View Full Version : extra typos, brain tumour paranoia

19-08-19, 17:10
oooh boy how do i even start with this one. I’ve been on a downward spiral of health anxiety since april (there goes my summer) and the source of it is always changing. Right now i’m scared i have a brain tumour despite having recently undergone both a neurological exam at the hospital and a general eye exam. first i thought i was swaying in my seat, then i thought i was slurring, then i thought i was seeing stars, and now i think i’m making more typos than usual. Of course, it’s always worse the more stressed i get. I noticed all the typos a couple of days ago and now i can’t stop taking word per minute tests, despite my fingers being incredibly sore at this point. Are typos a sign of loss of cognitive function or hand-eye coordination? i was at the hospital as recently as 3 weeks ago and i’m so scared i missed something. i’m just so tired, i even dream about being sick.

19-08-19, 17:21
Typos are often a sign of being tired, stressed and distracted.

19-08-19, 17:21
Omg. This was me! Lol. And sometimes I would switch the first letters of two words. Like brain freeze would be frain breeze. Lol. Happens to all of us!

19-08-19, 17:27
Typos are often a sign of being tired, stressed and distracted.
well, i certainly am all of those things, haha. honestly i can’t even tell if i’m making more typos than usual or if i’m just scared of the ones i do make. i’m so stressed out right now i can barely focus on anything. Ugh and i’ve already made like 5 typos just writing this message which doesn’t help my mental state at all, every time i do it i experience this pang of panic in my gut no matter how much i try to fight it. i’ve been typing so much lately i feel like my thumbs are going to fall off just because i can’t stop checking.

19-08-19, 17:36
I went down the brain tumour hole from 2012 until early this year. I'd almost say I'm ''cured'' of worrying about brain tumours, as I haven't worried about them for a good few months now (which was unheard of for the last seven years)

I went through a spell worrying about typos - and believe me, the more you worry about them, the more you'll notice them.

Good luck

19-08-19, 17:42
Hu ho, I umst ahve osmething rwong with em! ;)

Positive thoughts

19-08-19, 17:44
I went down the brain tumour hole from 2012 until early this year. I'd almost say I'm ''cured'' of worrying about brain tumours, as I haven't worried about them for a good few months now (which was unheard of for the last seven years)

I went through a spell worrying about typos - and believe me, the more you worry about them, the more you'll notice them.

Good luck

that does make sense, and i literally can’t stop thinking about it, so i guess i would notice every little thing. it’s actually getting in the way of my being able to sleep: i’m always reaching for my phone to test-type another paragraph and count the number of typos i make. i just hope my paranoia doesn’t last seven years like yours did! i don’t know if i can keep living like this, haha.

19-08-19, 17:46
Hu ho, I umst ahve osmething rwong with em! ;)

Positive thoughts

ha ha, i guess it’s easy enough to laugh when you’re on the other side of it :P i’d like to get there eventually.

19-08-19, 18:43
PLEASE HELP ME, i just phoned the nurses’ hotline like an IDIOT and they said i should go back to the doctor because of the typos?? HELP ME PLEASE I DON’T WANT TO DIE I EVEN TOLD THEM I’D ALREADY BEEN TO THE DOCTOR AND THEY SAID I WAS FINE, WHY DO THEY WANT ME TO GO BACK IF I’M FINE???

19-08-19, 19:03
They're practising CYA medicine, don't worry about it.

19-08-19, 19:06
My mom had an actual brain tumor (benign and removed and she's all well now, for what it's worth). Anyway, she had very, very obvious and concerning symptoms-not typos.

The nurses can't diagnose you over the phone, and you're calling and telling them you're worried about a brain tumor, so naturally they think you should see the doctor.

I'm currently convinced I have early onset dementia, so I'm totally sympathetic, but what you're doing is noticing completely normal things and attributing them to something extremely unusual and unlikely.

19-08-19, 19:27
thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to reply to my hysterics. it’s especially helpful hearing from someone whose family has had experiences with brain tumours, and i’m so glad your mom is better now. i’m aware that it’s largely just stress, and i’ve decided to abstain from typing for the rest of the day so as not to make the problem worse unless it's to contact my gf. i’m not a religious person, but i’m convinced you’re all angels 💜💜💜

19-08-19, 19:58
The Sun (or maybe The Mirror) had a story in it a few years ago about a young girl with a glioblastoma. (I can remember every brain tumour related story I've ever read, such is the anxiety).

She was making severe typos in her text messages to friends/family (she also had other symptoms). So instead of a text saying: "Hey, how are you?" she was texting: "D fkdj kjfkfh"

It's also worth pointing out that she wasn't aware she was texting complete nonsense - it was only those around her who noticed....

You don't have a brain tumour causing typos.

19-08-19, 20:58
That’s really useful to know, gaga. I know for a fact that i immediately notice every typo i make and quickly fix it, and nothing is coming out like gibberish. Just basic things like typing a d instead of an f or an i instead of an o, and only on my phone’s tiny keyboard.

19-08-19, 21:07
I know for a fact that i immediately notice every typo i make and quickly fix it, and nothing is coming out like gibberish. Just basic things like typing a d instead of an f or an i instead of an o, and only on my phone’s tiny keyboard.

Seriously? How is this a concern and how does that remotely translate to a brain tumor? :huh:

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19-08-19, 21:24
well, when you’re hyper-aware of everything your body does and you’ve been told to look out for problems with hand-eye coordination, everything can become really scary, haha.

19-08-19, 21:44

Sorry, I don't see the humor but I do see the all too familiar pattern of severe HA :(

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19-08-19, 21:52
i don’t see the humour either tbh, i was just trying to add a little levity to the situation. but yeah, it’s eating me alive. i know as soon as i put this fear to bed another one will come up and i’ll latch onto another non-symptom.

19-08-19, 21:53
What are you doing to treat your HA?

Positive thoughts

19-08-19, 22:08
cognitive behavioural therapy as well as cbd oils. my appointments are once a week and i always feel better after i get out of them, and i have been given a lot of tools, it’s just a matter of applying them. i used to be on medication (prozac, clonazepam) but the side effects were so bad that i gave up on it. the heartburn was debilitating, and the headaches made me think something was wrong with my brain. unfortunately, that’s when the HA reared its ugly head. i worried in the past, like if i had breast pain, but now it’s consuming me. i only started the oils last week, and thankfully because there’s no thc it doesn’t get me high. i’ve been told it will take a few weeks before i get used to it.

19-08-19, 22:28
Does your therapist know you're posting for reassurance on an anxiety forum?

Positive thoughts

19-08-19, 22:31
no, since i only started doing that today and our weekly appointment isn’t until friday, i haven’t had the chance to discuss it with her. i’ve posted here in the past, but that was before i ever started seeing her. i’ll be sure to discuss it with her on friday, though.

19-08-19, 22:48
no, since i only started doing that today and our weekly appointment isn’t until friday, i haven’t had the chance to discuss it with her. i’ve posted here in the past, but that was before i ever started seeing her. i’ll be sure to discuss it with her on friday, though.

:yesyes: Please do!

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