View Full Version : Afraid to take a shower after it was clogged

30-05-20, 16:34
So I just experienced an unpleasant situation. My toilet tends to get clogged if I try to flush too much toilet paper, and this has happened quite a few times now. But sometimes, the excess water backs up in my shower, because the pipes are connected.

I've experienced this in the past, and of course I always clean the shower afterwards, but after this has happened again yesterday, I feel unable to use the shower again, although I really want to take a shower.

I've scrubbed the shower with soap many, many times already and every time I used a new sponge, so it doesn't get dirty again. But I still feel like this isn't enough.

To be clear, the water that came out of the shower drain didn't look particularly dirty, it was just normal clear water with some 4-5 small particles that I suspect to be dirt from the shower drain rather than the toilet, although of course I could be wrong.

I've done some research on the internet and found some sources that say that toilet water isn't actually as dangerous as I had thought it could be, and that cleaning with soap and water should be enough.

But, I'm still unable to gather up the courage to put my feet into the shower, even though, of course, I am going to have to sooner or later, because what else am I going to do? Not shower ever again? Get a completely new shower installed?

So I just want to ask what you guys think. Could I become seriously ill, if, let's say, some of the bacteria from the toilet water left in the shower touched my feet, and I would then carry it on to my clothes, bedsheets etc.? Also, I'm curious how long this bacteria survives on surfaces. So that at least I know that I don't have to worry about it anymore once some time has passed.

Thank you!

01-06-20, 12:37
So I just want to ask what you guys think. Could I become seriously ill, if, let's say, some of the bacteria from the toilet water left in the shower touched my feet, and I would then carry it on to my clothes, bedsheets etc.?

This is not something that could happen unless you trod in poo, with open wounds, with zero immune system.

You are in zero danger here, none.

01-06-20, 13:37
Why don't you spray some bleach?

01-06-20, 19:52
This is not something that could happen unless you trod in poo, with open wounds, with zero immune system.

You are in zero danger here, none.

Haha, thank you! I really hope so. Like I said, this has happened to me quite a few times before and everything seemed fine. But I think it's the current pandemic situation that's making me more anxious about everything.

Why don't you spray some bleach?

Unfortunately I didn't have any at home and couldn't go to the store at the time. But I bought some now though.

I read that cleaning with soap and water can work just as good, so I'm hoping for the best. It felt really good to finally take that shower!