View Full Version : Exhausted after first AZ vaccination

11-05-21, 11:07
Had my first AstraZeneca jab on Sunday, and still feeling completely wiped out two days later. Fuzzy head, muscle aches, just exhausted. Headache has eased off a bit from yesterday, but everything else is still horrible.

Anyone else had side effects for this long? Everyone I know that’s had the jab seemed to be fine after a day.

11-05-21, 11:20
I've definitely known people be wiped out for a few days, yes. No need to worry about it.

11-05-21, 11:27
My sister in law felt rubbish for about five days, if that helps.

11-05-21, 11:31
Thanks BlueIris, it’s good to know it’s not just me! My partner had her second jab on the same day as me and was absolutely fine afterwards (first one she just had a bit of a headache the next day).

Hopefully I’ll start to feel a bit better tomorrow. Think I probably wore myself out with worry before the jab as well which wouldn’t have helped.

11-05-21, 11:33
That sounds likely. Unfortunately, anxiety makes everything worse. Glad your headache's getting better, too :)

11-05-21, 11:53
had mine on a wednesday, didnt feel 100% til the sunday but mine was pfizer

11-05-21, 12:17
My neighbour had 5 days of feeling rubbish, with a temp too.

11-05-21, 12:36
Thank you for the replies. I think I’d tried to persuade myself beforehand that I wouldn’t get any side effects in an attempt to make sure I’d actually go through with it.

On a more positive note, the staff and volunteers at my local vaccine centre were fantastic. I’m not at all good with needles, and they did an amazing job of reassuring me and making me feel as comfortable as possible.

11-05-21, 15:13
Thank you for the replies. I think I’d tried to persuade myself beforehand that I wouldn’t get any side effects in an attempt to make sure I’d actually go through with it.

On a more positive note, the staff and volunteers at my local vaccine centre were fantastic. I’m not at all good with needles, and they did an amazing job of reassuring me and making me feel as comfortable as possible.

It makes me feel so much better and I’m sure for others, that you have had such a good experience even with some side effects.

My Pfizer vaccination is booked for Sunday and I’ve been so anxious. Had to take the day off work today because I woke up and mentally I don’t think I could have done it with this so deeply on my mind.

I hope the nurses and other staff at mine are fantastic as well. I am so worried about passing out, even though I’ve never done that for any type of vaccination before. Also worried about waiting for 15 minutes afterwards. I’m scared of some sort of terrible reaction.

11-05-21, 15:22
I had my first Astra Zeneca jab last Thursday and Im still feeling really rough, started out with a headache , all over body aches and just feeling really tired and out of it.
I spent most the weekend in bed. Started to feel a bit better yesterday but today my legs, calfs and feet are painful and aching really bad which is sending my anxiety into overdrive.
Paracetamol seems to help a bit but I am starting to get fed up with it now.
My wife had the jab and so did a few of my friends and they had no side effects at all.

11-05-21, 16:04
The good news is - apparently its highly unusual to have side effects after the second dose of the vacc. So, once this is done and dusted - well, its done and dusted. ;)

14-05-21, 03:31
I was better but still a bit off on day 4, but pretty much back to normal day 5… aside from HA. I’m 16 days post vaccine and any “symptoms” I’m having are classic HA for me, and slowly fading as time passes.

I hope you’re feeling better. It can be a bit of a rough ride.

19-05-21, 19:48
I had my first AstraZeneca vaccine on the 17th April and honestly felt quite crappy for 2 weeks after it. Was just tired and achy for days! It’s eased off a lot now, so i do think it can happen! Hope you feel better soon!