View Full Version : Vitiligo fear. Please please help me, so scared!

25-09-19, 02:15
Hi please please help, i need some reassurance, I'm convinced I'm going to get Vitiligo. I've had bad stomach pains and my mum gave me some holy water to drink from a small silver bowl, I've read online that aluminium could trigger vitiligo. I'm so worried. It was a little amount. What if I get it now.

This is the why I'm in this mess.


And for those that dont know what vitiligo is.

https://www.google.com/search?q=vitiligo&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=inv&sxsrf=ACYBGNRHPXL7uzBYZmTxlkJdRwKAMvHaMA:156937399 9187&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi64Pbd5erkAhXUqHEKHbu6BoYQ_AUoAXoECA8QA Q&biw=412&bih=718&dpr=2.63

bin tenn
25-09-19, 03:14
IMO, you would need to consume a rather large amount (and probably repeatedly) of heavy metals to even be at risk. Why exactly are you worried about this? Google is definitely not going to help you feel better.

Gary A
25-09-19, 07:37
You aren’t going to get vitiligo because you drank water from an aluminium bowl, that’s just silly. I have vitiligo, although I’m fortunate that it’s not at all noticeable and is confined to a small area around my collarbone.

You’re worrying over nothing.

25-09-19, 19:38
I couldn't sleep at all last night i was freaking out thinking this is it, I'm really gonna get it this time.

Gary A
25-09-19, 22:00
I couldn't sleep at all last night i was freaking out thinking this is it, I'm really gonna get it this time.

Why ask a question then just ignore the answers?

You’re being ridiculous.

25-09-19, 22:41
Why ask a question then just ignore the answers?

You’re being ridiculous.

Having anxiety takes away all logical thinking.

I have brown skin and it would be very noticable that's why I'm very worried about this.i already Hve social anxiety on top of this, Sorry I didnt ignore.

25-09-19, 23:20
Having anxiety takes away all logical thinking.

Knowing and admitting that affirms you know your thoughts are illogical and that actually gives you an edge above many sufferers. Having that knowledge, what's stopping you from using it to help yourself? (and don't say "my anxiety") ​

Positive thoughts

26-09-19, 12:19
Knowing and admitting that affirms you know your thoughts are illogical and that actually gives you an edge above many sufferers. Having that knowledge, what's stopping you from using it to help yourself? (and don't say "my anxiety") ​

Positive thoughts

I dont trust myself or my thoughts I want others opinion. What do you think about all of this?

26-09-19, 12:22
I think you're being very irrational, and your only real problem is your out of control anxiety.

Wanting the opinion of random strangers is a classic symptom of this.

26-09-19, 12:52
I dont trust myself or my thoughts I want others opinion. What do you think about all of this?

I think it's classic reassurance seeking which obviously isn't working :lac:

Positive thoughts

26-09-19, 14:21
It isnt working because I'm bearly getting replies. How am I meant to make myself better without talking to someone.

26-09-19, 14:25
If you speak to anybody it needs to be a qualified mental health professional. Reassurance seeking is an unhelpful behaviour pattern that will only worsen your health anxiety in the long run.

26-09-19, 14:26
Do you not have parents/friends you can talk to?

26-09-19, 14:45
It isnt working because I'm bearly getting replies. How am I meant to make myself better without talking to someone.

You had two replies that flat out told you how irrational you're being. One reply should be enough based on the irrationality of your fear. Real life professional help as well as a support system is significantly years better than seeking reassurance on an internet forum.

Positive thoughts

Gary A
26-09-19, 18:11
It isnt working because I'm bearly getting replies. How am I meant to make myself better without talking to someone.

What is there to discuss? Your have no symptoms, you have no reason whatsoever to believe you will get vitiligo.

Your anxiety is looking for something to feed it. What’s the point in doing just that? Your fears are irrational in the extreme, I honestly don’t know what else to tell you.

26-09-19, 20:11
Vitiligo doesnt have symptoms I'm sure you know that as you have it yourself. I am terrified of getting it. Your not being very reassuring so I suggest not posting here because your not making it any better.

When someone is feeling scared, you dont talk to them with an attitude!

26-09-19, 20:17
Vitiligo doesnt have symptoms I'm sure you know that as you have it yourself. I am terrified of getting it. Your not being very reassuring so I suggest not posting here because your not making it any better.

When someone is feeling scared, you dont talk to them with an attitude!

People are posting here offering you help, OP. Unfortunately, giving reassurance only tends to make health anxiety worse. Your worries are ridiculous, and your own attitude isn't that great, either.

26-09-19, 20:26
Is that what you say to anyone that asks for help. That its ridiculous and make them feel bad about it.

Wow this place has changed. It's not as friendly on here anymore. I use to fear having epilepsy when I was 16 and have had pages full of nice comments. Not like yours. Show me where my attitude is off?

26-09-19, 20:30
When someone is feeling scared, you dont talk to them with an attitude!

There's a HUGE difference between attitude and fact! You posted....

my mum gave me some holy water to drink from a small silver bowl, I've read online that aluminium could trigger vitiligo

You're saying a small sip of water from a silver bowl (not aluminum) will give you vitiligo. Sorry, but respectfully, that's totally absurd! :wacko:

As I posted, real life professional help and a real life support system is needed as opposed to reassurance seeking on a forum.

Positive thoughts

26-09-19, 20:35
How could you possibly know that it's not aluminium?

26-09-19, 20:36
Theres nice ways of replying.

26-09-19, 20:38
But you really are being irrational.

This is a forum where people try to recover from anxiety, and with respect, you're pretty far down the rabbit hole right now.

When my health anxiety was bad I believed some completely ridiculous things.

26-09-19, 20:43
How could you possibly know that it's not aluminium?

IT. DOESN'T. MATTER! This is akin to ninja bats and brain eating amoebas! In the 9 years you're been on the forum, has any of your fears come true?

Positive thoughts

26-09-19, 21:15
Hey you. I don’t think you have anything to worry about honestly. I understand the worry though, I don’t think it’s fair to be harsh on you, yes sometimes tough love works but sometimes you just need a listening ear.

I hear you and I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.

26-09-19, 21:31
Thank you Lady123. Exactly right!

Gary A
26-09-19, 21:46
Vitiligo doesnt have symptoms I'm sure you know that as you have it yourself. I am terrified of getting it. Your not being very reassuring so I suggest not posting here because your not making it any better.

When someone is feeling scared, you dont talk to them with an attitude!

What attitude? Telling you that your fears are completely unfounded? Isn’t that what you want? And vitiligo does have symptoms, it causes patches of skin to loose it’s pigment. I’m assuming you don’t have that, otherwise you’d have said.

I was diagnosed with it in 2008, and I’ve never ever heard of any other explanation other than it being an autoimmune condition that occurs naturally in the body.

It’s actually harmless, if a bit unsightly, but you clearly don’t have it and you simply won’t get it because you drank water from a bowl.

26-09-19, 21:50
Thank you Lady123. Exactly right!

So you'd rather have enabling tea and sympathy as opposed to honesty? I guess 9 years of irrational threads actually answers that question :whistles:

Positive thoughts

Gary A
26-09-19, 21:54
Could you please explain why calling your fears “ridiculous” is somehow not helping you...erm, see that your fears are ridiculous?

Isn’t it reassuring to see a sufferer of the illness you fear telling you that your reasoning is completely warped?

I mean, am I supposed to congratulate you for thinking in this way? Honestly, I cannot understand why you’re taking offence here.

26-09-19, 21:59
How could you possibly know that it's not aluminium?
I'll be blunt and honest- does it matter? Let's say the bowl WAS aluminum ( and not steel or silver). It's not like this is at all your first exposure to the metal.
I am, 100% without a doubt, certain that at some point in your life, and undoubtedly hundreds of times, you have had a can of soda, bag of chips, or even had food that was cooked in aluminum. Most common anti persperants have the metal in it, and it is used daily all around you.

26-09-19, 22:00
I just think we have all been there with the irrational thoughts, otherwise why would we be on this forum, being nice doesn’t mean your encouraging the irrational thoughts. It’s possible to be helpful and supportive whilst being nice right?

I know you all mean well but I know when I’m spiralling I need to feel heard and understood and then maybe given an alternative way of looking at it rather than being told I’m ridiculous.

Gary A
26-09-19, 22:07
I just think we have all been there with the irrational thoughts, otherwise why would we be on this forum, being nice doesn’t mean your encouraging the irrational thoughts. It’s possible to be helpful and supportive whilst being nice right?

I know you all mean well but I know when I’m spiralling I need to feel heard and understood and then maybe given an alternative way of looking at it rather than being told I’m ridiculous.

I couldn’t even begin to advise a different way of looking at this, if I’m being honest. The notion of getting vitiligo from a small sip of water is utterly absurd.

Sure, anxiety is causing these thoughts, we all know that, but I can’t help but think that calling this fear anything other than “ridiculous” is giving it credit it simply doesn’t deserve.

Surely encouraging the OP to look at this fear as being utterly silly is actually very reassuring?

27-09-19, 04:39
Gary A, that's what's always helped me, yes.

If you treat a fear like this as even nominally rational, you give it credence. It's a comment on the fear itself, not on the OP's character.

Health anxiety makes everyone at least a tiny bit ridiculous and, yes, sometimes the best way to shrink those fears is to laugh at them.