View Full Version : How to deal with the anxiety of having to get an MRI?

31-03-21, 23:16
My doctor is sending me in for an MRI soon for this head pressure I’ve been having this past month following a fainting/seizure incident I had from smoking tobacco. I’m so worried because the pressure went away but came back when I was lying flat on my back, which I know is a major brain tumor signifier. I’m scared they’re going to find a tumor but not only that but see that I had a stroke or brain damage. I’ve been terrified of getting an MRI in particular for years and now that something could be seriously wrong I’m freaking out pretty badly.

01-04-21, 07:07
Don’t panic your jumping to conclusions. Do they have an idea what could of caused it ?

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01-04-21, 08:02
There are so many, less scary reasons why you could be having head pressure that you describe and your doctor is sending you for an MRI to discover the reason and to know the appropriate course of treatment for you. It is the best way of getting a picture of what’s going on (if anything!) inside.

I’ve had my first MRI a few years ago on my abdomen and I’m having another in a couple of weeks on my spine.

I remember being freaked out about being in the machine but once you’re in there just keep your eyes closed and imagine you’re somewhere else. They give you headphones and/or ear plugs because it can get pretty noisy in there and they’re available to speak to at the touch of a button.

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