me they do this for insurance purposes so that they see there’s a reason. But it still triggers me.

Any insight would be so helpful? Anyone have anything similar?

For age reference I am 30 years old.


14-05-21, 21:55
I think you said it all in your post. Your doctor isn't concerned and it's been there 7 years. Do you want to pay for reassurance?


14-05-21, 22:00
I think you said it all in your post. Your doctor isn't concerned and it's been there 7 years. Do you want to pay for reassurance?

Luckily it’s being paid for by insurance, and it’s been there for 3 years. But yes I’m trying to be rational but I’m also really concerned why it’s been there for so long and hasn’t gone away ����*♀️

15-05-21, 19:03
So I woke up with an anxious stomach. I know it’s like hitting me that I’m getting an ultrasound in two weeks. I’ve never had something like this done before. Words of advice and encouragement would be great. I have my own coping mechanisms throughout the day. But there’s some brief moments where the thought comes back.

16-05-21, 18:36
Wow, I could have written this! I also have a small lump in my armpit, feels a bit smaller than a pea. It's quite moveable, and if I push on it feels a bit squishy, but it is hard. It's been there possibly about a year, but I also kind of forgot about it. I don't know if it was as prominent back then, but definitely felt something about a year ago. I'm terrified to go to docs so have just been putting it off and off. Let us know how you get on! And well done for getting it checked, I'm too scared :(

18-05-21, 16:25
Wow, I could have written this! I also have a small lump in my armpit, feels a bit smaller than a pea. It's quite moveable, and if I push on it feels a bit squishy, but it is hard. It's been there possibly about a year, but I also kind of forgot about it. I don't know if it was as prominent back then, but definitely felt something about a year ago. I'm terrified to go to docs so have just been putting it off and off. Let us know how you get on! And well done for getting it checked, I'm too scared :(


yes mine has been there I think for 3 years since I’m sure I felt it in 2018.

it’s concerning how we are thinking, well if it were serious I’m sure it would’ve grown or changed in some way, but then why is it still in our bodies? This is what ultimately had me check it out.

I would say the size of mine is more oval shape like a grain of rice or tic tac shaped. If I’m pinching it with my finger tips it feels that way. If I’m just using my flat part of fingers to roll around it it feels like a tip of a ballpoint pen. So it is super tiny. It’s been this way for years and has been static, hasn’t changed. Doctor had to have me point it out a couple times.

The texture when I’m pinching it feels firm and rubbery I guess. It’s definitely not soft. If I’m rolling it with my fingers it just feels like a pimple texture. On a scale of bubble wrap (not sure if anyone knows this) to pebble rock hard. It’s def In the middle.

as for it being moveable, if I’m pinching it with my finger tips, it’s only able to move side to side. I do this by putting pressure with my finger tips and it kinda slips under, but doesn’t slip far away. If I’m rolling with my flat part of fingers. It moves around with my skin. It doesn’t feel rooted to anything if that makes sense.

I tried to be as descriptive as possible! How is yours? Anything similar?

I will def keep updating. In the meantime I am trying my best to be calm until my apt. 😌

18-05-21, 18:05
but then why is it still in our bodies?

because bodies develop benign scars, lumps, bumps, blemishes and little nothings through our whole lives ?

18-05-21, 19:16
because bodies develop benign scars, lumps, bumps, blemishes and little nothings through our whole lives ?

True! I think I’m still being practical and rational getting it checked it out though. But I hope it’s a benign issue in the end 🙏🏽

20-05-21, 23:47
Yeah, sounds slightly similar but mine is bigger than a seed, more like a tiny pea. Feels totally round and also not rooted. Quite slippery if I push on it, but very easy to find. My partner said 'you've made that worse' after feeling it for me, now I'm convinced it's grown. But he's probably right. I've poked whatever it is now for months and months every day. Just so scared to get it checked. X

21-05-21, 01:14
Yeah, sounds slightly similar but mine is bigger than a seed, more like a tiny pea. Feels totally round and also not rooted. Quite slippery if I push on it, but very easy to find. My partner said 'you've made that worse' after feeling it for me, now I'm convinced it's grown. But he's probably right. I've poked whatever it is now for months and months every day. Just so scared to get it checked. X

Totally get what you’re saying! I honestly think that touching it everyday makes it harder for me to know whether it’s bigger or tinier. I’ve honestly felt it bigger some days, and today it feels smaller. Maybe we should focus on not touching that area for a few days or so and go from there?

As for getting it checked out. I understand that fear, I am the type of Health anxiety person that won’t see doctors. So I am actually quite proud of myself for doing this. It got to the point where the anticipation was too much. I just ripped the bandaid off and did it. Of course, telling you to check it out doesn’t help, you have to be ready when you’re ready. I totally understand that, and I’m sure a lot of people here will support you!

21-05-21, 22:27
Yeah I'm the same! Some days I feel it and think it's smaller, other days I'm like omg that is massive. Definitely agree we should probably stop poking whatever they are.
You should be proud! Really brave. Im speaking to a psychologist about my ocd at the moment, and she thinks not getting this checked is really holding me back. So, I've agreed to make an appointment on thurs (they do same day appointments). I'm definitely going to go as I can't deal with the limbo anymore X

22-05-21, 22:26
Yeah I'm the same! Some days I feel it and think it's smaller, other days I'm like omg that is massive. Definitely agree we should probably stop poking whatever they are.
You should be proud! Really brave. Im speaking to a psychologist about my ocd at the moment, and she thinks not getting this checked is really holding me back. So, I've agreed to make an appointment on thurs (they do same day appointments). I'm definitely going to go as I can't deal with the limbo anymore X

Great job for seeking therapy (something I’ve yet to do), and also for pushing past your fears. It’s in the universe hands now. We’re doing our part and all we can do is keep moving forward. Please keep us updated!

I have a week until my ultrasound, I had anxiety today about it. But now I’m currently surrounded with my family watching movies all day, definitely a distraction ☺️

27-05-21, 22:31
Yeah I'm the same! Some days I feel it and think it's smaller, other days I'm like omg that is massive. Definitely agree we should probably stop poking whatever they are.
You should be proud! Really brave. Im speaking to a psychologist about my ocd at the moment, and she thinks not getting this checked is really holding me back. So, I've agreed to make an appointment on thurs (they do same day appointments). I'm definitely going to go as I can't deal with the limbo anymore X

just checking in with you, we’re you able to get that appointment after all?

My appointment is tomorrow at 4:30pm, I think I have one of the appointments closest to closing, and then they are closed all weekend for Memorial Day holiday. Basically, I will probably have to wait for any type of results.

still trying to remain calm as possible, hope all is well!

28-05-21, 01:45
Heyy! No, I have let the fear stop me getting it checked and so the limbo continues! You're doing great going to the appointment, it'll put your mind at rest. Please let me know how it goes. I left my prodding and poking for a few days as we said, I think it feels smaller but I don't know? It's still there, like a little ball X

28-05-21, 11:00
I have a pea sized lump in the crease of my armpit - 2x scans on it and its a simple cyst. Mine can fluctuate in size with hormones. Good luck with your appointment!

28-05-21, 18:25
Heyy! No, I have let the fear stop me getting it checked and so the limbo continues! You're doing great going to the appointment, it'll put your mind at rest. Please let me know how it goes. I left my prodding and poking for a few days as we said, I think it feels smaller but I don't know? It's still there, like a little ball X

awe I’m sorry. But you will go at your own pace. Kudos for not poking at it! 😬

I have been poking at mine all day yesterday. It still feels the same size in my opinion. Even though I just ended my period. No change in size.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t super nervous as my appointment is today. 😩

28-05-21, 18:29
I have a pea sized lump in the crease of my armpit - 2x scans on it and its a simple cyst. Mine can fluctuate in size with hormones. Good luck with your appointment!


is your cyst underneath the skin or on the surface? My lump is underneath the skin. It is not visible on the surface or felt on the surface. I really hope it’s something benign in the end.

I am super nervous for my appointment. Almost to the point I was considering canceling. But I told myself to be a big girl and just get it over with. �� Regardless of the outcome, I have to know to have a clear mindset or an idea of what I’m dealing with.

could use all the positive vibes today ✨

28-05-21, 20:23
Mines under the surface. It defo doesn't feel like an infected hair follicule or anything. Its round, hard but completely moves. I can literally pinch it and move it around! How did it go?

28-05-21, 20:50
Mines under the surface. It defo doesn't feel like an infected hair follicule or anything. Its round, hard but completely moves. I can literally pinch it and move it around! How did it go?

Mine is so tiny I can’t really feel what it is exactly. Other than it feels different than the area around it. Doctor also felt the same. It’s very tiny, she feels it could be a possible cyst sac or part of my tissue. So based off my curiosity and anxiety she agreed I could get an ultrasound just to figure out what it is.

My ultrasound is in 4 hours. So I still have some time to waste. But I’m trying to remain calm. It is very hard but I’m trying.

28-05-21, 21:25
How did it go Mari? I feel like saying I know it'll be nothing, wish I could apply this to myself! Hope all is well, good luck Xx

28-05-21, 22:47
How did it go Mari? I feel like saying I know it'll be nothing, wish I could apply this to myself! Hope all is well, good luck Xx

still a couple hours away. The nerves are so strong right now. I’ve possibly peed more than 6 times in the last hour LOL I’ve ate only a smoothie today because no appetite, and I’m super fidgety.

but yes I am trying to manifest positive vibes. I will update you all when I’m done.

29-05-21, 01:09
Okay. So just got done. It was only 10 mins or so.

The lady was nice. She helped me with my anxiety in the moment. Told me don’t spend your moments worrying until you get your results. Told me I’m doing the right thing. Cause I was so nervous I was shaking.

well of course, it was really hard to find even with feeling it, and she kept having me point it out to her. So she could get the ultrasound right on the spot.

she took a couple photos of that area, proceeded to show me what she was seeing. She said it’s possibly a vein I was feeling and sometimes they surface like that. Cause the ultrasound picked up on a vein.

she also showed me two black circles there as well. Of course I don’t know what that means, I didn’t even want to look in the first place but she did end up showing me. She didn’t do any measurements on her end. Just took images of it. They were completely black round circles.

She then went to show the radiologist before letting me go on my way. She talked to the radiologist and they felt that there was nothing further needed and said I could go and would get the results in 5 to 7 days because of paper work and sending it to my doctor, etc.

not sure what to make out of the experience as this is my first imaging experience. If anyone can give me some insight.

Otherwise she didn’t seem concerned or urgent. It’s hard to see their faces honestly as it as done in the dark and they have masks on lol. But her tone of voice was content.

29-05-21, 21:26
You did so well seriously. My sis in law had a lump checked in breast clinic recently, said she was in and out and got results pretty quick and was nothing to worry about. The person looking at your scan said nothing of concern, I'd be taking that as a you're OK! My bf has booked me a doc appointment (behind my back) as says he's so sick of hearing me talk about it/prodding it and I simply don't have the balls to book one. That's Tuesday so, hopefully i won't bottle it. So scared!

29-05-21, 22:21
You did so well seriously. My sis in law had a lump checked in breast clinic recently, said she was in and out and got results pretty quick and was nothing to worry about. The person looking at your scan said nothing of concern, I'd be taking that as a you're OK! My bf has booked me a doc appointment (behind my back) as says he's so sick of hearing me talk about it/prodding it and I simply don't have the balls to book one. That's Tuesday so, hopefully i won't bottle it. So scared!

thank you for that. It was really hard and in the end there is a sense of relief that I’m getting it taking care of. The hardest part is just getting yourself to do it. I like that your partner has done it for you. Sometimes that’s a good push! I know you can pull through! Keep us updated on that!

as for the scan, that makes sense that they didn’t find anything concerning. I wonder if they did in that moment, would they have let me know? Or maybe had me stay for further imaging/biopsy/follow up?

29-05-21, 22:41
I think they'd definitely indicate if there was concern yeah. The fact they weren't really fussing or anything is good. We don't know what we're looking at with those scan images either so don't worry about that. When I've had my smears I've had biopsies for mild changes and they asked if I wanted to see. I said absolutely not and kept my eyes firmly closed haha, I know where my brain goes. I'm sure yours was fine :)

30-05-21, 01:30
I think they'd definitely indicate if there was concern yeah. The fact they weren't really fussing or anything is good. We don't know what we're looking at with those scan images either so don't worry about that. When I've had my smears I've had biopsies for mild changes and they asked if I wanted to see. I said absolutely not and kept my eyes firmly closed haha, I know where my brain goes. I'm sure yours was fine :)

oh my, I wish I had that option. She didn’t ask me if I wanted to see or not she just turned the screen to me and said “well what you’re feeling seems to be a vein cause that’s what is picking up, but all we have here are these two things in that area that the scan is picking up”. Which were two black circles. That’s literally all she said, super chill about it. I don’t know why she decided to show me as if I knew what I was seeing and could say anything about it.

She then said she needed to just fill in the info into her computer and that I could get dressed, she would go show the radiologist and tell me if I could go on my way or not. She came back a couple mins later and said I was good to go and would get my results in 5 to 7 days.

she didn’t mention to me what she thought they were as I’m not sure the technician can say those things maybe?

01-06-21, 16:35
You did so well seriously. My sis in law had a lump checked in breast clinic recently, said she was in and out and got results pretty quick and was nothing to worry about. The person looking at your scan said nothing of concern, I'd be taking that as a you're OK! My bf has booked me a doc appointment (behind my back) as says he's so sick of hearing me talk about it/prodding it and I simply don't have the balls to book one. That's Tuesday so, hopefully i won't bottle it. So scared!

just checking in with you! Did you end up having your appointment today after all? xx

01-06-21, 20:11
Hey! Sorry for late reply my phone was out of action. Have you heard back with your results yet?
No, i bottled it again:( My therapist person says i have to go on Thursday or she's gonna ask the GP to come to my house! She says it's really hindering my progression in CBT for my ocd and that I need to get my mind put at rest. Just very scared Xx

01-06-21, 22:18
Hey! Sorry for late reply my phone was out of action. Have you heard back with your results yet?
No, i bottled it again:( My therapist person says i have to go on Thursday or she's gonna ask the GP to come to my house! She says it's really hindering my progression in CBT for my ocd and that I need to get my mind put at rest. Just very scared Xx

Hey! No results yet! It was a holiday on Monday. So I’m expecting a bit delay.

And don’t beat yourself up about it, I know it’s so hard. But like I’ve said, the hardest part is actually bringing attention to it and getting it checked out. Once that step is overcome, it becomes a bit easier.

Does your therapist give you any advice on how to get yourself to attend your appointment?

03-06-21, 20:19
Hey! Sorry for late reply my phone was out of action. Have you heard back with your results yet?
No, i bottled it again:( My therapist person says i have to go on Thursday or she's gonna ask the GP to come to my house! She says it's really hindering my progression in CBT for my ocd and that I need to get my mind put at rest. Just very scared Xx

hey! Just checking in again. Did you end up pulling through with the appointment?

as for me, still no results. The technician did say by the end of the week so I technically still have till Friday!

03-06-21, 22:12
Hello all. An update.

I apparently got my results yesterday but never received an email to check my health portal. I decided to check today and there was a message waiting for me.

but I’m pleased to report that the ultrasound was normal, nothing suspicious was found. 😃

03-06-21, 23:00
Yaay thats great news! You'll sleep well tonight! So happy for you. Still need to book mine, this makes me feel slightly less terrified.

03-06-21, 23:44
Hello all. An update.

I apparently got my results yesterday but never received an email to check my health portal. I decided to check today and there was a message waiting for me.

but I’m pleased to report that the ultrasound was normal, nothing suspicious was found. 

Ummmmm..... 'I told ya so' ;)

Positive thoughts

04-06-21, 19:18
Ummmmm..... 'I told ya so' ;)

Positive thoughts


04-06-21, 19:22
Yaay thats great news! You'll sleep well tonight! So happy for you. Still need to book mine, this makes me feel slightly less terrified.

thank you!

I am sure yours will be fine as well! The hardest part is following through with the appointment. You’ll probably be anxious, but that’s what we are here for, to support you! Please keep us updated. ��