View Full Version : Worried about digestive issues, ha spiralling

31-05-20, 21:53
Hi all,

im worrying about my guts again. I’ve had a lot of digestive issues, but had lots of tests, all of which came back negative.

so, at the moment, I seem to get a lot of loose urgent bowel movements, about a 5 on the Bristol stool chart. I also get a lot of wind, which I never used to get, and sometimes I feel pressure in my rectum, even after I’ve been to the loo.

so, just over a year ago, I had a colonoscopy which h came back clear except for some internal piles, which I then had banded, Beginning of this year, I had a CT scan, an US on my pelvic organs, an endoscopy and a raft of blood tests, all came back clear,

so, now I am once a again symptoms, so I’m worrying about colon cancer. I do normally eat a very high fibre diet, modestly plant based, with whole grains, lentils. Veggies etc. I only eat chicken and fish, no red meat. I tried lowering my fibre, and it did seem that sometimes my stools were nearer to a 4 on the Bristol stool chart, but that was cutting back a lot and eating white carbs, which I know are bad for you.

is it possible that colon cancer could be the cause, a year after a clear colonoscopy? Should I be thinking about another? I know that’s probably difficult at the moment. The only other thing I can think of is to do some tests for food intolerance?

I have read that peri menopause can be the start of digestive issues as well as other autoimmune problems

anyone got any advice? I’m so anxious about it all


Inanna xx

02-06-20, 11:41
I have very similar issues. My bm are all over the place, I go from none to 5 times in a day, sometimes hard sometimes soft...I also have like kind of panic attack symptoms during and after a bm, sob, fast heart rate, sweating...all a big mistery as I had a colonoscopy just over 2 years ago. My gastro dic said no point doing another one yet. She said 2-3 years.
Ooh and I'm in peri and all this seems to have appeared at the same time so maybe there is a connection.
Have you tried an elimination diet?

07-06-20, 21:45
Hi sial

thank you for replying. That’s reassuring that your doctor said you don’t need another colonoscopy for 2 to 3 years. Hopefully, that means my colonoscopy from last year is still “in date” so to speak.

i haven’t tried an elimination diet, but I have sent away for a kit to test for food intolerances.

ive had so many digestive issues, not sure if they are all covered by ibs. I get left side pain, bottom of my ribs, burning pain in stomach and where sternum is, sometimes sharp pains in centre of chest.

I was reading an article by an eminent meno doctor over here, and apparently, some women have a problem with histamine and intolerances, and one of the effects of this is ibs.


09-06-20, 18:43
I’m still having so many issues. I’m getting really worried. Burning in stomach, and pain in ribs, feels like a tight band around me.

Does anyone else get this?


15-06-20, 11:03
I'm getting so worried. I never feel humgry, I could quite easily skip meals. When I do eat, I do enjoy my food though. Still get burning in my stomach, and slight pains in my ribs. Is this indigestion? I'm not even sure what that is. Its never in my throat, but I do get sharp pains sometimes behind my sternum.

It doesn't help that my sister has lung cancer which has spread to her liver. Its a nightmare, I just can't believe it. I don't mean to make it about me, but the thought that I am next are always there

Struggling so much :weep:

Inanna xx

15-06-20, 23:11
Sharp pain and burning sound like classic reflux symptoms. Xx

16-06-20, 07:08
Thank you for replying, it means a lot.

woke up last night with really bad burning pain in my stomach, and this morning I have an ache on the right side of my back at the base of my ribs, and had a loose bm.

I just don’t know what to do next...I’ve Downloaded my symptom tracker to see if I can spot any patterns. I can’t go back to th doctor, as I’ve already had a ct scan and endoscopy at the beginning of the year. I wish I could find out what it is, it’s ,pmaking me feel depressed.
Thank you again

Inanna xx

16-06-20, 07:47
Hi all,

im worrying about my guts again. I’ve had a lot of digestive issues, but had lots of tests, all of which came back negative.

so, at the moment, I seem to get a lot of loose urgent bowel movements, about a 5 on the Bristol stool chart. I also get a lot of wind, which I never used to get, and sometimes I feel pressure in my rectum, even after I’ve been to the loo.

so, just over a year ago, I had a colonoscopy which h came back clear except for some internal piles, which I then had banded, Beginning of this year, I had a CT scan, an US on my pelvic organs, an endoscopy and a raft of blood tests, all came back clear,

so, now I am once a again symptoms, so I’m worrying about colon cancer. I do normally eat a very high fibre diet, modestly plant based, with whole grains, lentils. Veggies etc. I only eat chicken and fish, no red meat. I tried lowering my fibre, and it did seem that sometimes my stools were nearer to a 4 on the Bristol stool chart, but that was cutting back a lot and eating white carbs, which I know are bad for you.

is it possible that colon cancer could be the cause, a year after a clear colonoscopy? Should I be thinking about another? I know that’s probably difficult at the moment. The only other thing I can think of is to do some tests for food intolerance?

I have read that peri menopause can be the start of digestive issues as well as other autoimmune problems

anyone got any advice? I’m so anxious about it all


Inanna xx

One sentence that jumps out at me all my tests came back negative

l lost my best friend to colon cancer believe me your tests wouldn't come back negative, please trust in your doctor's stop searching for things extreme anxiety can cause havoc with your digestive system

best wishes xx

20-06-20, 10:05
My story sounds similar to yours in that I've had all the tests including colonoscopy and endoscopy with clear results. I understood that unless there was anything suspicious detected, another colonoscopy is recommended after 10 years. So in answer to your cancer worries, I would say you can definitely rule that worry out as you had clear results just one year ago.

I've been diagnosed with anxiety aggravated IBS and its true I'm a very anxious person. It seems that the anxiety aggravates the IBS symptoms and in turn those symptoms then aggravate the anxiety issue. So it goes on and on. As long as we're anxious we'll have IBS and as long as we have IBS we'll have anxiety.

I haven't worked out which comes first though.
Possibly the original IBS symptoms could be triggered by bad eating or a tummy bug which then causes anxiety and then you're stuck in that loop. The bug clears up but the symptoms continue while being fed by the anxiety.

There are ways to get out of that loop. I used to feel better when I got an all clear diagnosis from the doctor. Now I find (unfortunately) smoking brings some relief but only because I've told my mind that it does. Smoking is apparently a big no-no for IBS sufferers and I'm not suggesting you try it. But there are other ways. Try the relaxation breathing techniques, or guided imagery meditation that you can find online. Or get some online counseling for IBS. Something will click in your mind and bring relief.

You're at a time in your life where anxiety is more common and you have family problems that are worrying you too.
Definitely try to address the anxiety.
I hope my reply and suggestions are of some help.

22-06-20, 07:28
Hi beckybeck

thank you so much for replying, yes it does help just to have someone to talk to. It is reassuring that a colonoscopy a year ago means that the chance of bowel cancer is vanishingly small.

Im feeling a bit better, my bowel movements have improved, quite a lot. However, I still seem to never get hungry, which is concerning me a lot. I do eat, and when I do, I enjoy the food as long as I don’t get too full. This has been like that for months now.

if I skip a meal, I don’t even care though. Even when I’ve had a good relaxed day .

Inanna xx

22-06-20, 08:38
Are you worried about feeling full too quickly, Inanna? What do you think you've got?

22-06-20, 15:34
Hi Pulisa

Thank you for replying. I'm scared if I eat too much it will cause pain, and then pain causes panic.

The left side of me seems to have pain, which I can't really explain, sometimes it goes round to my shoulder blade. I am wondering if I have chronic pancreatitis. I just wish I did know what it is, rather than not know at all. I have some electric shock type pains, which can fire in two seperate places at the same time. So, in my breast for instance, then simultaneously on the top of my head. I also keep getting splits in the corners of my mouth.

Inanna xx

24-06-20, 16:33
I’m finding it hard to wear a bra now, as I have pain all around where my bra sits, especially on the left hand side. I also feel tight across the back between my shoulder blades.

i had some breakfast cereal today, with milk. As soon as I swallowed the first mouthful, I got a sharp griping pain in my stomach. Last night I turned over in bed, and got a pain on the left side just further down than my ribs.

if I press down on my sternum, between my boobs, it feels sore, and ten I get some throbbing pain for a little while

can anyone relate?

Inanna xx

24-06-20, 17:05
I feel full quickly too and then have pain from bloating. The pain in your sternum and between shoulder blades sounds like reflux to me.

24-06-20, 17:05
I feel that since you've had so many tests with clear results your problem must lie with your anxiety. I understand that your pains and digestive issues are very real but since its been proved that our gut and brain are closely linked, anxiety definitely causes stomach problems which the doctors call IBS.
I'm living proof of this.
Maybe it'll put your mind at rest if I tell you some of my experiences.
One example: I caught a stomach bug. The whole family had it. They all recovered within 3 days. For me though it triggered my IBS. The symptoms went on and on and my anxiety went sky high as I imagined what could be wrong. My appetite disappeared and I was terrified to eat because I had decided that food would cause more symptoms, more pain. And so it did! And each time I would eliminate another food, labeling it as something I was intolerant to. Eventually my list of allowed food was rice, bananas and water. I lost alot of weight and that was another cause for anxiety which in turn caused more symptoms. Im sure you can see where Im going with this. Four months later, I saw a Doctor who reassured me that it was only IBS. The following day all the symptoms disappeared and I could eat normally again. Like magic! Our minds are very powerful.

I've been through this so many times, so many tests , so much anxiety, weightloss, pain. And then it goes. All those foods I believed I couldn't eat and now they don't cause any problem at all. Because it wasnt the food, it wasnt a disease, it wasn't a blockage, it wasn't cancer. It was ANXIETY!
Now please, believe your Doctor, believe those clear results. Address your anxiety.
Believe me, those symptoms will go, your appetite will return.

24-06-20, 17:19
Beckybecks that sounds like me too. Everything started after a scary infection that upended my HA. Unfortunately I haven’t had a magic moment even though the doctor told me it was IBS. In the back of my mind I think there are more tests they could do. I do have terrible anxiety though and I have developed an odd relationship with food. I hope to be able to get back to normal meals someday soon, since I have lost a lot of weight too. (Which I keep thinking is a sign of cancer even though the doctor said it’s just my diet!)
sorry to interrupt the thread but I found your comment helpful.

24-06-20, 21:36
I’m finding it hard to wear a bra now, as I have pain all around where my bra sits, especially on the left hand side. I also feel tight across the back between my shoulder blades.

i had some breakfast cereal today, with milk. As soon as I swallowed the first mouthful, I got a sharp griping pain in my stomach. Last night I turned over in bed, and got a pain on the left side just further down than my ribs.

if I press down on my sternum, between my boobs, it feels sore, and ten I get some throbbing pain for a little while

can anyone relate?

Inanna xx

I get the same with the bra, but it’s not pain just a kind of pressure/ache. Once I take my bra off it goes.

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26-06-20, 08:17
thanks Scass

It doesn't go away completely, but it definitely helps.

Freaking out today, as I had a terrible bowel movement. Colour was a lot darker than my normal colour, and it was completely soft, like a really mushy cow pat. Now, I have been taking some digestive enzymes in the last 5 days, so that could have been the reason, but the really scary thing is that it looked like there was some blood mixed in. Parts of it looked red and it did look like blood.

I've rung the doctors surgery and they are organising a stool test and some bloods. Could this really be cancer, so soon after all those tests (Well the colonoscopy was a year ago, so it is possible). I'm clinging to the hope that if it is, it will still be in the early stages, and it will be caught early. Not like my sisters lung cancer, which is already in her liver.

On a positive note, I do feel a little bit hungry this morning, for the first time in over a month.

Inanna xx

26-06-20, 08:45
Inanna..you are haunted by your sister's cancer diagnosis.

You had a colonoscopy only a year ago. Bowel cancer develops slowly and you certainly don't need annual screening. I was told every 10 years by my gastro if there are no hereditary or risk factors such as polyps. Colonoscopy is an invasive procedure not without its own risks if you are thinking about paying for another one..

26-06-20, 13:28
Inanna..you are haunted by your sister's cancer diagnosis.

You had a colonoscopy only a year ago. Bowel cancer develops slowly and you certainly don't need annual screening. I was told every 10 years by my gastro if there are no hereditary or risk factors such as polyps. Colonoscopy is an invasive procedure not without its own risks if you are thinking about paying for another one..

Hi Pulisa

Thank you so much for replying. I'm trying to find some comfort in your words. I don't intend to have another colonoscopy unless my Faecal Immunochemical Test comes back positive. I'm really scared though, as it really looked like blood,. Not bright red blood when you wipe, but deep red mixed in with the mushy stool.

Yes, you are right, I am traumatised by my sisters diagnosis, makes me feel like cancer is an inevitability, once you are over 45. A lot of my OCD traits are to do with trying to avoid it, which of course you can't. Some of them are completely irrational, like if I ignore a letter from a charity asking for a donation, I will be punished by a terminal diagnosis. Others are (to my mind) logical, if extreme. Like not eating bacon. If I walk past it in the supermarket, I come out in a panicky sweat.

thanks again, it really helps to be able to come here

Inanna xx

26-06-20, 13:32
Inanna, I completely understand about your cancer worries. Both of my parents had cancer, and my mother passed away from a rare form of cancer a short time after her diagnosis. I think that is why I blow health issues out of proportion. I agree with pulisa that you don't have much to worry about because you had the colonoscopy just last year, and the stool and blood tests should put your mind at ease.

26-06-20, 14:01
I completely understand why cancer terrifies..especially when it affects your closest blood relatives. I'm at the age when my Mother first developed it but all I can do is accept that it may happen to me and I will have to deal with it or it may not and I will have been very fortunate. There is no way of knowing and that's the way it is and will always be. I'll go to all my screenings but won't subject myself to unnecessary radiation due to HA. That's so counter productive and doesn't help anyone manage their fear of cancer.

I hope these tests help you, Inanna but I suspect you won't be entirely reassured by normal results. You said before that your sister was keeping her distance from you but I hope that things have got better now?

Losing both parents to cancer must have been terrifying for you, Librella.

26-06-20, 14:45
Hi Pulisa

No, I'm afraid my sister still doesn't speak to me. My nephew moved out, as he got a job in a different town. The day after he moved out, I got an envelope pushed through my door with just the word "rent" written on it, and a wad of cash inside. She will never acknowledge me, that was so hurtful. Even if the word "thanks" had been on that envelope, it would have been something. As it was, it was a way of paying me off, so they didn't have to be grateful, or acknowledge me (I gave the money to charity).

You are right of course, there is no way of knowing what the future holds, and aside from trying to live a healthy lifestyle, we have no control over it. The logic side of my brain knows that, but the limbic part overrides it.

Librella, that must have been so hard for you, and its absolutely understandable why you worry so much. My Dad also died of lung cancer 3.5 years ago, and its a horrible thing to watch your parents suffer like that.

Inanna xx

26-06-20, 17:58
Your sister's behaviours must really upset and sadden you but maybe it's her way of coping by pushing you away? She knows you have HA presumably so maybe she's being cruel to be kind? I've probably got it totally wrong but just an idea...

Yes it's all very well knowing the theory behind HA but coping with the emotional challenges can be just a bit more tricky!! It would be great if it were that easy but could you maybe look at what you said re the limbic part of your brain and view it not as a statement of fact but more as an obstacle to tackle rather than just accepting it?

26-06-20, 21:39
Hi pulisa

no, that’s not it. Things fell apart when my dad died three years ago, mostly due to her horrible husband. I told her that some of his behaviours upset me ( like him expecting to borrow my dads car less than 48 hours after dads death) and she got really angry , stormed off, and hasn’t spoken to me since.

when she got her diagnosis, I sent her a note saying how sorry I was to hear, and to let me know if I could do anything. She didn’t respond, just as she didn’t respond when I took her son in. I’ve done all I can, and the ball is in her court.

ha is really odd. Nearly all of my pains have gone now, probably because I now have the blood in poo to torment myself with. I keep telling myself “ what will be, will be”

thanks for posting, it really does help

Inanna xx

27-06-20, 08:14
Perceived blood...Wait for these results before writing yourself off? There are many more common reasons for blood in stools even if blood is detected but you won't be considering these of course.

That is so sad re your sister. You took in her son when you didn't have to and were treated very "clinically" with the rent money. You can't do any more. Her husband sounds horrible-I hope he can give her the support she wants and needs but it's very distressing for you as her sister.

I expect it will seem a long weekend..Have you got anything distracting to do? xx

28-06-20, 21:06
Hi pulisa

im feeling a bit calmer, I went to my boyfriends this weekend ( my bubble person) and did a lot of walking in the countryside.

i did the stool test, and posted it off, it will be 2 weeks TIL I get the results. Of course, HA being what it is, I’ve already panicked, worrying that I did the test wrong, and the results will not be accurate!

So, I’ve told myself there is no point in staring down the loo each day, as the test is done, and I’ll find out one way or another. Also, I had a bit of an appetite today, which is the first time in over a month.

i still have pain in my left ribs and side, but it’s not intense, so I’m hoping it means it’s not sinister, as I assume if it were a tumour, it would only get worse?

thank you so much for your posts, it really helps


29-06-20, 08:08
I'm glad you had a bit of respite over the weekend. Also that you've got that test done and dusted. Of course you'll imagine the worst but you had a clear colonoscopy and other tests just a year ago which would be very reassuring for someone without HA and for any doctor looking at your symptoms now.

Maybe the walking stimulated your appetite..or the change of scenery and being with your boyfriend? Maybe you felt happier and more relaxed? It's good that you had a break from the worry xx

29-06-20, 13:53
thanks Pulisa

I just wish I knew. And then do that all the time. I woke up this morning with stomach pain, and have been having sharp pains in my ribs, zapping around, and also to my breasts. BM was loose too.

I did not eat that well yesterday (I am usually super healthy). I had a giant choc chip cookie, 4 slices of chocolate orange, tons of bread and a roast dinner. Maybe thats the reason

Thanks again Pulisa, I would send you a bunch of flowers if I could :flowers: xxx

29-06-20, 13:54
Ahh, yeah, that'll be gas pains from the bread. If they're sharp and they move, they're usually has. Really unpleasant, though.

29-06-20, 13:56
Wow, really? thanks Blue Iris, is it the gluten? yeast? What should I be cutting out?

29-06-20, 14:17
Or could it be a reaction to having different food and more of it than what you have been eating recently?

29-06-20, 14:19
You could try switching to sourdough, but Pulisa's right - maybe just be aware of the situation so that you don't need to worry if you have the odd grotty day.

01-07-20, 07:05

Im just want to feel better. Still getting pain mostly in my upper abdo though. I even had pain in my armpits this morning. Pain in middle of back, ribs, stomach. I have to keep telling ,myself that I had an endoscopy and ct scan only 6 months ago, and so stomach cancer is unlikely. I just want to feel better..

I haven’t lost any weight , so holding on to that too. I think i might be a little bloated though.

it feels like cancer is closing in. Last night my daughter rang me to tell me a close friend of hers has been diagnosed with testicular cancer which has spread to his lungs... he is only 26! �� so sad.

so why should I escape? I also feel so guilty that I’m thinking about myself at a time like this

Inanna xx

01-07-20, 07:25
What's your lifestyle like in general right now? I get horrible mid- and upper back pain, plus pretty violent cramps around my ribs. I think it may be a postural thing where I'm working at home and hunching over a PC for eight hours a day.

The problem isn't the pain, though, it's the anxiety. Forgive me for asking, but I haven't been following - what help are you getting to manage your fears?

01-07-20, 08:20

Im just want to feel better. Still getting pain mostly in my upper abdo though. I even had pain in my armpits this morning. Pain in middle of back, ribs, stomach. I have to keep telling ,myself that I had an endoscopy and ct scan only 6 months ago, and so stomach cancer is unlikely. I just want to feel better..

I haven’t lost any weight , so holding on to that too. I think i might be a little bloated though.

it feels like cancer is closing in. Last night my daughter rang me to tell me a close friend of hers has been diagnosed with testicular cancer which has spread to his lungs... he is only 26! �� so sad.

so why should I escape? I also feel so guilty that I’m thinking about myself at a time like this

Inanna xx

Cancer IS closing in...but to people around you like your sister and to people who you don't actually know but are told about.

You are just anticipating your eventual fate as well because even if you're ok now it's only a matter of time before it gets you too? With every clear test comes the thought that the next test will reveal the worst and you won't have escaped after all so you might as well prepare for cancer now?

Not sure whether these suggestions are valid but I suspect that you are well and truly terrified by your thoughts and fears at the moment. I'm amazed that you haven't lost any weight despite having poor appetite and despite your anxiety. You do sound really low and frightened. Can you talk to anyone about your HA? Someone who understands and who won't encourage you to seek more tests because you know the reassurance you get from them doesn't last and won't help you to manage the fears in the long term xx

01-07-20, 17:09
Hi BlueIris

I woek in IT so spend all day at a desk. I try to do a walking workout at lunchtime, but I don't always manage to fit it in. I am talking to a Mental Health person at work, periodically, and he wants me to invoke my BUPA cover to get some sessions with a psychologist who specialises in OCD and Anxiety. I promised him I would look into it tomorrow. I have in the past done CBT and it helped for a while, but I probably need to do it again

Hi Pulisa

As you will see from above, I do speak to the Mental Health doctor at work, once a month. Its the first time I've spoken to anyone away from forums, and its very hard, as I have OCD and health anxiety.
You are absolutely right that I am feeling like cancer is my fate, and I can't escape it. So, having the tests is only a temporary respite. The logical me knows that I am throwing away my life by being this way. I want to be like other people, and not panic if I have an occasional glass of wine, without feeling like I have not followed the rules, and therefore be punished by a terrible fate, or even affect someone elses fate. I am so tired of being this way, sometimes I want to close my eyes, and let go of life, which is ironic isnt it?

I agree with you that its odd I haven't lost any weight. that said, I do try to make sure I eat, because if I do lose weight, I will panic more. It has crossed my mind, that a tumour could be growing and it weighs a lot. Which is nuts, as I had a ct scan in January, so any tumour would not even be that big yet.

thank you so much for replying, it means more than I can say

Inanna xx

01-07-20, 18:05
Ah yes...the tumour which hides actual weight loss...That's a good one from your helpful HA sidekick!

I share a lot of these thoughts/behaviours and find I just have to deal with facts. It's great that you haven't lost weight (I have), you have had a multitude of invasive tests over the past year (I haven't) and your bloods are presumably normal. I would be very reassured with all these facts and would be disciplined in not wanting to seek further anxiety-provoking and clinically unnecessary tests just to briefly satisfy my HA..before the next perceived sinister outbreak of "deadly" symptoms xx

07-07-20, 16:40
Hi Pulisa

I'm trying really hard o not get pulled into a load more invasive tests, I really am. I got my blood tests results yesterday, and they told me "Normal, no further action", which has soothed me a little bit. This morning my phone rang, and it came up as "drs", which made my heart lurch. I was convinced they were phoning me to tell me they'd made a mistake on the results, or that my FIT sample had come back as positive. However, it was just the reception staff wanting to confirm my email address for repeat prescription purposes (I'm on HRT). why do I always jump to a worst case scenario?

I was the same at the weekend when a letter with the NHS logo dropped through my door. I was shaking when I opened it, and all it was was a confirmation of my (negative) COVID-19 results which they'd already texted me. (I was part of a random study group, I don't have any symptoms of COVID-19)

Bowel movements still very loose, and range from an orangey brown, to a dark brown, not sure how normal this is

Inanna xx

08-07-20, 17:20
So, I got my blood test results form back.

all were “normal “ with two exceptions

and it said
liver function test marginally reduced
serum b12 and folate marginally reduced.

what could be causing that? I don’t drink alcohol ( well very rarely), so surely my liver function sdhould be good unlesss there is something wrong??

trying not to freak out ��

Inanna xx

08-07-20, 17:48
So, I got my blood test results form back.

all were “normal “ with two exceptions

and it said
liver function test marginally reduced
serum b12 and folate marginally reduced.

what could be causing that? I don’t drink alcohol ( well very rarely), so surely my liver function sdhould be good unlesss there is something wrong??

trying not to freak out ��

Inanna xx
If the results are only marginally reduced, they may just repeat them.
Most of our b12 comes from meat, fish and dairy , do you eat these foods x

09-07-20, 12:30
hi pb

thank you for replying. They haven't asked to repeat the tests. When I rang up, the receptionist said "all normal, no further action", its only when I saw the form I noticed the two that were marginally reduced.
I'm not too worried about the B12 one. Since lockdown, and maybe before that, I've been eating a lot of vegan meals with my daughter. I don't eat red meat, but do eat eggs, cheese, milk in my tea, and occasionally fish or chicken.

The liver function one has just freaked me out. I was having a lot of pain at the base of my ribs, isn't that where your liver is? That has subsided a lot though. Mostly now just loose stools, even my appetite has improved. Im just waiting for my FIT ("sh*t kit" as my OH likes to say!) results

Inanna xx

09-07-20, 13:52
It's best not to ask for a printout of blood test results with HA..The GP is not bothered by a marginal result which is slightly off the range because it's not significant to him based on his clinical judgement.To you of course it will indicate high alert and disease but your HA is telling you this, Inanna x

13-07-20, 21:57
Hi Pulisa

you are probably right. I was hoping to get my blood sugar reading, as at the end of last year I got a letter telling me I am pre diabetic ( 42 , threshold is 41), but it just said normal!

anyway, still having loose bowels, but then every so often I have a better one, like a number 4 on the Bristol stool chart. If it were sinister, would I get the occasional good one? My fit result came back as normal, but of course the day it did, I thought I saw something reddish in my stool!

I felt completely better for a few days until Saturday, when I recklessly had a very small glass of wine, which gave me stomach pains almost immediately. I drank lots of water to dilute it, and it improved. However, since them the sharp pains and rib pain has come back on and off

i feel a bit buoyed by the fact that I had a couple of days where I felt fine, sort of gives me a bit of hope

Inanna xx

14-07-20, 05:11
Best to find out your blood test results and be informed, rather than burying ones head in the sand. Glad you did :) You know that you've got some stomach issues (and likely IBS as well) as the two often go together.

Have you made any dietary changes to help the situation eg. apple cider vinegar in warm water in the morning, eating gluten free foods and taking digestive enzymes with your meals? Alcohol and coffee are not good beverages to try while you've got issues

Benign stomach/ issues do come and go that's the nature of them. You've had the tests and they've all been clear, so you'll have to accept that and focus on your diet :)

14-07-20, 08:25
Good news about the FIT test but with HA it will never be good enough news.

I think my point was that if the GP says that the bloods were fine then you should try to accept his judgement and not request a printout which may show minor insignificant discrepancies which will send you into an unnecessary panic.

28-07-20, 13:25

I'm coming here because I don't know where to go. Had the news that my sisters immunotherapy has not helped, and she has cancer in both lungs spread to both her bones and liver. Apparently she cannot walk for more than a few steps, with a stick. I feel sick, desperately sad, and so very guilty.

I have no-one much I can talk to because of the whole situation, and I feel shaky. My bowels are still really loose, and I'm wondering if the anxiety and high emotion of everything is a factor now. I have no pain in ribs or stomach. I keep trying to tell myself that a negative FIT and a clear colonoscopy last year is enough, and I have to trust that the doctors are happy that nothing is sinister for me.

Then of course I feel really guilty for even worrying about it, when my sister is facing what she is.

I just needed to write it down somewhere

Inanna xx

28-07-20, 13:29
I'm so very sorry for what you're going through right now.

Thinking of you, and your sister.

28-07-20, 13:42
It's awful news, Inanna. I know you knew that she was very ill but this must really terrify you.

I suppose it's a matter of realising that with HA your perceived illness is unconfirmed whereas it's very much reality for your sister. You can choose whether to believe your doctors or not, your sister has no choice.

You shouldn't feel guilty about worrying about your own symptoms...but you have to appreciate that your tests came back clear so anything sinister has been ruled out. You can add on "supposedly" if your HA dictates that.

It's still cancer though, even though it's your sister who is affected. I can understand that you feel targeted and threatened too. Are you going to try to talk to her despite her behaviour towards you? You must feel so sad and confused as to what to do for the best? xx

28-07-20, 14:01
Hi Pulisa

Yes, I do. I thought I would buy some flowers for her, and just put a note in saying "thinking of You". My Mum said she would take them down for me. I've asked her to make sure she gives them to my sister, and not my brother in law. I think she thinks I'm paranoid, but my Mum has little idea of the things he has done, or is capable of. I just want to be sure she recieves them. I'm not sure what else I can do.

I also feel so desperately sorry for my Mum, and wish I could help her too.

I'm trying to ignore the OCD voice in my head which tells me I caused my sisters cancer, by something I did or didn't do.

thanks you both for replying

Inanna xx

28-07-20, 14:09
There is no way on earth you could have caused your sister's illness. Your OCD is playing tricks on you in your grief.

The flowers are a loving gesture from a sister who cares and just wants to show sisterly love and support at such a ghastly time. I do so hope you two can reconcile..despite her husband.

30-07-20, 08:10
How are you, Inanna? Were you able to get the flowers to your sister safely via your Mum?

30-07-20, 12:29
Hi Pulisa,

thanks for asking. I got some flowers yesterday, and my Mum is taking them down today. I put a card in which said "Thinking of you. Although things have been difficult between us. I still care about you very much. With love Me"

I hope that that was alright, but I feel nervous.

I am not blameless in all of this. When my Dad died, I really could not cope with my brother in laws behaviour (I could fill a book here), so decided to take a step back. I still attended family events at her house if I were invited, and sent gifts and cards at birthdays/Christmas. So, I suppose it is my fault. Eventually she came to "clear the air" and she pressed me for why I had been more distant. I told her that some of her husbands behaviour when Dad died really upset me, (Especially him banning my daughter from coming to the hospice when Dad died, I had no support and all my sisters had husbands), and she went ballistic and stormed out. The next day she pushed the birthday gift card I had sent down to her back through my letterbox, and hasn't spoken to me since.

how did things get to this?

Inanna xx

30-07-20, 17:55
The husband is obviously a control freak. How very sad. Of course none of this is your fault and you mustn't think it is..I'm sure the husband is behind your sister's behaviours. Let's hope that he relaxes his grip on her when she needs family support more than ever xx

30-07-20, 21:07
Hi pulisa

well, it didn’t go well. My daughter (!) got an email from him this afternoon saying “ can you please ask your mother to stop bothering my family with flowers, cards , WhatsApp messages... too late.

Shame on her using your grandmother.

She can pick the flowers up or they can go in the bin”

then this evening my younger sister rang me to tell me that eldest sister had texted her to ask her to tell me to leave her alone,

so I guess that’s it then..

I feel terrible, I did “use” my mum either.

I feel so sick I can’t eat. I’ve also been getting chest pains, and start worrying that I’m going to have a heart attack. I had an echo and a stress ecg in December, so I’m hoping it’s “just” the extreme stress.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate your messages

Inanna xx

31-07-20, 08:23
What a truly horrible man. I'm so sorry, Inanna .You tried your best and there's nothing else you can do but stand back.

How dare he use your daughter to spread his bile..You've only done what any concerned sister would do under extremely challenging circumstances. Your Mum must be very confused and disappointed that he's still acting like this.

He wasn't too bothered about you looking after his son during lockdown though, was he? When your nephew didn't have a home and you gave him one?

These chest pains are down to pure stress..understandably xxx

02-08-20, 16:02
Hi pulisa

Thank you for your lovely reply.

atthe moment I am actually feeling okay. I feel calmer now, as before I was constantly worrying about what I should do. All I can say is I have tried, and can do no more.

they have both made it crystal clear that they don’t want anything to do with me, so I can stop wondering and worrying.

i do find it strange that my sister can readily forgive her husband for going behind her back onto a dating website , but cannot find it in her heart to speak to me.

amyway, I feel like I’ve done my best, so now I am going to concentrate on living ,y own life, and not beat myself up over it. I am very sad for my sisters illness, but not allowing myself to make the most of my life won’t change things for her.

i realise that I may be up and down on this , but right now, I’m at peace with myself on the matter.

now if I can just get my ha under control, ....

thank you again :bighug1:

Inanna xx

03-08-20, 08:46
Sadly I think you've made the right decision, Inanna. You've made the gesture and it was rejected. At least you know where you stand and you can only try to build bridges for a limited time.

Look after yourself and concentrate on your own quality of life. It'll take strength and determination to keep your HA under control particularly at the moment. I'm just really sorry that you couldn't get closer to your sister xx

03-08-20, 09:36
Inanna, I'm only just reading this and I'm so very sorry.

18-08-20, 07:04
Thank you both, ��

27-08-20, 09:11

my bowels feel terrible, I seem to want to poop all the time, as soon as I go, I want to go again. It’s not been diarrhoea, but quite soft.. I have more wind than normal too.

the last few days have been pretty awful stress wise. My eldest sister had a fall and was hallucinating, and they have now discovered 3 tumours in her brain. It’s so very sad.

my eldest daughter went to see her just before this, and sister was pleased to see her, which I was glad about.

anyway, my daughter messaged her cousin asking if she would like to meet up for lunch.
cue a tirade of abusive messages from my cousin accusing daughter of lying about her dad, and causing trouble .. That she is her mother’s daughter and a terrible person.

then brother in law started sending her emails saying the same thing. I am devastated that they are turning on my daughter as well.

i got a Message from my niece saying “don’t contact me , or my family. That goes for your daughters too”. Not sure why younger daughter is included.

my brother in law is messing with my eldest head now. I am shocked at how
vicious they are, and so intent on stopping my daughter seeing her aunt, who, at the end of their last meeting, said how delighted she was to see her, and wanted to see her again.

i get that my niece is hurting and lashing out, but it’s so hard, and I feel like I have caused all of this. Punish me, don’t punish my kids.

It’s such a mess, and I don’t know whether my bowel problems are down to the extreme stress, or whether it’s something more.

My daughter is quite traumatised by it all, and feels like she must be a terrible person , which is exactly how I feel too. She is worried her grandma will hate her, but I’ve assured her that won’t happen.

cousin has banned us all from the funeral, when the time comes.

its a mess, I’m sorry to put this all down on here, but I don’t know what to do...my head feels like it will explode. I regret so much now.

Inanna xx

30-08-20, 17:21
I’m sorry to keep coming back here, but I’m worried.

i have this feeling of pressure in my rectum, and I feel like I want to poop all of the time. Could this be caused by stress?

I don’t have any bleeding, but could it be piles coming back, after a few days of extra bowel movements.,Which have been relative,y normal in consistency, but I have had quite a lot of gas too?

can this really be stress/anxiety? Or could it be rectal cancer?

I’m struggling with everything right now

Inanna xx

30-08-20, 17:55
I get this a lot. I don't have rectal cancer. It's pressure in the levator ani muscle and very common with IBS. Also very common with chronic stress.

I know this won't convince you but just my personal experience and confirmed by a colorectal consultant/surgeon xx

30-08-20, 18:26
Hi pulisa

no, that really helps me, and reassures me a little bit. When things really kicked off in the week, my bowels went bananas, and I was pooping twice a day for a couple of days. Now it’s just back to once a day, but always feeling that pressure, like I want to go.

Im hoping it will go away in a few days , it only been since Wednesday, so I’m trying not to panic yet..

and as I had a banding just over a year ago, and nothing was noted ( as well as a colonoscopy in April 2019), it’s unlikely that a mass would have grown to cause discomfort in that time?

With everything that’s going on, I’m just in a High state of anxiety , and it triggers all sorts

thank you again, you are a star

Inanna xx

30-08-20, 19:48
It's very uncomfortable but nothing more sinister. That colonoscopy is good for 10 years.

You're going to be suggestible to any symptom/sensation because I imagine that your HA defences are down and you're mentally exhausted by all that is going on..It WILL trigger all sorts xx

01-09-20, 10:42
Hi pulisa

thank you again, I keep trying to repeat that to myself. I thought I was feeling a little more relaxed, and that the pressure seemed to be easing a little. However, this morning, I have already had 3 bowel movements in the space of two hours! I’ve always been a once in the morning, then very very occasionally late afternoon..

they don’t seem as loose as they have been lately, but not constipated by any stretch.

I keep trying to convince myself that even tough I,m not feeling as stressed, the undercurrent of all that’s going on is causing most of this... but then I am afraid I’m ignoring something really sinister

Thank you again

Inanna xx

01-09-20, 10:47
Oh, and I also have quite a lot of wind... I feel like I could go again... what’s going on? :weep:

01-09-20, 14:10
My gut motility can be all over the place with IBS. I can go 5 or 6 times a day(normal consistency) and then not go at all for 4 days.

I don't have bowel cancer.

07-09-20, 09:09
Hi Pulisa

thanks for your reply, as always

This is going to seem like a strange question, but does IBS make you feel constantly "aware" of your bowels, like you want to go to the loo, all the time, even when you don't need to?

I am taking HRT, and I have read that HRT can cause IBS (I never suffered with it before menopause), so I keep trying to convince myself that's it, but HA keeps whispering Anal/Rectal cancer in my ear. I just want some peace, I'm exhausted with all the anxiety and stress.

Inanna xx

08-09-20, 08:22
not a good day today. Still got really loads of gas and loose stools. Aching/feeling pressure in rectum just wont go away, although does feel a bit better when I'm lying down (so at night). However, I have a strange pain in and around my coccyx, which is quite sharp and intesifies if I touch that area.

Really scared that its a tumour which is now pressing on my coccyx. Should I go back to the doctors?

Inanna xx

08-09-20, 08:24
What do you think? Would it help you? If you had reasurance how long would it last?

08-09-20, 14:28
Inanna, didn’t you have a colonoscopy recently? Depending on age, they are good for 5 - 10 years.

I’m having a lot of issues, have been since March. I’ve thought that I’ve had every illness going, thankfully I’ve been wrong so far.

Have a look at Symprove. If you have an imbalance of gut flora, this is the only proven pre & pro biotic to work. It’s expensive but worth it if you feel better.

It can also mess your head and cause muscle, joint inflammation and pain.

Good luck.

08-09-20, 14:56
Hi Inanna I have that feeling like I just have to go to the loo all the time too...I think it must be anxiety since I’ve been diagnosed with ibs. I’ve been dealing with a fair bit of anxiety over my symptoms again lately too but currently waiting to see if an increase in my antidepressant works before going back to the dr.

09-09-20, 10:31
I’m sorry to keep coming back here, but I’m worried.

i have this feeling of pressure in my rectum, and I feel like I want to poop all of the time. Could this be caused by stress?

I don’t have any bleeding, but could it be piles coming back, after a few days of extra bowel movements.,Which have been relative,y normal in consistency, but I have had quite a lot of gas too?

can this really be stress/anxiety? Or could it be rectal cancer?

I’m struggling with everything right now

Inanna xx

Hi Inanna - so sorry about all you are going through, but if this helps you, the pressure feeling in your rectum is very common with IBS and piles. I have an internal pile and I get pressure in my bum which sometimes mooches through to the front end! Lots of nerves in the pelvic region and lots of 'cross talk' goes on. The more you poop (IBS) the more you will irritate the pile, but even minus a pile - this sensation is a very common symptom with IBS. Also, lower back ache. Excess gas is also classic IBS. I'm a burping/farting machine at the moment because my IBS is giving me some serious gyp - but I have a lot of stress at the moment, and, clearly, so do you.

In my experience, the first part of the anatomy to hit the proverbial fan when things get stressful is the digestive system, so try not to overthink things too much.

All the best. X

14-09-20, 10:52

Thank you for your replies, sorry its taken me so long to respond, but things at home continue to be difficult, to say the least.

MightyPC, yes , I had a colonoscopy in April 19. I think Pulisa also said that something about that test being good for a fair few years, and I really want to believe it, but HA keeps making me worry that maybe I have some aggressive form of rectal/anal cancer. I wish I could just relax.

They did find some internal hemmies, which I had banded in June 19, but they warned me that they could come back. I've had no bleeding or soreness though. I will check out those probiotics, thank you.

Librella, I'm sorry that you are suffering too, do the anti-Ds help at all? I am always frightened of medication.

NorahB, interesting that you have internal piles, which is what I had. I seem to get that pressure feeling after I have had a more "normal" BM, and not the usual (for me in the last 2 years) mushy type. I have noticed that my BMs seem to be less loose when I have eaten white bread or pizza. My HA/OCD means that I don't usually eat these, but follow a high fibre diet, with lots of vegetarian meals, and no red meat at all. Lentils and chickpeas feature a lot. However, I cannot eat Oats, as I get terrible guts. I was eating Oatibix everyday, and my bowels went haywire. Took me a while to work it out.

I've never been diagnosed with IBS, but does it point that way?


Inanna xx

27-09-20, 05:37
I also get a huge anxiety surge when I feel the gas in my stomach, it's awful but then the gut-stomach connection is very connected. Like you I don't feel like eating but when the meal is there, I enjoy it. I had a colonoscopy 7 years ago and it was fine, I've had no blood in my motions so don't need another one yet unless the Dr recommends it.