View Full Version : Oral cancer this time...

22-08-19, 23:11
My throat started hurting so decided to have a look around and saw some white thing near my tonsils so I ..... Yes. Googled it. Well the doc checked it out and said I have thrush on my tongue and said due to my anxiety I'm thinking something else and said the bit at the back was also thrush. Obviously my anxiety has gotten hold due to my neck lymph nodes being raised too.

Strangely this came about while obsessing for 2 days over my mouth and checking it every 5 minutes. I've got some thrush mouth wash which I hope gets rid but if not gotta have it checked which made me even more on edge!

I guess I'm looking for some reassurance. I'm gonna speak to my actual GP tomorrow (this one was an OOH) about the health anxiety too.

22-08-19, 23:23
Have you been given Nystatin?

I'm sorry but this is just not mouth cancer. For the record, anything mouth-related is best dealt with by your dentist. I'm not undermining the GPs here, but dentists spend five years studying the mouth and related features... But please speak with your GP regarding your anxiety :shades:

22-08-19, 23:28
Thanks for a quick reply.

Nystatin is what I was given. My last GP said a very similar thing. I'll maybe try the dentist it's definitely a better idea but appointments are months. I suppose it gives me an excuse to re-register.

22-08-19, 23:33
Try the treatment first though

23-08-19, 00:12
Nystatin tastes foul! But it does work quickly.
You’ll be ok soon.

23-08-19, 00:16
I had thrush several times during my cancer treatment and took Nystatin. Yes, the ailment and treatment are not pleasant but the treatment works within a week or so.

Positive thoughts

23-08-19, 00:35
We generally dispense generic Nystatin, but recently we've been giving the brand "Nystan" (supply issues) - we can literally smell it through the box. A bit like Battenberg cake, but nicer. Then the generic instructions: Using the pipette provided, measure 1mL and swirl around the mouth for one minute four times daily, then swallow. Digressing as usual.

Anyway, see your GP for your anxiety. Dentists are gold mines when it comes to oral health advice/diagnosis/treatment et al. Just my 2 cents!

23-08-19, 02:14
I like Battenberg cake!!!

Oral thrush is very common and stress can cause such things as your body ends up out of balance in terms of healthy flora. Aside from the med, and as pointed out above a dentist is more an expert but something like thrush can easily be diagnosed by a GP or pharmacist, it might be worth eating some yoghurt to get some healthy bacteria into you.

Do you use inhalers or something similar? These often cause thrush either through lack of cleaning or the steroids in some of them.

25-08-19, 07:56
Well when I saw my usual GP about anxiety I also mentioned this thing in my throat he said it there wasn't anything there to be worried about but my throats still sore and nodes still hurt plus I'm not sure if he actually saw the white thing so had a bit of a break down and now called OOH for an appointment later.

Hopefully the Wellbeing place get back as this is the worst I've felt in a long time and know it's bad when I start packing non stop and gagging!

26-08-19, 19:17
Ok so it's not thrush. GP looked 3 or 4 times. He showed me pictures of leukaplakia (sp?) and said it wasn't that though I'm sure he still couldn't see what I mean. I guess it sounds like im being paranoid.

My throat and neck still hurt but he checked the nodes in my neck, arms and chest and nothing was up. The side of my neck, base of my skull and top of my spine ache like mad due to bad pillows and think this is why I get headaches, maybe it got something to do with my throat too.

He also mentioned that due to my long distance bike rides I started it might be that I've ran myself down even more and my body needs recovery.

He gave me Diazepam and told me to see my GP in 2wks ref anxiety.

26-08-19, 21:57
Sounds like a tonsil stone peeking out.

26-08-19, 22:40

Go to your dentist, they'll give you a definitive diagnosis and then see your GP for anxiety.

Going to your GP for mouth issues is a bit like going to a Nurse to ask about complicated interactions/side effects et al., when you can access a Pharmacist for free on the high street :shades:

27-08-19, 07:22
I looked at tonsil stones and this looks almost exactly the same.

I don't have a dentist and don't get paid until end of the week so I'll call them and see if I can register

29-08-19, 08:32
Turns out to be an enlarged (can't remember the word he used) mucus membrane. I showed him in the mirror. His light didn't light it up much, in fact it didn't look anywhere near as bad with his light but then I shone my phone light on there so I could show him.

I'm wondering if the sore throat is post nasal drip, I don't think it helps where I've had a fan directly on my face about 30cm away all night for the past 10 days. But then it could also be an allergy as I've been sneezing.