View Full Version : Myxedema concerns

07-09-19, 19:49
I’ve been on levothyroxine (generic synthroid) for years and haven’t ever felt good on it. I had radioactive iodine ablation years ago so I have a non functioning thyroid gland, meaning it produces nothing. Well, my anxiety caused me to stop taking meds. (I know, stupid!) I’ve basically been without ANY form of thyroid hormone for about 9 months now. I’m currently experiencing what is obviously extreme hypothyroidism. I do have an appointment with a GP on Monday at 4:30 (it’s currently Saturday afternoon here in the States) but of course, now I’m worried about myxedema coma. I’ve been having severe brain fog, extreme exhaustion and cold intolerance for weeks and in the last month I’ve had severe swelling in my feet and hands. Has anyone else ever done anything this stupid due to anxiety? I do this a lot with medications; I want the dr to prescribe them and then I either won’t take them at all or I take them, then just... stop.

I did start taking my thyroid meds again 3 days ago, but I worry my body won’t get enough fast enough to change anything and I’ll lapse into myxedema crisis (May already be there) or myxedema coma. :scared15: