View Full Version : Head pressure

Elizabeth Fry
22-12-19, 01:11

I have posted before and yet again I am very anxious. I have just had (Tuesday evening) sedation and diazepam for a colonoscopy diagnosed with diverticulitis. I was so stressed before the procedure mainly as I have high blood pressure. All went well but I think maybe I became very dehydrated and by Thursday night I didn’t sleep and had a pressure headache and since then a pressure feeling in my head (not as bad). My neck, shoulders and back hurt too. The anxiety is so bad, could it be that? Any ideas welcome.

Thank you.


22-12-19, 06:19
Yes it probably is that. You probably got so tense that you stiffened up and now your muscles are sore. It’s very common. Best thing to do now is to research how to relax, and then keep practicing over and over until you get it.
I hope your diagnosis has helped you move on a bit with other worries?

Elizabeth Fry
22-12-19, 12:08
Thank you so much for replying. I am on my own and it’s hard to keep things in perspective. It has helped with the diagnosis because before I had the procedure I was worried about what they might find and also if they had to stop it because of the raised BP. Hence the Diazepam.

I am sure you are right. I’ve got the nausea back too that was so awful and I previously was started on a low dose Mirtazapine 3.75 mgs. It was a miracle drug which stopped the nausea but had me exhausted all day. It seems funny that this has happened since the procedure so it must be related to how I felt. As I said the anxiety was awful and I wasn’t coping very well but driving myself to meet expectations.

Have you or anyone else had this?