View Full Version : Floaters / black spots in vision

27-07-20, 15:24
Anyone else get these? Mine seemed to have got worse.
Just in one eye, left hand side. Had eyes checked out and all ok. Seem to worse when I am anxious, but that could be a coincidence. I have no idea really, just wondered how common it was. I would feel a bit more normal if someone else experienced them.

27-07-20, 19:12
I get this all the time - and yes, I notice it more when I'm anxious. On a bad day it can look like thai glass noodle soup... Are you short sighted by any chance? My consultant (I had PVD unconnected to the floaters a couple of years ago) reckons it goes with myopia. If you've had it checked out try not to worry. Just one of those things.

27-07-20, 19:16
Thanks for replying. Yes, I am shortsighted. Thanks for the advice.

27-07-20, 19:38
Yep, I have loads of these.

27-07-20, 19:39
I think the more you think about these floaters the more you notice them, particularly if it's sunny.

The most important thing is that your eyes have been thoroughly checked out by an expert in these things. Did he/she mention the myopia connection? Anxiety can make things more pronounced of course but this is no consolation when you're worried xx

27-07-20, 20:11
Thank you Blue and Pulisa x
I did have my eyes checked out and the Opticians was more than happy with my eyes.
You are right, I'm being too conscious about it. xx

27-07-20, 21:36
Yes I get them a lot, apparently they are more common with age.
I’m glad you had them checked, but you are probably being hyper vigilant which is why you keep seeing them.

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27-07-20, 21:58
Thanks Scass. Annoying things that anxiety loves. x

28-07-20, 08:04
I have been seeing ALL of mine since I had my first lot of migraines with aura last week. Definitely a focusing on them thing.

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29-07-20, 19:26
Thank you Midnight Mouse x

30-07-20, 06:13
I'm shortsighted too and I'll get them if I'm looking too close to a light. Unlike some of you on here I don't seem to get them as much or as varied.

As said though anxiety is going to see it bait in the trap. You've taken some practical action and that isn't mere reassuring seeking either because you have asked for advice from a professional and now move on accepting it's just an annoyance that you can choose to stop making you feel worse. Asking here if it's a problem in anxiety is also fine because you aren't letting it push you into reassurance seeking since you accept all responses and trust what others are saying. It's just the next step of learning to not react as much to it so it stops being an issue to you

30-07-20, 08:53
Thank you Terry x
I suppose I wanted to find out if I was normal, lol

19-08-20, 20:35
Hi Carnation, I often get floaters and have had black spots and light flashes. When I've had my eyes tested the opticians have said they're fine. I try to just tune them out, although I have health anxiety and one of the things I worry about is my eyes, so I know it can be hard! Hope that helps. :)

20-08-20, 09:18
I went into get my eyes checked for new specs I get lots of floaters,flashes and spots I put it down to anxiety but now have to see an ophthalmologist and have cataracts removed before I get specs grrr.

25-08-20, 14:15
Thank you Marietta x

Sorry to hear that LolaLee x