View Full Version : Reincarnation Anxiety? (I feel silly)

27-09-20, 09:08
Does anyone who has ever looked into the reincarnation theory get anxiety over who they may reincarnate as?

During my peak anxiety I often worry that I will come back as someone horrible or riddled with diseases from birth.

Of course I know this is ridiculous. But it would be nice if anyone has any tips on dealing with death anxiety that could help at all.

27-09-20, 10:00
Does anyone who has ever looked into the reincarnation theory get anxiety over who they may reincarnate as?

During my peak anxiety I often worry that I will come back as someone horrible or riddled with diseases from birth.

Of course I know this is ridiculous. But it would be nice if anyone has any tips on dealing with death anxiety that could help at all.

I'm into all kinds of spiritual/paranormal stuff, however, I just can't get to grips with reincarnation despite some incredible anecdotes! :scared15:

Dead people? I'm good with.

I'm currently reading a book written by a medium who is answering questions such as: 'Do the dead watch us in the shower' and apparently they do, so my parents have no doubt have seen me flossing my 'bits' in a very unladylike manner whilst being outrageously out of key when singing along to 'This is Me'.:ohmy:

Anyway, this lady also talks about reincarnation and is saying stuff like she and her father were husband and wife in a past life...

Tbh, the thought of me getting it on with my brother or mother in a past life (cus we flit between genders) really puts me off my Cornflakes!:huh:

If you know anything about the reincarnation theory, you'll know that we 'chose' to experience all the crap we go through (another thing I struggle with) because who the hell would put their name up for murdering a load of innocent people or being bunged down a manhole? That said, I accept that there is a lot we do not understand about how these universe works, and maybe it will all become clear when I finally reach the other side?

Bottom line cocker: we have enough shite to deal with in this 'life' without worrying about the next one - if there is one.

But, saying there is, I'd opt to come back as a dopey, but lovable, deerhound.:yesyes:

27-09-20, 10:09
During my peak anxiety I often worry that I will come back as someone horrible or riddled with diseases from birth.

Even if reincarnation exists you, Aleman200, will probably not be coming back. You will have almost certainly had previous lives. Do you remember any of them?

And I suggest this is the strongest argument against reincarnation. If the slate gets wiped clean between reincarnations with all memories and experiences gone then what purpose does reincarnation serve and how is it any different than simply dying?

But it would be nice if anyone has any tips on dealing with death anxiety that could help at all.

Death is inevitable. You might be hit by the proverbial bus tomorrow, or live to be a 110, but the reaper always wins in the end so what is there to be gained by worrying about it? It won't add a nanosecond to our existence. Will, in fact, probably hasten your demise as stress is humanity's leading cause of premature death.

The way I see it there are two types of people, those busy living and those busy dying as they trudge through their existence already half-dead. Life is about the journey, not the destination, and this is true irrespective of what you believe that destination is. You can choose to either half live it in the shadow of death, or out in the sunlight fully embracing all life has to offer. Instead of brooding about the end wring every nanosecond of joy you can from being alive while you have the chance for you probably won't get a second one. Everyone dies, but not everyone really lives. Don't be one of them!

My motto: Really live, do good, be happy, die loved and with few regrets. If I manage that I won't have much to complain about at the end.

"It's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years."

27-09-20, 13:25
I can relate to this! When my anxiety is bad, I worry that if reincarnation is real, what if I'm reincarnated as someone really poor with hardly any food and having to work extremely long hours in order to survive. Or being reincarnated as someone who is badly abused or mistreated. Or even being reincarnated as an animal such as a rat!

I also sometimes worry that if heaven exists (which is my preferred version of the afterlife), what will happen in billions of years once the universe ends? Does that mean that heaven and the afterlife will also come to an end?

When my anxiety is better, I find that I hardly ever think about these subjects.

28-09-20, 10:27
First of all please don't feel silly. Anxiety can make us worry about these kind of things, its one of the million symptoms.

I don't think reincarnation is 100% possible anyway. There's not really much evidence to support it, to my knowledge anyways.

When it comes to death anxiety, the best you can do is try to forget it and live in the now. Easier said than done I know, especially during these times, but it can be done and you'll feel better for it. :)

28-09-20, 10:56
I don't think reincarnation is 100% possible anyway. There's not really much evidence to support it, to my knowledge anyways.

There's LOTS of evidence to support it - hypnosis accounts etc. As with all things which cannot be measured using the scientific method - it's the irrefutable proof which is the problem.

When it comes to death anxiety, the best you can do is try to forget it and live in the now. Easier said than done I know, especially during these times, but it can be done and you'll feel better for it. :)

Or we can make our peace with the inevitable and reframe how we think about death? That way, when it does poke us in the ribs (and it will) we've got fear out of the way...

I'm still coming back as a deerhound. :yesyes:

28-09-20, 11:19
There's LOTS of evidence to support it - hypnosis accounts etc. As with all things which cannot be measured using the scientific method - it's the irrefutable proof which is the problem.

But there can be evidence against it too. For example, if all life dies, what happens then? There wouldn't be any reincarnation because there wouldn't be anything to reincarnate as.

Or we can make our peace with the inevitable and reframe how we think about death? That way, when it does poke us in the ribs (and it will) we've got fear out of the way...
I'm still coming back as a deerhound. :yesyes:

Haha, I suppose so. lol

29-09-20, 12:53
I'd rather know what happens on the other side first.

29-09-20, 22:37
But it would be nice if anyone has any tips on dealing with death anxiety that could help at all.

Live in the now.

29-09-20, 23:47
I think most have thought about it once they learn what reincarnation is. Frankly most IMO, don't really give it a 2nd thought. Just based on the premise that our soul/non physical essence can re-appear in a different physical form or body after its biological death is interesting to say the least but at the same time pretty far fetched. The premise was born from religious and philosophical beliefs and not of science.

Based on the very definition, your soul could be born again in any living creature or being, even an insect or plant. That would mean that insect or plant could possess your life experiences and use them unconsciously to live it's life :huh:

Much of anxiety is based on extremes. When you think about the example I posted, reincarnation is pretty much a pfffft :rolleyes:

Positive thoughts

30-09-20, 00:59
Dammit...if I come back as a plant, it'd better be something hard to kill, like ivy! :lac:

Edit: Now that I think about it, I want to be poison ivy, that'd be fun! Or what's that one flower at the arboretum that blooms only once a year and lets off that horrible smell? That might be fun too...

18-10-20, 19:25
I don't really think about it TBH.

My maternal grandmother was a Jehovah's Witness and she was forever harping on about that fabled 'new system' in Paradise they believe in after life.

Although I respected her religious views and still respect those of others within reason, I personally have always avoided all things religion like the plague, as I believe in still being a good, honest and caring citizen whilst 'on the fence', and as non-partisan as possible.

18-10-20, 20:57
Reincarnation? I like it on tinned fruit but not in tea :D

19-10-20, 06:23
I don't really think about it TBH.

My maternal grandmother was a Jehovah's Witness and she was forever harping on about that fabled 'new system' in Paradise they believe in after life.

Although I respected her religious views and still respect those of others within reason, I personally have always avoided all things religion like the plague, as I believe in still being a good, honest and caring citizen whilst 'on the fence', and as non-partisan as possible.

I don't do religion either. Sometimes I get the Mormons knocking on my door and I hold up my hand and say, 'I'm a spiritualist cocker', and this is usually effective - especially when my vast collection of spooky books is on view in the background!:shades:

Then again...

I got approached by two American men in suits (holding what looked like bibles) outside the Co-op once and it went something like this..

Bloke in suit: "Excuse me Ma'am (I liked that) can I have five minutes of your time?

Me: "I'm a spiritualist"

Bloke in suit: That's ok Ma'am, Jesus loves you anyway.


My MIL found 'the Lord' in her last few years thanks to her neighbours who were super religious. To be honest, MIL was only really in it for the social crack and the seaside trips. She said the words 'piss off' too many times to be full on God Squad. Anyway, my (then) husband had a breakdown early on in our marriage (no, it wasn't to do with me) and a Pastor was sent round to our house to 'bless the house' or some shit like that. Apparently, he glanced over at the bookcase - saw my paranormal collection - and told my husband that he 'needed to keep an eye on me', then he asked if I was into Satanism? I could have understood it if I had witchcraft books but back then we were talking Doris Stokes and Betty Shine - little old ladies with perms! :unsure:

I have wished, on many occasions, that I'd heard this for myself so I could have told the man not to be so ignorant with the parting line of - 'And now, if you'll excuse me' I have a goat that needs sacrificing!' :roflmao:

I honestly don't care what people believe in (or don't) as long as their beliefs don't harm others.

19-10-20, 12:20
I’m coming back as a sea gull:winks:
And I am a Wiccan.

19-10-20, 13:29
This just reminded me of a sketch in the comedy, Bottom, where they are dangling from a broken ferris wheel car...

Eddie : [facing imminent death] You know, I think I might come back as a bra.

Richie : What?

Eddie : Well, all us Buddhists believe in reincarnation.

Richie : When did you become a Buddhist?

Eddie : About 5 seconds ago. And may I say it has completely changed my life!

Richie : But you can't come back as a bra! That's just stupid! You have to come back as something organic.

Eddie : All right, all right, I'm only a beginner you know! Errr... all right then, I'll come back as... ah! Claudia Schiffer! She's seriously organic! Yes, and then when it rained, I could run outside in a thin white cotton dress and get completely soaked, and then I'd run back in doors and I'd look at myself and I'd say 'Oooh, look!' you're all wet! You'd better strip off slowly in front of a mirror!'


19-10-20, 13:33
I’m coming back as a sea gull:winks:
And I am a Wiccan.

I've got a few Wiccan books on my shelves...

20-10-20, 11:27
A Wiccan’s walk in Oz is a good book and Wicca Moon Magic :D

20-10-20, 11:49
A Wiccan’s walk in Oz is a good book and Wicca Moon Magic :D

i'll look like Wicca Moon Magic one up.

I'm reading a book called Moonology at the mo - very interesting. :yesyes:

20-10-20, 14:34
i'll look like Wicca Moon Magic one up.

I'm reading a book called Moonology at the mo - very interesting. :yesyes:

There's books about how to moon? https://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/sex/t1505.gif

21-10-20, 01:04
There's books about how to moon? https://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/sex/t1505.gif

The bloke who came to sort our broadband out certainly knew how to moon...:ohmy:

21-10-20, 03:30
There's books about how to moon? https://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/sex/t1505.gif

There is a song called Chuck a Brown Eye for Australia it’s all about how to moon:roflmao: