View Full Version : Hemorrhoids

Dinky Donut
01-05-20, 17:33

I hope someone can help,

I have been having symptoms recently that suggest Hemorrhoids, I had a similar episode around 2 years ago. My symptoms are burning around the anus (like acid) which is worse at night, blood on tissue, anal discomfort, fullness in anus, tugging sensation.

After 4 miserable weeks I thought I would take a look expecting to see nothing. I've found what look to be purplish raised cushions around the anal opening which can only be seen when squatting. These feel hard to touch but look quite soft in the photo, there is 2/3 of them and they are within the purplish/veiny area of the anus. I initially though Internal Hemorrhoids but now I'm thinking they may be external.

Does this sound like Hemorrhoids?


03-05-20, 12:21

I hope someone can help,

I have been having symptoms recently that suggest Hemorrhoids, I had a similar episode around 2 years ago. My symptoms are burning around the anus (like acid) which is worse at night, blood on tissue, anal discomfort, fullness in anus, tugging sensation.

After 4 miserable weeks I thought I would take a look expecting to see nothing. I've found what look to be purplish raised cushions around the anal opening which can only be seen when squatting. These feel hard to touch but look quite soft in the photo, there is 2/3 of them and they are within the purplish/veiny area of the anus. I initially though Internal Hemorrhoids but now I'm thinking they may be external.

Does this sound like Hemorrhoids?


For me they were internal hemorrhoids which had prolapsed and popped out of the anus.
If I pushed at the lump it could be pushed back into the anal canal.
I used germoloids cream and tried to be more gentle when pushing on the toilet.
It did take some time but eventually they did reduce in size and dissappear from being felt.

You might want to let your doctor take a look, they can prescribe a more appropriate cream for you.

Best wishes

Pearly queen
06-05-20, 16:06
I'd advise consulting a doctor. They may be thrombosed piles or an absess but either way you don't have to suffer pain and discomfort. They are easily remedied but a doctor needs to check them.