View Full Version : Dentists

20-10-07, 01:43
In the past few days I've been suffering terrible toothache that's reduced me to tears so I haven't been able to concentrate on anything.

I saw the dentists but they couldn't prescribe a painkiller I needed so I rang the doctor. He said to me he could totally sympathise and prescribed them for me. He was the same doctor who years ago after I'd self harmed, asked me why am I wasting his time when there are "genuinely ill" people! Oh well. Mental v Physical illness again!:shrug:

Anyway, I went back to the dentists yesterday and had the troublesome tooth removed but hmm, was it a painfull traumatic experience!

The injection itself hurt enough and then he asked me to wait 10 mins in the waiting room. I was trembling like a leaf! As the minutes ticked by I was trying to stay calm so I closed my eyes and imagined myself laying on a beach under a warm sun on a desert island whilst the waves hit the beach. I went into a lot of detail but it Did help me to keep relaxed.

The 10 mins turned out to be an hour and after the little op my emotions felt a mess as I got in the car so I put the radio on for some music to relax me.

I lost my father exactly 2 years ago this month, and the music being played was his favourite piece. Whether there's anything in it or not because things like this have happened to me before, I felt a sense of calm as if he was watching over me because he knew that I was feeling a mess and alone. I simply cried.

Anyway, today I feel my normal self again at last......without pain!!! :yesyes:

20-10-07, 10:18
Aww, well done for getting the tooth sorted :yesyes:


20-10-07, 12:57
Hi Bill

So pleased to hear you have got your tooth sorted:yesyes: , im sat here wishing i was as brave as you. the last couple of months i have been having a real problem with a back tooth, im so fed up of taking pain killers, i showed my husband this morning my tooth he said it looks real bad and looks like it needs urgent treatment. Im just so frightened of dentists, but i cant put up with the pain much longer its stopping me sleeping too.

Thankyou for sharing your dentist appointment with us,thinking of lying somewhere nice in the sun sounds like a good distraction.

proud of you:flowers:

love and hugs

21-10-07, 00:30
I hate dentists to, i need a bridge cemented back in but since i had anxiety i get tremors in my stomach and sometimes full body when anxious so thats stopping me from going at the moment because i would feel restricted in the chair there.

21-10-07, 03:32
Hi all,

Just a thought and I don't honestly know if it's possible but I wondered if the dentists could give a "one off" sedative like a vailum tablet just for the visit to help relax you. I know valium is addictive because I got hooked on it but maybe they would let you as a one off.

When I'm in the chair I just close my eyes and think nice thoughts! I even nearly fell asleep during one check up!:D

Years ago I used to be more worried about the injection than the treatment but I Had to have a tooth done because of an abscess. He removed half the tooth, put 3 pins into my gum and added filling on top....all without an injection. It cured my fear of minor fillings although this time I had the injection and still found it an ordeal!

If you have an injection, you don't feel anything but I realise trying to keep relaxed can be a Big problem. I found the pain was too much to bear and it was Really getting me down so I Had to get it sorted however fearful I felt.:shrug: I'd be interested how you get on Andrea. The thought technique was from meditation sessions I had. I found they worked so I thought I'd try it and it helped me to forget where I was!

23-10-07, 13:20
well done bill toothache is horrible.

i had to go 3 weeks ago for a tricky back filling i was absolutley petrified, i told the dentist i has going through anxiety and he was great, he kept saying to raise my hand if i ever wanted him to stop at any time, that helped a lot knowing he would.
i also took my portable cd player and listened to that to drown out the drill it really helped and i sat there humming!!

glad to hear you are pain free bill, well done you!!
kate xx

fretty freda
23-10-07, 14:28
Bill What Can I Say........
You Have Done Fantastic! And Going To The Dentist Is More Than I Can Do And I Have Worked There For 6 Years Brave Guy Well Done

And I Truley Believe That Song Came On As A Sign It Was Your Dad Being Proud Of You And Comforting You

Take Care

23-10-07, 14:35
Hi Bill,

Well done mate :flowers:

For anyone with a bad dental phobia. The doctor can give you a mild sedetive to the the adge off the fear before your dental visit.

love Lisa

fretty freda
23-10-07, 14:39
The Dentist Can Also Perscribe Sedatives In Extreem Cases