View Full Version : Worried about aortic aneurysm

04-08-19, 00:15
I'm a 15 year old male. Yesterday when I woke up I noticed a pulsing sensation near my belly button, which panicked me and caused me to look it up on google. I'm quite thin so I was reassured that the sensation was just due to that. But still it's not like i've just become thin, why does it pop up now? I also saw that an aneurysm could cause it, but that involved stomach pain so I ignored it.

But later afternoon yesterday I felt a pain in my abdomen like I haven't felt before, not at the top of my abdomen, more towards the back, which is kind of a more concerning pain because I can't attribute it to normal stomach issues. This pain went after like 10 minutes. Then today i've had a similar thing with pain in my abdomen which again went away pretty quickly. It is pretty painful though. I've constantly been pressing my stomach and tucking it in to see if i can spot an aneurysm type thing since i've heard aortic aneurysms only start to get painful after the 5.5cm mark. I can literally see my stomach pressing outwards with my heartbeat. Apparently symptoms only start showing a couple months before rupture, so it's pretty scary given the 90% mortality rate. Luckily apparently the death due to AAA renders you unconscious in seconds, so I won't be in intense pain for too long.

I'm aware that aortic aneurysm's at this age are kinda rare, but they're not unheard of. Apparently marfan syndrome causes it. I've not been diagnosed with that but i am kinda tall like 6'2 and i only weight 120 pounds. My fingers aren't flexible but apparently people don't always have all the symptoms of it.

My parents never let me go to a doctor for other health complaints that have later been seen to all be in my head, but i'm convinced this is different, too scared to ask them about it since they get pretty frustrated with me for it, which is understandable because it's quite illogical I guess, hard to say that in the grips of such a thought process. I mean a pharmacist told my 18yo sister that she had unusually high blood pressure for her age and should get checked, and my dad blew it off as being the nerves of a counter and pharmacists "telling that to everyone". Speaking of which, high blood pressure does contribute to forming aortic aneurysm's, maybe high blood pressure runs in the family?

There's reports online from chinese medical centers talking about 6 pediatric cases of aortic aneurysm's, and they could only find causes for 2, meaning the other 4 were unexplained and hence I don't necessarily need a connective tissue disorder/ genetic malfunction to develop one.

This is basically all i've been able to think about as it's summer and got nothing to distract me

04-08-19, 21:05
AAA would be rare at your age. Seeing your stomach beat, especially if you're thin and young is nothing to be worried about (I have this too, as have several friends). Statistically, we can't all have undiagnosed AAAs.

You can rule Marfan's Syndrome out as your dentist would have picked this up long ago (Yes, dentist).

High blood pressure, according to studies, takes years to cause damage unless it's extremely high, whereby damage can occur in a very short period of time. (Malignant hypertension). You'd know if you had the latter.

I should say there are case reports of practically everything occurring in a young person out there - so if you look for these things, you'll find them.

I'm certain you don't have an AAA, but you need to see your doctor regarding your anxiety. And you can run this past hium or her for reassurance

Good luck

04-08-19, 21:34
I have a thoracic aortic aneurysm and belong to a massive support group that features a good number of abdominal aortic aneurysm patients too. I cannot think of one member of the group who has an AAA who is under the age of 35. From my understanding (correct me if I am wrong) the NHS screens men for them, but not until you are 65.

My aneurysm developed from a faulty aortic valve. I also have a pulsing sensation by my navel, and always have. It has nothing to do with my abdominal aorta, as it has been thoroughly scanned and monitored and is normal.

04-08-19, 22:11
Yes that's true lofwyr - I just checked Patient UK Professional Reference - screening is done at the age of 65, and if negative, an AAA is ruled out for life!

It also said the same thing - very rare under the age of 35

Good luck