View Full Version : High Blood Pressure

16-02-19, 08:40
So I've been suffering from crippling health anxiety for the last for years ever since I graduated high school. I recently went to er for a stomach issue. They took me back and took my vitals and my blood pressure was 188/110 and bpm was 143. I'm 22 years old and im slightly overweight I weigh 213 and I'm 5'11. I'm scared that this high blood pressure/high heart rate is going to cause heart failure or a blood vessel in my head to pop. I've had 7 EKGs over past couple years and they all come back normal accept the doctors saying that it was a little fast. Is my heart fine? or should I ask for a echo cardiogram when I go in for a psychical march the 6th? both sides of my family suffers from panic disorder and anxiety. My dad said his blood pressure used to do the same thing when he would have panic attacks but I'm still not reassured.

16-02-19, 11:45
Can you ask your doctor to prescribe a small dose of a beta blocker? That will fix the tachycardia. I had the same problem due to anxiety and that’s what my doctor did. My heart rate is fine now.

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16-02-19, 13:23
B blockers aren’t now the meds of choice though I agree might relax you a little.
In the uk they would do a 24 hour continuous Bp monitor to prove it was only anxiety. Most docs have them. It would be ok asleep
You need of course to exclude a thyroid issue and have kidneys including scan checked. Most of this is all ok as you say it and obviously relaxation , yoga etc etc will help.
If I was your doc I would also check for “raised catecholamines” read it up via Google and read webMD. It’s a very rare problem of a non cancerous tumour bashing out adrenaline at will. My levels were raised a bit due to anxiety and no adrenal tumour was found.
Good luck
Anxiety is a bummer

So simple advice given available on google.

16-02-19, 13:58
This is anxiety I’m twice your age and sake thing. No way with that heart rate is this your no and I personally think you need no meds or tests. Unless they are anxiety meds. Im terrified of all no machines so I’m certain that I’d panic throughout a 24 he test and get a false reading. But when my sr takes my bo several times in succession it does drop. It went from 179 to 138 in 5 minutes. My dr said it’s anxiety so is yours you’d kidbeys abnd heart are fine

---------- Post added at 13:58 ---------- Previous post was at 13:57 ----------

And is your heart only racing at the Dr that’s the case with me

16-02-19, 14:19
I agree Wesley !
Mine goes through roof when near a doc or clinic.
But sustained BP of 140/90 in US cohorts had 30% increased chance of stroke etc.
So I had the tests and take the meds——-but I agree simple measures to reduce anxiety of all types are always my “go to”.
Thanks for reassuring the poster.
Best wishes

16-02-19, 17:54
Its not just in a er or doctor setting its literally every where I am when im at work, playing videos games, friends house I explained this to my doctor and he prescribed me klonopin which he said to take 2mg tablets twice a day but the thing is they completelt wreck your memory and the rebound anxiety is awful. I just worry its a birth defect due to me being 3 weeks premature and my mom drinking during her pregnancy with me. I really dont want to be put on a beta blocker anytime soon becuase I plan on getting a half sleeve tattoo pretty soon and hear you cant get tattooed if your on anything that thins your blood due to excessive bleeding. But they have done an ultra sound of my galbladder, liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Everything came back fine. My blood pressure is what concerns me the most im concerned its that elevated all the time due to my anxiety. Ive also gotten pains in my arms and jaw. But im 22 so highly doubt I have coronary heart diease.

16-02-19, 19:25
I’m 29, perfect BMI and fit and my heart pressure is pre-hypertension at 138/80. I’m skinny and young. My doctor was going to have me have a serious heart exam as she said something isn’t right. Beforehand she made me take two blood pressure exams every day at home for a week. I did that and my blood pressure averaged at 120/70.

White coat syndrome is a definite thing and I’d say that’s definitely happening here. Why don’t you buy a blood pressure monitor? They’re about £20/$30. Doctors if worst case, at least in the UK, can put a permanent monitor on you which takes your blood pressure in your sleep etc

16-02-19, 22:18
Getting your own machine could be a really bad move if you tend to be obsessive. I was taking my bp constsntly most of my numbers where ok even though I was anxious but if get ond a little high and freak. Vicious cycle. It be high thr kow and I’d say oh hood but an hour later is check again.

What is your pulse with you are relaxed mine is low unless I’m on a panic of yours is always high that’s more concerning

17-02-19, 09:44
Yea theirs no way im going to start monitoring my bp because that will just freak me out more.