View Full Version : i have a worry about getting Alzheimer's

09-08-19, 19:28
i was watching tv and saw a AD about Alzheimer's and of course that got my anxiety all worked up and now im convinced ill get Alzheimer's can anyone tell me the chance of getting this and give me support. this is how my aniexty likes to come up a simple thing can cause my anxiety to blow it out of purporting.

09-08-19, 19:37
You're a teenager. This is one of those worries there is no reassurance for nor should it be a concern for at least 60 years and there's nothing you can do about it anyway :shrug: What is concerning is allowing irrational worries such as this rule your life :(

Positive thoughts

09-08-19, 20:29
It affects older people, so nothing to worry about for a good long while.

And yes, there have been the odd case with younger people but that’s very rare.