View Full Version : Freckle on palm of hand-skin cancer?

12-06-20, 10:44
Hi everyone,

I have a "freckle" on the palm of my right hand that is freaking me out a bit. I noticed it last Sunday, but as it's so tiny I thought it was possibly a spelk or something like that. However, five days later, it's still there. Nothing's changed. I've tried removing it with tweezers.

I have noticed several new moles/freckles popping up over my body lately. Most I'm not worried about because I keep an eye on them and they don't change, and they're like the perfect mole/freckle. You know? They don't fit any of the criteria. However, I know it's supposed to be really worrisome if a freckle or mole crops up on the palm of your hand as that's not normal. I also know it's supposed to be abnormal for moles to appear after the age of 30 which I am.

I have a ton of moles so I'm in the "high risk" category just by the sheer number of them, though I'm medium skinned, dark haired and don't burn easily or at all. I tan well.

I'm tempted to get this checked out by the doctor, but then I'd feel really stupid because it's so tiny. Like pinprick tiny. I've got a mix of thoughts in my head right now about it. Leave it and see if it changes. It's possible it will go away on its own. Go and get it checked out and then I at least know if it's something or nothing. I'm scared if I leave it it will get worse if it is something. Scared if I don't leave it, the doctor will think I'm a headcase who is troubling them over a pinprick spot.

I'm tempted to get a needle and see if I can draw it out if it is a spelk. I'm just not sure what to do here. It hasn't changed since it's arrived. It is very new as I check myself fairly regularly as I have so many moles I think it's smart to keep an eye for any changes. Does it sound like it could be SC? or something I should worry about?

12-06-20, 17:50
However, I know it's supposed to be really worrisome if a freckle or mole crops up on the palm of your hand as that's not normal. I also know it's supposed to be abnormal for moles to appear after the age of 30 which I am.

Although I think there is a specific type of skin cancer that appears on hands, feet, and finger nails I don't believe a random mole or freckle on the palm of your hand is anymore worrisome than anywhere, assuming it appears normal. I've had a mole on my hand for years that my dermatologist has never been concerned with.

Also, the over 30 thing is a generalization. I'm 37 and I still get new moles. If you're concerned, ask the dermatologist. Honestly, I never hesitate to have them check something if I find something worrisome and they always take any concerns I have seriously.

12-06-20, 21:13
Thank you for your reply. I'm calming down a little bit about it now. The next time I'm at the doctors I might get them to have a little peek at it, but until then, I'll just keep an eye for any changes or anything that looks odd and wait and see. It looks perfectly fine and normal. It's so tiny I don't even know how I've noticed it.