View Full Version : Concussion Question -- Need help, please

18-11-19, 20:21
Hi everyone,
I have health anxiety with a focus on brain injury/brain damage.

I had a concussion when I was 9 from falling out of a hammock. I recovered and haven't thought too much about concussions since then.

About a week and a half ago, my 3 year old bumped me hard in the jaw with her head. I saw a white flash of light and got a small surface bruise on my chin. I had a sore jaw and neck the next day but didn't feel sick or really have a headache after, but I immediately got concerned I might have a concussion. I went to a concussion specialist doctor two days later. After he evaluated me he said he did not think that I had a concussion.

After getting the "no concussion" diagnosis from the doctor and trying to face my anxiety, I went on a roller coaster the next day (so stupid!). Since then, I've been having all the symptoms: dizziness, sensitivity to light, ringing in the ears, trouble concentrating, depression, anxiety, etc.

I wrote the concussion doctor back and told him I was feeling dizzy and he said that if I continue to feel dizzy that I should come back in and get re-evaluated. That maybe I did have a concussion and was not yet showing symptoms. I am so afraid right now. Are my symptoms from a concussion? Or are they just anxiety symptoms? It's so hard for me to tell, since I know both concussion and anxiety can cause these symptoms. Should I go back to the doctor or straight to my therapist?

Thank you!

18-11-19, 20:49
A specialist knows what they are doing, they have had many many years of training and experience... you need to trust them.

The symptoms you are feeling are 99% due to you thinking about it and setting your health anxiety off.. you can give yourself any symptom or make existing ones worse just by constantly thinking about them..Brains can be arses!

19-11-19, 14:35
Thank you, VenusBlueJeans. I am absolutely terrified these symptoms are not anxiety and instead related to a concussion with was aggravated further by going on a roller coaster a few days later. I am so mad at myself for going on that ride, but I was trying to face my fears.