View Full Version : Head pressure and brain fog please help

18-03-20, 14:03
For the past 3-4 weeks I’ve been experiencing extreme head pressure and brain fog. It makes it hard to focus on anything because I feel like my brain is constantly being squeezed. Initially I chalked it up to sinus issues, it began about a week before I got a virus/cold but has persisted for the past couple weeks. It’s only gotten worse and is now causing me headaches. I tried a sinus pressure mucinex pill as well as ibuprofen, neither of which have helped at all. I wasn’t under any stress either when it happened. It just feels like my head is full and clogged and no thoughts can pass through. I’ll also occasionally get a sensation of ear fullness. Of course I’m worried about a brain tumor, but with everything going on right now with COVID 19, I’m worried to go to the doctors because I know the offices will potentially be full of infected people. Has anyone experienced this before/know what it could be?