View Full Version : Dark red blood when wiping

19-06-19, 23:42
It's as the title says. I'm 25 years old and there was dark red blood on the tissue after wiping. Quite a lot of it, too. I sent in a stool sample to the doctors about a month ago due to having problems with constipation/cramps and mucus, and they didn't find anything in that. I don't have hemorrhoids that I'm aware of, so I'm very, very convinced that this is it. I've spent years worrying about cancer and now it's actually happening to me.

20-06-19, 00:40
I was concerned about colon cancer too, and went through with a colonoscopy because colon cancer is in my family. My colonoscopy came back clear, and the doctor recommended routine follow-ups afterwards. I had my first follow-up last year, which also came back clear. Does your family have a history of colon cancer? If so, you might have a basis for requesting a colonoscopy, if you'd like to have it for peace of mind.