View Full Version : Sun spots

09-08-19, 15:22
Hi everyone,

I haven't posted to this forum in 8 years. I thought things were going well since I convinced myself I had lymphoma and going through one of the worst times of my life.

Lately my new focus is skin cancer. I'm pale with freckles which I've had most of my life.
2 weeks ago, I became hyper-aware of some raised freckles on my arm. They've been there as long as I can remember, but I just suddenly...noticed them.

Saw the DR who took a look and said they're absolutely fine. Then, my focus shifted to a freckle next to my eye (again, something I've had for a while) and a different DR said that's also fine...it's just a freckle.

Now I'm worried about a raised bump near my mouth on my cheek. I have one on the other side which has been there for years and never really bothered me. But this one was noticed a week or so ago and I thought it was a spot. I got rid of it, but it came back. It's very small - probably 2mm.

Ever since this episode started I've been beside myself with worry. Panicking, driving myself to A&E in tears, not eating and crying constantly.

Many people feel it's HA as I lost my sister to a rare cancer when we were both teenagers.

Can someone please offer advice? I've even booked myself into a dermatologist on Tuesday which will cost me £200 but at this point I'm willing to pay to stop feeling like this. I'm so upset.

Thank you.

09-08-19, 15:27
Since you've already had two medical professionals tell you not to be concerned, and light of the fact you're self-examining behavior is causing undue anxiety, I think the money would be better spent on real life professional help for your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

09-08-19, 15:29
Thank you for your reply.

The doctors looked at another freckle. This is a different, small lump on my face that they haven't seen :(

09-08-19, 15:37
The doctors looked at another freckle. This is a different, small lump on my face that they haven't seen :(

In light of the fact that they are seeing your face quite clearly while speaking with you and knowing your skin concerns, what are the chances of them overlooking something suspicious on your face? Anyway... I guess 200 pounds it is....

Positive thoughts

09-08-19, 15:40
I had makeup on, it covers blemishes & freckles quite well and I only felt this bump again today. I thought if anything it would give me peace of mind which after the past 2 weeks is worth the £200 :(

12-08-19, 11:16
I'm really really struggling with my HA right now. :(

I'm pale with a few freckles on my face which I think have always been there and never changed, though one next to my eye is the biggest. 2 GPs have told me it's just a freckle.

This bout of HA started 2 weeks ago when I randomly 'noticed' some raised brown freckles on my arm. 4 are normal brown freckles and look alike, one is a tiny blueish colour that's been there as long as I can remember and never changed. It looks like a mark left after you've stabbed yourself with a pencil.

After the GPs looked at them all and told me I'm fine, I started to feel normal again, then ran my hand along my cheek and found a raised spot which I spent ages picking and now it's gone and left a scab. But it was enough to set off my HA again.

I'm paying to see a dermatologist tomorrow because it feels like nothing else will calm my mind. I have barely eaten in over a week, and spend any time where I'm not distracted crying or in a state of panic where I can't talk. My poor husband has been amazing to me through this and I want him to feel okay too. :(

Pls someone help

12-08-19, 12:44
Hi LJay. Sorry you're having such a hard time of things. Do you know what set this spiral off? By all means see the dermatologist, but I think it's important to set yourself some limits. We're always going to get spots and bumps and moles and freckles, and you'll be horribly out of pocket if you're heading to a private specialist each time. You could easily see the specialist, come out feeling reassured, and find a new spot, and then what? Of course there are some things which do need checking out, so perhaps ask the dermatologist for advice about what should be medically assessed versus what you can safely leave alone. GPs see these things all the time and would know what warning signs to look for. Are you receiving any help with your anxiety?

12-08-19, 12:51
Hi, thank you so much for your reply.

You're right I can't do this each time I find a troubling symptom or it'll never end. I've only ever paid for one other consultation - an ultrasound in 2012 because I was convinced I had lymphoma! Once I left the hospital after that I felt like a new person, so relieved and free of the worry.

My freckles etc have never bothered me because I've had them all my life. I just hadn't noticed the ones on my arm being raised before. I don't have many moles etc, don't sunbathe or go to tanning beds.

Two doctors have told me what I have is just a freckle but I'm still worrying. It's so bad that I can barely look at myself in the mirror without crying at home, because it's noticeable when I'm not wearing makeup. The anxiety got so bad last week that I went to A&E in tears and spoke to a mental health nurse who was really lovely. He sent some notes to my GP to refer me for therapy for my anxiety but it's like...if the dermatologist tells me I'm fine then it'll all go away. The anxiety must be deeper than that and also need addressing though I guess. :(

12-08-19, 13:11
I completely understand. Your anxiety focuses on that one thing. Right now it's the freckle, in 2012 it was your lymphoma worries, and as soon as you get the all clear you get on with your life, right? Until next time. I would go ahead with the appointment tomorrow, which will hopefully get you out of the spiral, but then look into getting some support with the anxiety. It's a good time to do it as those feelings will be fresh in your mind. Good luck, and let us know how you get on.

12-08-19, 13:36
Thank you, I was actually close to cancelling tomorrow because honestly I'm terrified of going. My husband can't come with me because he's working and tbh I wouldn't ask him to anyway because (and this is the strange thing about HA sometimes) I'm actually pretty embarrassed too.

I'm going anyway because if they tell me I'm fine I'll be able to move on with my life, and if they find anything at least I can act on it? (though following 2 DRs appointments telling me I'm fine, I'm hoping that's not the case).

It doesn't help when I look on IG and find photos of people who have been diagnosed with BCC from just a small rash on their face! I saw some posts like this yesterday and my poor husband had to pick me up off the floor I was so scared. :(

12-08-19, 14:14
I just wanted to say I’ve been in this position most recently (it’s my most recent worry) I had a spot on my chest turn up around 3 months ago that looked like a regular spot except it never fully went away (although it did go down) I recently picked at it and made it bigger and more red and a bit scabby which made me even more worried.
I had a family event at the weekend that I couldn’t let myself enjoy properly because I was so worried about this spot but a family member is a doctor so after many drinks I asked her to check out this spot for me!
She took one look and said ‘it’s just a spot’ and nothing more even though it’s been there for a few months and started telling me about bcc and why it isn’t that- she showed me pics of bcc (as I kept going on about it!) and I kept pointing to ones saying “Yes but mine looks like that one” and she said “no it doesn’t..” and then explained why.
That’s the problem with google -we’re not trained doctors so we pick something whether a picture or a symptom and apply it to ourselves but they’ve had years of training and know what they’re looking at. This is something I need to remind myself of more often! I felt huge relief after speaking to my cousin but I know it’s only a matter of time before something else pops up! I’m having cbt at the moment to try and get over this obsessive checking of freckles and spots but it’s hard!
If you see your dermatologist maybe ask them what you really should be concerned about so you don’t end up going there every time something shows up because as someone already mentioned we all get spots/freckles etc - it’s very hard I know because I was feeling exactly the same as you and it’s only really when you get the reassurance that you feel free to get on with your life again but I’m fed up of feeling like this every time something new appears on my skin!

12-08-19, 14:25
Hi Rebecca,

I'm so sorry you've been in this position too :( it's horrible isn't it. I've also compared mine to BCC, my husband keeps reminding me the spot/blemish on my face looks nothing like it, but your mind is always consumed with "what ifs". The spot on my face has gone now and I just have a scab where I've been picking it. I was doing well until I found the spot and now I'm worried again even though it's gone, worried it will come back etc.

I've had to put my phone in another room when I'm home because I'm scared of idly searching for things.

Now I'm worried about the freckle I found again - the one that two doctors have said is fine! It's like your mind can't rest.

12-08-19, 14:39
Yes I completely get that. After looking at the spot on my chest I got my cousin to just quickly check my back (very embarrassing I know! But I’d had a few drinks and just bombarded her with questions in the toilet!!) And even the next day I looked at my back again in the mirror and started worrying about these two freckles that are darker than any others I have! Even though less than 24hrs before she had told me they were normal!

Two GPs have you told it’s just a freckle so I’m sure you’ll be fine! I’ve often thought about going to a dermatologist for a fully body scan (even when nothing in particular is bothering me!) just for reassurance but as they are expensive I’d be worried about running to them every time something pops up which I wouldn’t be able to do -plus I think it doesn’t really deal with the whole HA thing - i think most people are able to just accept what their doctor says without seeking further reassurance and this is something I want to work on and I’m really hoping cbt will get me out of this vicious cycle! Are you doing cbt or anything at the moment?

12-08-19, 14:47
I know what you mean about the expense :( I'm so embarrassed that I'm paying for this consultation but if it gives me peace of mind then it's money well-spent imo. I think if I'm told things are okay I can go back to normal.

It's normal to worry about these things but for people like us with HA we take it to extremes. My husband has loads more moles (some look worse than mine!) and he's totally not bothered about them. There's also a lady in my office who is covered in huge ones all over her face and arms and she posted pics of her sunbathing on holiday on FB the other day! If it were me I'd be petrified!

I wish I could accept what the doctor says but I've always been weary of them, like they've missed something. I need to work on it too and I think CBT is a positive first step.

I'm sat in work atm feeling ok but now and then I'll remember the appointment and my stomach will be in knots and I want to cry. I wasn't even referred - I referred myself. :(

12-08-19, 15:26
Literally sat in work petrified about my appointment tomorrow. My mind goes from thinking I'm okay, to imagining them removing the freckle next to my eye, then removing my eye then the damn cancer spreading to my brain...

This is crazy. I'm even dreading going home after work because we're in the process of buying a house everything is boxed up and I've been crying there for a whole week, I associate it with upset now...

The only thing I do when I'm home is play Crash Bandicoot on the ps4 to distract myself. I can't even eat.

12-08-19, 15:37
When you get the all clear, it would be in your best interest to address your anxiety. It's quite apparent you're struggling and deep in the rabbit hole here.

"Told Ya So Gang" on standby ;)

Positive thoughts

12-08-19, 15:48
When you get the all clear, it would be in your best interest to address your anxiety. It's quite apparent you're struggling and deep in the rabbit hole here.

"Told Ya So Gang" on standby ;)

Positive thoughts

Aw thank you. And yes, I really am. :( I need to stop reading melanoma stories because they could so easily have nothing to do with me. I'm only 32 and constantly worried I'll have disfiguring surgery or I'll die from it. Like it'll be picked up tomorrow on some dermascope/one of my freckles will look alarming to the dermatologist.

This is a horrible horrible place to be.

12-08-19, 16:08
I don't think for a second you have melanoma, but I just wanted to explain how good plastic surgeons can be these days. I had a largish (11mm) basal cell carcinoma removed from my forehead a few years back, and even in such a prominent location the scar is relatively discreet.

12-08-19, 16:10
I completely get you! I always look at other peoples’ skin and notice their freckles/moles etc and think they’ve got more to worry about than me yet there they are getting on with life and enjoying it! I wish I could too! But obviously they’re not worriers like us. None of my family /friends are like me- they all say they’ll only worry about something if they’re told its something to worry about!

Even I think if two doctors have told you it’s ok, you’re ok! I cancelled my doctor appointment tomorrow after speaking with my cousin. I feel a bit scared doing that but I have to learn to accept what I’m told. I’m also convinced that in a matter of weeks some other symptom will pop up somewhere and this current worry won’t mean a thing!
It might actually help you to go to the dermatologist so they can discuss all your worries with you and try and put your mind at ease but I guess with that you’ll have to remember what they’ve said next time you spot something so you don’t go running back!

12-08-19, 16:49
I don't think for a second you have melanoma, but I just wanted to explain how good plastic surgeons can be these days. I had a largish (11mm) basal cell carcinoma removed from my forehead a few years back, and even in such a prominent location the scar is relatively discreet.

Oh I'm so sorry :( but I'm glad you're okay now and can't see the scar! I've heard of all the cancers BCC is the easiest to treat and surgery is all that's needed. My nan has had several, including one on her nose which I can't notice anymore. It's melanoma that strikes fear into me most because it can spread. :(

12-08-19, 16:57
I completely get you! I always look at other peoples’ skin and notice their freckles/moles etc and think they’ve got more to worry about than me yet there they are getting on with life and enjoying it! I wish I could too! But obviously they’re not worriers like us. None of my family /friends are like me- they all say they’ll only worry about something if they’re told its something to worry about!

Even I think if two doctors have told you it’s ok, you’re ok! I cancelled my doctor appointment tomorrow after speaking with my cousin. I feel a bit scared doing that but I have to learn to accept what I’m told. I’m also convinced that in a matter of weeks some other symptom will pop up somewhere and this current worry won’t mean a thing!
It might actually help you to go to the dermatologist so they can discuss all your worries with you and try and put your mind at ease but I guess with that you’ll have to remember what they’ve said next time you spot something so you don’t go running back!

Yep I do that all the time now, my manager knows about my HA lately and even showed me some on her arm that are much bigger than mine. My husband too is so laid back about everything and I'm just like....hnnnggg...I wish I could be as chilled out as you about this...

You're right I just need to listen to them that all is well :( I'm glad you're feeling better. It's funny you say that about other symptoms because last week when I was told the freckle on my face was fine, I instantly started to focus on another patch of skin and worrying about that!

I hope the dermatologist doesn't find anything :( I'm so scared they will. Because the alternative would be blissful - the feeling that I can let go and stop worrying. I just hope that's how it pans out and not "oh we need to remove that for biopsy" or something because that would petrify me and I don't think I'd cope.

12-08-19, 17:02
LJay, please try not to google these things. It absolutely makes it worse. I have a skin condition which can occasionally lead to cancer, and when I first found it I tortured myself with Google. The GP wasn't too bothered, but I'd booked in to see a private specialist by the end of the day. Fast forward to now, and yes I have been diagnosed with the condition, but a mild form of it which currently none of the doctors are concerned about. Thanks to Google, I had been convinced I had the severe form and my life was over. That's because I'm not a doctor and I'm not able to tell the difference between the stuff online and what I actually have. It is hard to step away from looking it up but I swear you will start to feel better if you do. Go to your appointment, step away from Google/Instagram/Whatever, and try to get some CBT set up. Best of luck.

12-08-19, 18:53
LJay, please try not to google these things. It absolutely makes it worse. I have a skin condition which can occasionally lead to cancer, and when I first found it I tortured myself with Google. The GP wasn't too bothered, but I'd booked in to see a private specialist by the end of the day. Fast forward to now, and yes I have been diagnosed with the condition, but a mild form of it which currently none of the doctors are concerned about. Thanks to Google, I had been convinced I had the severe form and my life was over. That's because I'm not a doctor and I'm not able to tell the difference between the stuff online and what I actually have. It is hard to step away from looking it up but I swear you will start to feel better if you do. Go to your appointment, step away from Google/Instagram/Whatever, and try to get some CBT set up. Best of luck.

I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis 😔 but I’m happy it’s not the form you dreaded. How are you doing now?

I’m definitely in a better place mentally when I don’t google or go on Instagram, because you can find all sorts to make your mind go wild with worry. I’ve seen stories that have made me physically ill because I imagine myself in that position.

Thank you everyone for being so lovely. You’ve helped me get through today x

12-08-19, 19:43
Thank you. I'm doing ok and the skin condition seems to be under control at the moment.

I'm so glad you've found it helpful to post here. I saw you say you're moving and wonder if that is probably contributing to all this. I find sometimes I cope with the big stuff and it'll take one little thing to tip me over. Computer games are great for distraction sometimes! Fingers crossed you'll get the all clear tomorrow, get your house move sorted, and have some CBT, and can then put all this behind you.

13-08-19, 10:14
I'm so glad you're okay and everything is under control.

It is helpful to post here because I feel less alone when I see others in a similar mindset, even though I'd never wish this torture on anybody :(

You're right about the move etc, it may be contributing to me feeling like this. Even subconsciously, but before I became fixated on these freckles I was excited about the move. I just want to be excited again and not scared out of my mind. :(

I'm in work atm - almost turned up late because I had a panic attack before I left the flat. Trying to get on with things but whenever I think about seeing the dermatologist today I feel my heart drop and panic overtake me. My mind flashes back to those scary photos I saw on Instagram, and I obsessively keep slapping high SPF on my skin like it'll make the freckles go away.

I'm so scared. I hate this.

13-08-19, 10:18
Good luck! I don't think for a second that you'll need it, though.

13-08-19, 10:21
Good luck! I don't think for a second that you'll need it, though.

Thank you so much. I'll let you all know how it goes. Luckily my colleague is coming for lunch with me today so I'll have some distraction before I have to leave for my appointment.


13-08-19, 11:29
FFS I'm so scared the dermatologist is going to want to biopsy the freckle next to my eye. I wouldn't feel so scared if it wasn't on my face.

It's just a flat, light brown freckle about 3mm. I have others similar to it on that side of my face but I hate where this one is.

Trying to calm myself down. I feel sick.

13-08-19, 17:06
How did it go?

13-08-19, 19:02
Hi everyone,

Just saw the dermatologist. He checked me over from head to toe and said my skin is healthy. I asked him about a blue mark on my skin & he called it a blue nevus? They look darker than most moles but are benign. The freckle next to my eye he was least concerned about & said yep it’s just a freckle!

I also asked him about a mark on my back and he called it a dermatofibroma or something? It’s not even a mole it’s like a scab from an insect bite.

He then chatted to me about what to look out for and how to protect my skin from the sun.

I feel so, so much better now and for the first time in weeks ate a full meal and ventured into a coffee shop to just sit and enjoy not worrying so much.

I’ve realised from this that therapy is definitely the way forward now, I need to arm myself with ways of coping with these things. My tendency to overthink and fear the worst has to be addressed - I never want to be in this place again. Leaving the dermatologist today didn’t magically make me feel 100% but I realise that’s the anxiety in me and not because I disbelieve the opinion of 3 medical professionals.

Thank you all so much for your help, this site has been a blessing and I’ll stay if it means I can help others. Be kind to yourselves 💖

13-08-19, 19:11
Congratulations! I knew you'd be okay.

13-08-19, 19:27
Congratulations! I knew you'd be okay.

Thank you :) I really do have this forum to thank for helping me.

One thing I will say, and I hope others here follow, DON’T GOOGLE! Don’t type your symptoms or whatever you think you have into the search engine or social media. The internet is a great place but half of my anxiety came from filling my head with images and information that related in no way to me, and convinced me (literally convinced!) that somehow I knew more than my doctor and was heading for all sorts of awful scenarios.

Anxiety lessens dramatically when you stop googling and take the advice of people who have actually seen you face to face.

13-08-19, 19:28
Yay! Great outcome. Thanks for letting us know. It's really encouraging that you recognise the role anxiety played here and I'm so pleased you're going to address that. Good luck with the house move and enjoy your summer :)

13-08-19, 19:33
Just saw the dermatologist. He checked me over from head to toe and said my skin is healthy.

Here is your well deserved "Told Ya So!" ;)


Positive thoughts

13-08-19, 21:21
Oh I’m so glad to hear that! Bet you feel so relaxed now! Honestly you could be describing me the way you’ve been worried about everything on your skin.

It’s always a massive relief when you’re told that you’re fine and all the worrying was for nothing!

Yeah I think you’re right - now you’ve been checked over maybe CBT is the answer (I’m on my 4th session) but I’m hoping it will be beneficial to me in the future so I don’t jump to the worse case scenario every time some new symptom appears.

Anyway best of luck to you and hope you manage to enjoy the rest of your summer! X

14-08-19, 13:46
Thank you everyone. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summers also.

Rebecca, it is a relief but it's strangely still lingering! The feeling of unease may take some time to go away but therapy should help with that. How are you finding CBT?

Best of luck to you also. x

23-08-19, 14:23
Anxiety about this has been creeping in again recently :( I don't know if it's related to the stress of moving house, but I doubt it since I'm excited and it should be an occasion to celebrate.

The freckle next to my eye feels very 'visible' at the moment and I keep noticing it. My husband and I went to Ikea last night and I almost had another panic attack after thinking it got darker while looking in the toilet mirrors (my makeup had just rubbed off because I'd been out all day).

2 GPs, and a renowned dermatologist, have told me it's fine. I even have others like it on my other eyelid and next to it (they're just not as obvious). Why am I still being followed by this fear? My dermatologist wasn't phased by it at all. I keep reading his report to reassure myself, then I'll see something scary on google, and I panic again. I'm even scared of the sun right now and won't stay out too long because I'm so worried about skin cancer.

The thing that annoys me is if it wernet this freckle, I'd find some other bump/freckle/mole on my body to fret over. This intense fear of melanoma is casting a cloud over my life and I can't enjoy things, like my new home, as fully as I want to because I'm waiting to be told I have cancer.

Sometimes this anxiety hits so hard I'm almost scared to be alive. That sounds ironic, but it's like...my body is so fragile and cancer seems so terrifying (spent a lot of time on an oncology ward as a teenager with my sister who had osteosarcoma), I feel so helpless and out of control of my own body and future. HA is like facing your mortality every day. It's exhausting.

Why can't I just believe the people who are far more qualified than I am in diagnosing this stuff. Why can't I relax.

23-08-19, 14:29
Do you think it may be time to seek help for your anxiety? I know that this sort of fear can feel insurmountable, but I promise it isn't - you just need to accept that your thought patterns are a bit flawed right now and accept help to get yourself back on an even keel.

23-08-19, 14:35
Do you think it may be time to seek help for your anxiety? I know that this sort of fear can feel insurmountable, but I promise it isn't - you just need to accept that your thought patterns are a bit flawed right now and accept help to get yourself back on an even keel.

Insurmountable sounds about right! I described the fear as having someone following you all the time, with a knife to your back. You're trying to get on with your day, but you fear when they might strike. It's a constant "on edge" feeling. :(

I'll chase my GP and see if I can get some therapy sooner. I called MacMillan too and they helped a bit, it's nice to know places like this exist also as it helps put my thoughts in perspective.

23-08-19, 14:44
I've been where you are, LJay, and with far less reason. With therapy (and meds can definitely help), you can learn to shrug off those thoughts that feel so terrifying. Oh, and if you shrug them off enough, they'll start showing up less frequently, too.

23-08-19, 15:01
I've been where you are, LJay, and with far less reason. With therapy (and meds can definitely help), you can learn to shrug off those thoughts that feel so terrifying. Oh, and if you shrug them off enough, they'll start showing up less frequently, too.

Thank you, I'm actually considering meds right now if it keeps the thoughts at bay. :(

23-08-19, 15:05
Different people will tell you different things; I can only speak for myself but they've completely changed my life. It's really amazing to actually feel happy again.

23-08-19, 15:09
Different people will tell you different things; I can only speak for myself but they've completely changed my life. It's really amazing to actually feel happy again.

I'd give anything to feel like that :(

All this stress and worry over a freckle that I've been told is fine. The ones that made me start worrying in the first place no longer even bother me! It just snowballed from one place.

25-08-19, 21:01
I’m scared to death.

Just found a patch of skin on my arm that looks slightly raised and scaly, its a tiny bit darker than the surrounding skin but definitely a different texture. There’s two tiny ones next to it.

There’s a smaller one further down on my forearm too.

I thought I was doing okay. Moved into my new house, kept busy with decorating, now I’m sat on the floor crying again, envisioning my own death, unable to enjoy my new home. Contemplating spending another £200 to see the dermatologist again.

I want my life back

25-08-19, 21:05
Why not see your GP for free to get help with your anxiety?

25-08-19, 21:09
Why not see your GP for free to get help with your anxiety?

I hadn’t noticed this patch before, my derm did a skin check all over me 2 weeks ago so he either didn’t see it or it’s popped up since. :(

25-08-19, 21:19
You're not actually answering my question here.

25-08-19, 21:32
You're not actually answering my question here.

I’m going to call the doctor tomorrow morning as soon as it opens, and register with the therapist.

I can’t take any more of this. I know I need to see a therapist but I look at my skin and think “That’s really off, what if I don’t need therapy and I’m right about this one?” I see so many stories of younger people getting melanoma after misdiagnosis.

25-08-19, 21:38
I see so many stories of younger people getting melanoma after misdiagnosis.

Gotta love Dr. Google! :doh:

Positive thoughts

31-08-19, 22:14
Having an awful night tonight.

Another panic attack over that damn freckle next to my eye, and found a discoloured patch of skin on my arm that I haven’t noticed before (it’s slightly elevated). It looks like something benign I found online that I’ve forgotten the name of, but all I can think of is cancer.

Cancer has dominated my thoughts for 4 weeks.

I saw the dr about the anxiety, and they prescribed setraline (sp?) but I’ve had to come off it as it’s caused multiple bruises on my arms and legs.

For the first time in years I got so scared, tired, anxious and upset that I started having suicidal thoughts. I can’t take this anymore. I’m only 32.

31-08-19, 22:26
I promise, it won't always be this hard. Are you seeing a therapist right now?

31-08-19, 22:29
I’m on a waiting list, the waiting times are astronomical atm :( I had to ask for the meds - I was so desperate.

Thanks for your reply. I’m struggling to see a light at the end of the tunnel right now

01-09-19, 21:52
3 doctors, and a dermatologist have told me I’m fine. The freckle next to my eye is just a freckle.

My husband says he wouldn’t even think about it anymore if it were him.

Why am I still obsessing over the damn thing. Why, when I see it in the mirror, my heart starts pounding at the thought of it becoming or being melanoma.

Why can’t I just relax and accept what I’ve been told

02-09-19, 17:12
Well, anxiety is a mental illness. It takes a lot of work to overcome. While you wait on your appointment, find and utilize some books and free material. There are tons of resources out there to fight anxiety, many of them here in free links. You obviously realize anxiety is the problem, even if your mind is focused on the freckle. So you have been to three doctors and a dermatologist for it. Treat your anxiety with the same level of attendance and aggressive go-getter attitude.

Anxiety only gets better if you work at it and treat it. Don't be passive. No one ever got over cancer from sitting around doing nothing about it. The same can be said for anxiety.

03-09-19, 10:13
Well, anxiety is a mental illness. It takes a lot of work to overcome. While you wait on your appointment, find and utilize some books and free material. There are tons of resources out there to fight anxiety, many of them here in free links. You obviously realize anxiety is the problem, even if your mind is focused on the freckle. So you have been to three doctors and a dermatologist for it. Treat your anxiety with the same level of attendance and aggressive go-getter attitude.

Anxiety only gets better if you work at it and treat it. Don't be passive. No one ever got over cancer from sitting around doing nothing about it. The same can be said for anxiety.

Hi, thank you for your reply. I've been put on meds now for the anxiety so waiting for those to kick in. I've also been back to the derm who has once again reassured me my lesions aren't cancer and offered cryotherapy to get rid of them, or at least make them lighter.

The one on my arm is a blister now (which I expected) but the one next to my eye has gotten darker after it was frozen and I can't cover it with makeup like I normally do, so it's super obvious. I'm just waiting for it to blister/scab/do whatever it needs to do to drop off my face, I HATE it :( Even though I've been reassured, I hate where it is and how nervous it makes me.

I've had a look at the resources here for anxiety and they help a lot especially in taking my mind away from using google. Honestly think sometimes that half my anxiety would disappear if I wasn't looking up my symptoms online so much.

03-09-19, 10:20
Hi, thank you for your reply. I've been put on meds now for the anxiety so waiting for those to kick in. I've also been back to the derm who has once again reassured me my lesions aren't cancer and offered cryotherapy to get rid of them, or at least make them lighter.

The one on my arm is a blister now (which I expected) but the one next to my eye has gotten darker after it was frozen and I can't cover it with makeup like I normally do, so it's super obvious. I'm just waiting for it to blister/scab/do whatever it needs to do to drop off my face, I HATE it :( Even though I've been reassured, I hate where it is and how nervous it makes me.

I've had a look at the resources here for anxiety and they help a lot especially in taking my mind away from using google. Honestly think sometimes that half my anxiety would disappear if I wasn't looking up my symptoms online so much.

I agree. I know it takes a lot of self-discipline but it's probably the best thing you can do to get yourself feeling better.

03-09-19, 10:26
I agree. I know it takes a lot of self-discipline but it's probably the best thing you can do to get yourself feeling better.

Sometimes I'd give anything to go back to the 90's before the internet became a thing, such a calm decade :(

03-09-19, 10:29
I kind of agree, but if you weren't naturally sociable it was a much lonelier time back then, too.

03-09-19, 10:44
I kind of agree, but if you weren't naturally sociable it was a much lonelier time back then, too.

I just remember playing with my friends, listening to music and drawing a ton :( I wasn't worried about my health and my mind wasn't being filled by nonsense online and self-diagnosing myself with said nonsense. The internet can be a blessing and a curse, especially to someone with anxiety.

19-09-19, 15:06
Hi everyone

Sorry to post again but I'm having a rough time. :(

This summer my skin on my face has developed some large freckles, they're not as dark as a freckle but are bigger. I have a couple on each side of my face. I had a look online and I think they're solar lentigo, or sun spots.

I've been freaking out over them and am scared again of melanoma, as I heard these mostly show up on people 40+ and I'm only 32. I have a few freckles on my face and arms and that's it.

I've seen the dermatologist twice this year who hasn't mentioned them and I can't afford to see him again but I'm worried they'll develop into something sinister as I had makeup on when I saw him which covers them.


19-09-19, 15:17
says online they appear around the age of 40 but can appear earlier or later depending on the amount of sun exposer you get. Nothing about it developing into cancer.

Sounds like it’s completely normal to me.

19-09-19, 15:35
says online they appear around the age of 40 but can appear earlier or later depending on the amount of sun exposer you get. Nothing about it developing into cancer.

Sounds like it’s completely normal to me.

That's what I read too, but this damn HA won't let me live! :( my husband who also has a freckled complexion has a few on his face, perhaps more than I do, but mine look a little darker as I'm paler.

When I put makeup on though, you can't see them at all.

As a result of this I'm absolutely obsessed with staying out of the sun lately. Has anyone else obsessively avoided something because they're scared of it? I've never really been a sun lover anyway.

Skin cancer fears have given me such a hard time lately.

19-09-19, 16:10

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


19-09-19, 16:21

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


Thank you

25-09-19, 15:32
Tempted to pay £150 to get cryotherapy for these sun spots. I've never noticed them till now, my makeup covers them pretty well.

Since my anxiety about skin cancer started about 2 months ago I've noticed EVERYTHING. I've seen the dermatologist twice (he used cryo for 2 freckles which are gone now) and he tells me I'm fine but now I've noticed the sun spots on my face, I'm terrified he's missed them because I had makeup on for my appointment.

Maybe I should go one more time then I can actually enjoy my holiday in November, if he tells me it's fine and cryo's them off. :(


25-09-19, 16:32
3 doctors, and a dermatologist have told me I’m fine. The freckle next to my eye is just a freckle.

My husband says he wouldn’t even think about it anymore if it were him.

Why am I still obsessing over the damn thing. Why, when I see it in the mirror, my heart starts pounding at the thought of it becoming or being melanoma.

Why can’t I just relax and accept what I’ve been told

You’ve just summed up a thought that I have about my eyes every day now for about 9 months. I’ve equally been told not to worry and yet I do...take some positives from the fact that we are all on here feeling the same as you a lot of the time, and that you are almost certain to have nothing at all wrong with you. As a GP said to me a few months ago, “please trust us, we know what we’re doing”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

28-09-19, 22:56
Went on BBC news this evening and there’s an article about skin cancer (melanoma).

Although the article talks about how medicine has progressed, it’s set off my health anxiety again.

It got so bad this evening I started picking at a mole on my arm and made myself bleed. My derm has told me I’m fine but it still plagues my mind and I can’t take this anymore. :(

28-09-19, 23:31
You can't be picking at these things and making them bleed - just leave it alone

29-09-19, 03:18
Dear LJay, I am so sorry you are go through this. I have suffered from health anxiety for decades. For me, the thing that has helped the most is to come to terms with the uncertainties of life. This has not been easy at all. It has taken years of therapy. And, I think it is something I will struggle with my whole life. I have been doing quite well, but, for whatever reason, the last few days have been hard again. UGH!! I have tools in my arsenal though. This current mood will pass. (Positive thinking here.)

My current therapist has me practice living in the moment (mindfulness), daily meditation, and giving myself lots of self-soothing, self-care, and self-compassion. Reassurance from my physician never gave me the peace I craved. My mind just turned to another illness. Now, there are many days that I feel incredible peace. I am okay with life. I am okay with the moment and am free from worry about the future. It is hard work, but it has paid off.

I hope you will find someone who can help you learn to let go of your anxieties. You may not achieve permanent 24/7 relief, but at least you can have some perfect moments in life.

I'm sending good vibes your way.