View Full Version : Sleep apnea

01-03-20, 16:56
I was just wondering if anyone else wears a Fitbit and has discovered the estimated oxygen variation graph?
I noticed it in mine a few days ago and I’ll be honest it has worried me a little ( health anxiety now has me convinced I have sleep apnea!) some days my graph stays green and shows only tiny variations others a get one or 2 huge peaks into the yellow zones.
Going back through the date for the first 2 weeks there was hardly any changes but lately it’s more often. I’m wondering if it could be allergies with the hyacinths and other flowers starting to show in the garden. If it was sleep apnea would it show on the graph everyday?

Bit worried about going to the dr and starting the conversation with “my fitbit shows....”

My parter says I do snore sometimes and I’ve had the odd occasion where I’ve woken up feeling like I can’t breathe but I put that down to anxiety. I do wake up most days with a dry mouth but thought that was just normal! I’m going to buy some new fluffy pillows today to see if sleeping slightly elevated helps

any ideas would be hugely appreciated

01-03-20, 17:49
Fitbit's aren't even remotely accurate for anything except step count.

01-03-20, 18:36
Fitbit's aren't even remotely accurate for anything except step count.
Anxiety joe is that your way of telling me not to take any notice of it? I’m trying to do that just wondered if anyone else had anything similar

01-03-20, 19:08
Anxiety joe is that your way of telling me not to take any notice of it? I’m trying to do that just wondered if anyone else had anything similar

Of course you shouldn't pay any attention to it, whether other people have had similar readings or not.

01-03-20, 19:14
Thank you I appreciate your reply. I guess the fact that Fitbit have said they don’t want the data used for medical reasons means it’s probably not accurate

02-03-20, 10:43
Couldn’t quite stop the worry over this after checking with a friend and her graph is constantly in the green. I emailed my dr today and she said seeing as I’m getting some nights where I’m only seeing green she doesn’t think it’s anything to worry about but I should keep an eye on it and if things get worse she will happily check my for sleep apnoea

30-08-20, 16:54
Hi, sorry to bring this up again just struggling with it a little today. A few months ago I noticed on my Fitbit that my oxygen variation levels were high While I was asleep most nights. I contacted my dr who said to keep an eye on it and if it continued she would book me in to see about sleep apnea. She also said that because it wasn’t happening every night it was probably nothing to worry about. I was spiralling over this so I took the Fitbit off at night and ignored it.
Fast forward to about a month ago and my resting heartrate was creeping up so I started wearing it again at nights to see if it would help level it out, that and re starting my exercise has dropped it from 70bpm down to an average of 64bpm which I’m happy with. I’ve noticed on a few occasions the varying oxygen levels have started up again last week nothing at all but this week it’s shown twice and what’s really scared me is last night I woke up feeling like I couldn’t breathe. I can remember that my dream was very strange like I was watching a tv show but I was awake enough to feel disappointed that I’d not find out what would happen at the end then I just felt like I couldn’t breathe and woke up. I know I have to see what happens over the next few Days/weeks and even if it is sleep apnea it can be treated and it’ll be ok but was wondering if anyone else has had anything similar

31-08-20, 11:16

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