View Full Version : Hand sanitizer causing rash?

14-03-20, 01:58
I have been using hand sanitizer quite a bit today along with washing my hands ( as I’m sure many have been ) So about an hour ago I pumped gas, got in my car and put hand sanitizer on. As I got to the store I looked at my hand I saw a few red spots starting. It has now spread over my left hand mostly and is burning. I see a little bit on my right hand too. So of course now I am starting to freak out. I’m already so on edge over everything. How can I know this was the hand sanitizer doing this?? I also had a cold a couple weeks ago and still have a stuffy nose and a cough, so I’m sure you can assume why that’s scaring me. Has anyone else had this reaction to hand sanitizer??

14-03-20, 02:05
Yup, I've been overusing my hand sani and I've now got a slight rash. Absolutely nothing to worry about :)

Positive thoughts!

14-03-20, 03:26
Yes. It can happen just from over washing, too. I get the most horrendously dry skin in the winter and it's persisted now with all the extra hand washing. I'll often get a rash of tiny red dots all over the back of my hand up to my wrist. My favorite lotion is Gold Bond Ultimate Healing.

14-03-20, 06:41
Definitely use hand cream once you’re home and have washed your hands! I also put a good thick one on at night..

14-03-20, 09:41
Happens to me all the time. I'm terribly obsessive so I wash my hands a lot. They also get very dry. Lots of handcream after washing! Works wonders.

14-03-20, 16:53
I used to wash my hands a ridiculous amount. They got that bad that they cracked and bled. Hand cream or if they get really bad I found lathering vaseline and wear gloves overnight fixed them a treat.

15-03-20, 19:47
Yup, my hands hate hate sanitizer. Remember it's basically really strong alcohol - skin is not keep on that. Totally harmless, but just your skin protesting.
Wash them whenever you can rather than gel, then slather on moisturiser.