View Full Version : Terrified don’t know what to do

28-12-18, 13:20
I’m getting myself into a real worry about my symptoms. It’s all stacking up to something serious. Here’s what I have and background...
In late thirties. Had merina coil for three years. Had removed in May and copper coil put in...
Get thinner but not lost any actual weight
Thinner skin
Heavy week long periods
Spotting after intercourse (fairly new)
Feeling low and crying a lot.
Increase in facial hair
Hot flushes (which seem to have calmed down in the past couple of months)
Weak muscles
Aching legs and arms
Feeling like I can’t breathe

I have had numerous blood tests over the past couple of months. All of which have come back apparently normal. Lft, cbc, diabetes, thyroid, crp, feratin, estrodol

I have had my tummy palpated when I’ve been in to be checked over. Nothing has been said to be wrong. I’m clinging on to the fact that one of these blood would have been out of whack if there was something wrong but I just don’t know that it would. I feel so unwell and so scared.

28-12-18, 13:44
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


28-12-18, 14:25

28-12-18, 15:30
Why don't you just remove the coil ?

The copper coil are well know for causing heavier and longer lasting bleeding. Since it don't contain hormones it can't cause tiredness, hot flashes, crying, Increase in facial hair. But maybe since you swished from a hormone coil to a non hormone, your own hormones are a bit wacky?

28-12-18, 16:12
Well if it isn’t a problem then there would be no point in removing it. And I don’t know what else to try for contraception.
I’m not saying it’s causing the problems, I doubt it is

28-12-18, 16:22
No I understand, It just seems like you can't find pease with it and worry about it being the problem, but like you said you had the other coil for many years.

Personally im not happy about any hormonal contraception and im not sure I can find peace with a coil, so we use good old condoms, work like a charm.

I hope your hormones settles soon, so you can get some peace at mind.

28-12-18, 16:41
Like you say, this is hormone feee so there shouldn’t be a problem which makes me feel it’s something serious underlying.
Neither of us like condoms but I’m never good on hormones.

28-12-18, 19:23
What you are describing here are all things I've seen others write about, and felt myself as part of hormone imbalances/perimenopause, inluding thinner drier skin and hot sweating/flushes. Hormone tests are notoriously inaccurate, as most GPs will tell you, as they can vary from hour to hour, week to week and month to month, especially when you are in a period of variability with cycles. My last blood test (2 years ago) showed 'normal' but from symptoms my GP agreed I was in the meno transition. What I'm saying is, blood tests aren't the whole story, infact for this type of thing they can be very little of the story.

I know I've said this before on one of your threads about the same issue, but I do feel that what is being missed is some imbalance. Oestrogen could show as totally normal or even high in the early stages of perimenopause, but progesterone is later to be affected by these life changes and that can cause many of the assorted symptoms you talk of. Breathing and weakness/aching muscles could simply be the stress and tension you feel from feeling decidedly under the weather. I think your hormones are turbulent, as I recognise lots of what you write here.

28-12-18, 19:40
Thank you Cerys, I do agree it sounds imbalanced. And I am at the right age for the beginning of Peri. But I’m worried about the spotting after sex. That doesn’t seem normal and isn’t listed as a side effect of hormones. I have seen a couple of people say they’ve had it with the coil but not seen much evidence.
I also have awful lumber pain most of the time and pain in my hips.

28-12-18, 20:19
The spotting could be cervical erosion, fairly common. OR it could be a polyp that bleeds on contact, or close proximity - polyps, and troublesome fibroids can appear in perimeno as oestrogen levels are out of proportion with progesterone levels. I would honestly suggest that you do some reading on hormonal changes and see if you can recognise yourself in some accounts. I think you should also log your bleeding patterns (I started doing this a few years ago) for reference if you see the GP again, and all the other symptoms you feel - see if they feel cyclical.

28-12-18, 20:40
I’ve always kept a cycle log. My cycle is regular to the day every month. I have one day spotting, four days heavy and then a couple of normal days before it stops. Last month was the longest it’s been and this spotting has been maybe three times now after penetrative sex.
I started getting a bit of facial hair just before I had the merina taken out. I’m worried now that the symptoms have been ignored by myself because of the switch over. Or maybe I started going into Peri before I had it taken out and now it’s out my hormones are messed up. I lost lots of weight in the first week of that being taken out, which I thought was probably just bloating going away. I did have blood tests then for weight loss and everything was normal.
I also don’t understand how they can say Estrogen was normal as they didn’t ask me what point in my cycle I was at. How can you say normal? I guess maybe it was normal within the realms of a serous Illness would make it out of whack? I don’t know.
Thank you for replying x

28-12-18, 20:48
I also don’t understand how they can say Estrogen was normal as they didn’t ask me what point in my cycle I was at. How can you say normal?

I'd agree......I think sometimes this 'normal' refers to major lower and upper boundaries. So providing you are within the boundaries, they say 'normal' but it could all be out of whack with your other hormone levels, and not in the correct proportion with them and cause issues. You do say your periods are still very regular, are they literally on the same timescale as they used to be? never a few days earlier or later?

---------- Post added at 20:48 ---------- Previous post was at 20:46 ----------

I also don’t understand how they can say Estrogen was normal as they didn’t ask me what point in my cycle I was at. How can you say normal?

I'd agree......I think sometimes this 'normal' refers to major lower and upper boundaries. So providing you are within the boundaries, they say 'normal' but it could all be out of whack with your other hormone levels, and not in the correct proportion with them and cause issues. You do say your periods are still very regular, and are literally on the same timescale as they used to be, never a few days earlier or later....hmmm.....I'm not sure what else to suggest. Apart, from ask a second opinion?

28-12-18, 21:00
Maybe by 1-2 days but never more. Usually bang on date. I’ve always been really regular x

28-12-18, 21:08
Yeah, that is the one discrepancy in my mind, as even high or low of any of the female sex hormones usually produces cycle irregularity. Not always of course......

28-12-18, 22:03
That’s why I think it’s sonething bad ��

28-12-18, 22:31
NO....thats not what I am saying.....it doesn't sound BAD from your symptoms, it just sounds like something that is out of kilter that is yet to be determined. :winks:

28-12-18, 22:32
Thank you lovely x

29-12-18, 02:48
So I’m due my period today and I’ve just been awoken in the middle of the night sweating heavily and with the most awful back pain I’ve ever felt. Feels like I’ve been kicked in the back. I’ve sonetimes had aching in my thighs, but never anything like this. Panicking and feeling sick now. Why is this happening to me ��

29-12-18, 09:09
The woken by sweating in the night is absolutely standard response to a period coming in perimenopause. It is a sure sign that certain hormones are low. My usual cues to a period went in my 40s and night sweating was the way I would know a period was coming. Nowadays at 50, it is often sweating day and night for days before. I didn't have pain, but I know others who HAVE developed painful periods and cramps before a period. If I was you I'd have the coil out, at the least it seems to be causing heavier bleeding and cramping pain. I think its not suiting you and you are in peri - but I'm no doctor and thats not for me to make a decision. I would also request a scan to put your mind at rest about fibroids, cysts and such-like in terms of intercourse bleedimg.

29-12-18, 09:28
Im having some hormonal issues, i have the mirena coil and im having it removed in a few days as i have noticed a change since ive had it.
I hate hate hormones and i feel ruled by them! Im 41 and could be perimenopausal.
You could be allergic or sensitive to the copper...i would recommend getting it removed just to see, then you could always get another put in.
Condoms are gross but they do a job!

29-12-18, 09:36
I cannot thank you enough carys for your advice.
Woke up so many times in the night suddenly. When I’ve finally gotten up this morning I’m absolutely bathed in sweat on and off. Waves of extreme heat and feeling generally weak. I’ve started light bleeding this morning so we’ll hage a bit of this before the flood gates open. Back is agony.

Sarah, I had my Mirena for three years and I think it started losing its strength as I’d started having small bleeds again before it was switched, regular and when my period was due. I had no end of trouble with mine though, piled on two stone in the first couple of months and felt awful most of the time. I feel like I’m wasting the dr time being in and out having one put in and then another and not liking that either.

29-12-18, 09:52
Hiyer Sarah, we meet again, us hormone sufferers LOL

'Bathed in sweat' yep....insomnia....tick.....

I don't reckon your mirena became weak, I reckon your body is changing/was changing around it. :winks: You might get some other thoughts and advice on 'menopause matters' forums, at the least you can put across your symptoms and the situation, as you have here, to the women there and see what they think. If your doctor feels you are 'wasting their time' (which I bet they don't) then they are a pretty rubbish doctor to be honest. This isn't because you don't want to be happy, things just aren't right at the moment.

29-12-18, 10:35
You could very well be right. I had read a few articles about the merina to say that towards the end of its life, while it is still fully functional against pregnancy, your periods can start to return. So I just assumed this was the case. But with the return of the very light periods (mainly brown blood), came these overwhelming anxious feelings out of nowhere that had been gone for ages. I wasn’t under any particular stress either. Nothing was bothering me.
So I decided enough was enough of hormones and to get rid. And the increase in hair started with a decrease in body mass (but no weight loss). Then when the coil was switched I lost about seven pounds in a couple of days. It literally dropped in front of my eyes. That’s when I had bloods taken to check for nasties.
I just assumed in my late thirties I was too young for peri. When I went to the dr with all symptoms of menopause she told me I was too young but would check my hormones. Within the first month of the copper I was getting horrendous hot flushes which didn’t seem to have any pattern at all. My body was just all over the place.
I did read up about the Estrone test last night and it said that anything higher than the norm would indicate a problem and as it came back normal I should rest easy I guess.
Really appreciate your help x

29-12-18, 11:38
Very oddly, and this has surprised me.....I always had trouble with weight and needed diets through life to keep me on track (BMI wise)...except for the last couple of years. I can't keep weight on, I lose gradually unless I eat stacks.You aren't too young - there are loads of people on facebook page about peri who are in their 30's

29-12-18, 11:53
I guess I expected this all to happen later with my mum not going through it young. But then she always said she was never the same after kids. Maybe the extra hormones from the first coil messed with it all. I guess the only way of knowing what’s normal, like you say is to have it out and be completely med free. I’m trying to book an appointment to discuss but you have to keep checking back for them to come online. So frustrating.
I just feel so unwell in the first couple of days of my period being due and starting, like I have the flu, it’s awful.
I also noticed that my hair has now done almost completely grey in the last few months. It’s befn going for years but it’s been getting worse and now I’ve got them in my eyebrows too. I feel so much older than I am. And my skin is thinning out and going saggy. I’m just so very down with it all.

29-12-18, 13:39
Yes, it could just be a temporary imbalance of some sort, this is true. I've had this twice in my younger days, when it took a good 12 months to sort out.

29-12-18, 15:49
And now the palpitations have started up again ��
Really feel low today. My stomach is completely off too.

29-12-18, 16:59
Hard to differentiate isn't it, what is from low mood, anxiety (related to hormone changes) and what is a true physical symptom....:huh:

30-12-18, 11:47
Well still no full blown bleeding. I’m on my third day of light bleeding (red) and cramping. I have got pain in my right side like ovulation pain. Cramps in the centre. I’ve even run a pregnancy test (had a spare one from ages ago, in date) as I started worrying about an ectopic pregnancy, but it was negative so I’m trying to rule that out of my head. I’m sat shaking now. I feel awful. I know probably the shaking etc is from feeling worried and anxious. I just can’t get ovarian cancer out of my mind now x

01-01-19, 12:02
Feel totally awful today. I’m stacking more symptoms to make a terminal illness. My tummy under my ribs is in pain, I ache all over, I keep getting cold patches on my body. And I’ve lived with constant bladder urgency for so long now. I mentioned it to the dr a while back but she seemed unconcerned saying my brain had got to be retrained. But this was without these other symptoms.

02-01-19, 09:55
I don’t know what’s happening to me but I feel worse by the day. I slept really badly and I just keep crying over nothing. Feel really tired and heavy and exhausted. I’m alone today with the kids and feel useless. Feel so isolated and useless to them.

04-01-19, 08:51
So I’ve come down with a cold and I feel rubbish. But I don’t know what is linked to that and what is something else. Past two days I’ve had pain under my ribs and a fullness under my right rib. I feel nauseous and off my food. With my weight loss (visible but not lost anything on scales) I’m terrified I have a tumour somewhere or that I have liver cancer or pancreatic cancer.
How likely would it be given my lft and crp tests were normal six months ago and all other bloods three months ago were normal?
One minute I’m sweating the next I’m freezing. Trying to keep it together by feel so weak and shaky too.
Any advice is most grateful.

04-01-19, 08:59
So I’ve come down with a cold and I feel rubbish. But I don’t know what is linked to that and what is something else. Past two days I’ve had pain under my ribs and a fullness under my right rib. I feel nauseous and off my food. With my weight loss (visible but not lost anything on scales) I’m terrified I have a tumour somewhere or that I have liver cancer or pancreatic cancer.
How likely would it be given my lft and crp tests were normal six months ago and all other bloods three months ago were normal?
One minute I’m sweating the next I’m freezing. Trying to keep it together by feel so weak and shaky too.
Any advice is most grateful.

Sounds like you have a dose of the flu (influenza), with the classic symptoms body aches, weakness, fever and chills, and feeling off your food. Certainly not any kind of cancer.

Blood markers can change every few weeks, but at this stage you don't need any more tests!

04-01-19, 09:05
Since I had my gallbladder removed years ago I occasionally get a cramp under my right rib when I bend over and the area is a bit numb. It’s the same area where it feels like there’s something under there, like something poking me. I’m scared my liver is swollen. But would I surely have other symptoms? Like yellowing or whatever if it was serious?

04-01-19, 09:53
Since I had my gallbladder removed years ago I occasionally get a cramp under my right rib when I bend over and the area is a bit numb. It’s the same area where it feels like there’s something under there, like something poking me. I’m scared my liver is swollen. But would I surely have other symptoms? Like yellowing or whatever if it was serious?

You've just answered your own questions, yes there would be other symptoms which you don't have, also you've been getting the cramp under your right rib since you had your gallbladder removed and that was years ago so no new symptoms, just a heavy cold or flu.

04-01-19, 10:09
I’ve been off my food a little while now though. I thought it was just anxiety at first but now with occasional nausea. And I am now in the past hour itching. I don’t know if it’s because it’s cold and dry skin. Just feels like my body on the right under my rib is really tender. I have a deep seated worry over my Pancreas and liver since I had gallstones all those years ago. That I’m going to develop an illness with them. Like I say, I had lft and crp a few months ago with showed normal and then about three months ago had standard tests and diabetes checks. Just feel so weak all the time. Yesterday I couldn’t carry as much as I’d usually be able to so I feel like I’m losing my strength and muscle mass/tone.

04-01-19, 10:12

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


05-01-19, 04:46
Awake in the middle of the night and don’t know what to do. I’m full of worry about my health and don’t know how to stop it. I am so very scared there is something serious wrong.
My cold is a bit better but I still ache and feel trembly inside all over like I’m shaking or buzzing.

05-01-19, 09:52
I’m spinning out here. I’m convinced I have Wilson’s disease. I just read it’s fatal. I have the copper coil and it’s a no no. Does anyone know about Wilson’s? Would I have got to almost 40 without knowing I’ve got it? My anxiety is through the roof and I can’t see a dr because it’s the weekend.

05-01-19, 10:06
Copper coil does NOT cause Wilson's Disease. It's a genetic disorder that affects the body's ability to filter out copper in urine causing an excess to build up.


05-01-19, 10:19
Have you seen the list of things associated with Wilson's disease? I'm sure you have as you discovered this illness on the internet, which incidentally I'd not heard of and looked up after you mentioned it. Do you not think all those Wilson's disease effects, the systemic responses to the body and often severe symptoms, would be showing up in your bloods ???

05-01-19, 10:31
No I know it doesn’t cause it but if I didn’t know I had it and then had the copper coil put in it would be a contraindication. Maybe the coil has brought it to light

---------- Post added at 10:31 ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 ----------

I knew about it when I had the coil put in Cerys as it’s listed as something you can’t have it if you’ve got.
The weight loss in my arms and legs, tummy pains, chest pains, shaking etc. I’ve lost weight on my body but haven’t lost any weight on the scales. My legs look like they’re wasting away.

05-01-19, 10:35
No I know it doesn’t cause it but if I didn’t know I had it and then had the copper coil put in it would be a contraindication. Maybe the coil has brought it to light

---------- Post added at 10:31 ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 ----------

I knew about it when I had the coil put in Cerys as it’s listed as something you can’t have it if you’ve got.
The weight loss in my arms and legs, tummy pains, chest pains, shaking etc. I’ve lost weight on my body but haven’t lost any weight on the scales. My legs look like they’re wasting away.

If you had Wilson's it would make no difference having a copper coil. Most copper is contained in food and drink, and as Carys says, you'd have multiple symptoms by now and it would have shown up in tests long before all this.

I repeat, you have HA, NOT Wilson's, Dodo.

05-01-19, 10:41
Well the copper coil will be releasing more copper into the body it can’t filter won’t it I guess.
I’m losing strength and mass. It’s all so worrying.

05-01-19, 10:42
I have had numerous blood tests over the past couple of months. All of which have come back apparently normal.Continuing the theme of KKK above. I think you are underestimating hormone imbalance and anxiety, and the physical effects it can have. Ask for a referral to a gynae/endocrine specialist......?

I'm adding a link here, for your perusal, not saying that this IS perimenopause for you (but it sure could be), but I wanted you to read an article from someone who had experienced hormone imbalances. They can have a profound effect;


This helped me years ago, to realise that what seemed awful and mysterious, might be entirely 'normal'.

05-01-19, 10:48
Well the copper coil will be releasing more copper into the body it can’t filter won’t it I guess.
I’m losing strength and mass. It’s all so worrying.

With respect, you have over 100 HA threads since 2010 fearing myriad diseases (many terminal) which you haven't (obviously) died from. What makes you think you have Wilson's now, after 8 years (at least) of HA self-misdiagnoses?

Or does it run in your family genes (that you know of)?

05-01-19, 10:59
I don’t know anyone who has it no. But my symptoms just keep coming and coming.
I now feel like my arms are so weak and uncoordinated. I’m so scared. I’m home alone and feel so isolated and frightened. I’ve lost so much strength and muscle mass in the past couple of months.

---------- Post added at 10:59 ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 ----------

Thank you Cerys, I will have a look. I just am going on what the dr said, that my hormones are ok because of the test result x

05-01-19, 11:08
Thank you Cerys, I will have a look. I just am going on what the dr said, that my hormones are ok because of the test result x

Notoriously unreliable, as I said earlier - mine was also 'ok' 2 years ago, yet my periods were all over the place, I had various imbalance symptoms. Dr agreed that tests were very unreliable in this field as vary so much from hour to hour, and day to day. Please do read the article link posted - as everything you talk about are things some women struggle with hormone changes experience. The sweats, the insomina, the low mood and anxiety.....

05-01-19, 11:11
I don’t know anyone who has it no. But my symptoms just keep coming and coming.
I now feel like my arms are so weak and uncoordinated. I’m so scared. I’m home alone and feel so isolated and frightened. I’ve lost so much strength and muscle mass in the past couple of months.[COLOR="blue"]

Expanding on your copper coil logic (ie, it being "contraindicated" and a "no-no" in Wilson's Disease), do you think you would be writing (pretty articulately) on a HA board, or would you be so ill you could barely function with all that copper "toxicity" and poisoning?

Think about it, Dodo. I am trying to help you.

05-01-19, 11:23
KK I do hear you. HA is the most awful of creatures. After a period of being so well for so long I’m struggling. I do guess that I would have probably had markers prior to now if I had it. I guess just all the myriad of symptoms together and the weight thing is the thing that is bothering me the most about it all. I can see my legs are thinner and getting thinner. Same with face, neck and arms, but I’ve lost no weight at all, in fact I’m putting it on. I’m the same weight I was this time last year except I’m a lot thinner. I’m just desperately trying to find out what the matter is. My worry is also ovarian and pancreatic cancer. I have a lot of digestion problems, my periods are really heavy though regular. Apart from the intermittent spotting after sex that had just started happening.

---------- Post added at 11:23 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------

Carys I read it and broke down in tears. I could have written every bit, down to the bit about the kids. I feel so upset when I look at them and have no energy and feel a physical wreck. I want to be enjoying life and enjoying life with them but I feel so tired all the time.

05-01-19, 11:36
Carys I read it and broke down in tears. I could have written every bit, down to the bit about the kids. I feel so upset when I look at them and have no energy and feel a physical wreck. I want to be enjoying life and enjoying life with them but I feel so tired all the time.

I thought it would resonate! Ask for referral Dodo...GPs (many of them) aren't great with hormone issues, perimeno and assorted other women's mystery issues lol I believe you when you talk of your symptoms, and I don't think they are all standard anxiety, nor do I think they are serious and cancer :blush:

05-01-19, 11:47
It’s so difficult as the dr I see is a woman’s specialist and I’ve seen her for years and trust her so you’d think she’d have some sympathy and understanding. But because I’ve had HA in the past I just get told it’s anxiety again and referred to talking therapy. I feel like I’m going mad x

05-01-19, 12:22
Going KK's response here concerning factual evidence against your irrational thoughts. Your post history is interesting in that you've had long periods when you didn't post threads. I imagine you had your anxiety under control during those times. I also noticed when you did post, the patterns are the same.

I question your perception about getting thinner. I do so because I saw a video of a member here. She was convinced her hands were getting thinner. No one else saw it but she was sure. The doctors and tests have you in the clear physically. IMO, based on what I said above, I think you're having a blip. Time to go back and revisit the things you did previously and get yourself back on track. You obviously have done it before :winks:

Positive thoughts

05-01-19, 12:49
Thank you FMP.
I know there is a fine line between perceived and actual weakness and weight loss. I know I’m in a circle of worry too. I know it’s been brought on probably in the first instance by a high amount of stress which has now been for the most part resolved.
Re the weight loss/muscle mass loss I’m going on measurements I took of myself when I had my coil swapped over (was interested to see if the previous one had been keeping me from losing weight if that makes sense. For no other reason, sinister or otherwise). Also my trousers are baggier on the legs, same trousers six months on.
Thank you all. I cannot tell you how comforting your words are. Even though none of us are medically trained, to have this as a safe place is a lifeline sometimes.

05-01-19, 13:17
It is also worth taking note on the 'weight/girth' issue that female contraceptives can cause weight gain anyway, so maybe you are just losing that extra fat that was stored during that period of having the mirena?

05-01-19, 13:28
You’re absolutely right Carys. I’d ignored it at first as I thought it was from losing the fluid/bloating and I did at first lose some actual weight. It’s just puzzling me now that I’m slimming down still but have put on some physical weight which is fuelling my tumour anxiety x

05-01-19, 13:58
It’s just puzzling me now that I’m slimming down still but have put on some physical weight which is fuelling my tumour anxiety x

Muscle vs. body fat ratio. Pretty simple explanation.

Positive thoughts

05-01-19, 14:09
Yes, fmp is right, muscle is heavier than fat (I think ?!) and so you could be losing fat but still increasing muscle.

I do kind of get what you mean about the weight thing Dodo, as someone in the meno transition I now lose weight if I don't eat stacks of food (never had that before in my life, was always dieting!!!). I've managed to keep my weight stable, but, my clothes don't feel they are fitting in the same way and feel lose. I've beena bit mystified by it too, but I reckon over time, whatever those changes are will stabilise.

05-01-19, 14:28
Well I’m certainly not increasing muscle as I’m doing nothing to increase it ��
Feel so unwell today. Feel like my body is on edge and twitchy. I know I’ve got a cold but it wouldn’t do that. Every time I get up to go to the toilet etc I feel shaky and like I can’t stand. I just can’t relax my limbs.

06-01-19, 05:45
I’m in agony. I don’t know what’s happening but it can’t be right. Somehow managed to have sex with my partner last night. Everything fine. But now I’ve woken up in the middle of the night and it feels like my pelvis is being ripped apart. I can’t lie down because make back at the bottom aches so much. It was very gentle sec so can’t see how I could have pulled anything.

06-01-19, 06:02
I’m in agony. I don’t know what’s happening but it can’t be right. Somehow managed to have sex with my partner last night. Everything fine. But now I’ve woken up in the middle of the night and it feels like my pelvis is being ripped apart. I can’t lie down because make back at the bottom aches so much. It was very gentle sec so can’t see how I could have pulled anything.

If I were in this position I think I would want to talk to a doctor or nurse about if it could be related to the coil, the only reason being is that I’ve known two women in my life that can’t have the copper coil due to either pain or other side effects. Both were able to have the hormonal coil when needed, both have had a hysterectomy now so it’s no longer required.

Contraception is definitely not a one size fits all type scenario, I don’t think there’s anything serious you need worry about but I would definitely want someone to take a look.

Positive vibes,


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-01-19, 06:24
Thank you for your reply. I know the answer will be no. Every time you try and address contraception they just say not possible. I think I’m going to try and get in to have it taken out though. The lower back pain is getting worse all the time. No idea why this has happened tonight though. I’ve just been looking back through my notes and trying to take comfort that my test results end October were normal so hopefully something serious would have been picked up then as an irregularity.

08-01-19, 13:20
Oh goodness I feel so dreadful today. I’ve had a few nights of very little sleep as my little boy has been unwell but today I feel shaky again and like my arms and legs are buzzing and I just tried to walk round the shops for a couple of essentials and my legs started hurting and cramping up in real bad pain in my thighs.i feel like I can’t relax my limbs. I don’t feel anxious at all, it’s just really bad taughtness. I’m absolutely exhausted.

08-01-19, 20:08
My legs are agony now and my whole body is twitching ��

---------- Post added at 20:08 ---------- Previous post was at 19:47 ----------

Just went to the toilet and noticed two new bruises on my thighs. No idea where they’ve come from but I’m now spiralling.

08-01-19, 20:18
If I were in this position I think I would want to talk to a doctor or nurse about if it could be related to the coil, the only reason being is that I’ve known two women in my life that can’t have the copper coil due to either pain or other side effects. Both were able to have the hormonal coil when needed, both have had a hysterectomy now so it’s no longer required.

Contraception is definitely not a one size fits all type scenario, I don’t think there’s anything serious you need worry about but I would definitely want someone to take a look.

Positive vibes,


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This is great advice

08-01-19, 20:44
I’m not sure how that is going to help with the bruising and the muscle pain?

08-01-19, 21:00
I’m not sure how that is going to help with the bruising and the muscle pain?

I’m not sure why you won’t get checked out?

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08-01-19, 21:04
In what way? I’ve had tests previously that were ok. Do you think there’s something wrong too?
I can’t get a dr app at the moment, they’re all booked up.

08-01-19, 21:17
I think that you’re in pain, uncomfortable and distressed. Every day you seem to be more upset and it’s clearly affecting your quality of life. What else would you do but ask for medical advice? Perhaps there is something else that can be tested for. Like Carys has mentioned above.
And if there isn’t anything else that your doctor can do, then why not?

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08-01-19, 21:27
I’ve got an appointment but it’s not for two weeks. Earliest I could get in. Plus I’m at work again tomorrow so going to have to try and get through it.
I’m trying to think that it could be tiredness from getting over the cold and lack of sleep but then my brain just keep screaming cancer or brain tumour or ms or something similar to me. Can’t shake it off.

09-01-19, 08:09
My lower legs are constantly twitching today and my thighs are still in pain when I walk more than about ten steps.

09-01-19, 08:21
My lower legs are constantly twitching today and my thighs are still in pain when I walk more than about ten steps.

Honestly I’m not surprised that you’re having difficulties, you have been so stressed and scared it’s no wonder you’re having issues.

As the first problem occurred after your new coil would you be able to go to a GUM/sexual health clinic for a chat? Also who says no to contraception? - is that for other medical reasons?

Positive vibes,


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09-01-19, 08:45
Not sure by what you mean by ‘who says no to contraception’ ?

09-01-19, 08:52
Thank you for your reply. I know the answer will be no. Every time you try and address contraception they just say not possible. I think I’m going to try and get in to have it taken out though. The lower back pain is getting worse all the time. No idea why this has happened tonight though. I’ve just been looking back through my notes and trying to take comfort that my test results end October were normal so hopefully something serious would have been picked up then as an irregularity.

Here’s where you said that when you address contraception ‘the answer will be no’

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09-01-19, 08:57
Ah I see. Yes whenever I say to the dr could it be the contraception causing the problems they say it isn’t possible.

09-01-19, 09:06
Ah I see. Yes whenever I say to the dr could it be the contraception causing the problems they say it isn’t possible.

Okay, Can you go to a sexual health clinic/gynae?

The pain and twitching are very common in periods of stress, I really wouldn’t pay any notice to the bruises, if you weren’t in a hyper aware state you would just assume you knocked something, I always have random bruises on my legs, the unexplained bruising that needs addressing is very obvious and you would certainly know it if you were to see it.

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09-01-19, 12:21
I really wouldn’t have a clue about sexual health/gynae, how to get in touch with them.

09-01-19, 13:13
I really wouldn’t have a clue about sexual health/gynae, how to get in touch with them.

Just google sexual health clinic in your area and ring them up :) you can also do the same for a gynae although you will wait longer to see them than the clinic.

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09-01-19, 13:21
I’m not sure how that’s going to help with an internal tremor though 😔

09-01-19, 13:56
Your mood appears to be very low and I think it's making you resistant and obstructive when it comes to getting help and advice. You display typical symptoms of depression (notwithstanding hormonal issues) with lack of motivation, energy, negative outlook and poor self-esteem. I think you should address this problem as it will invariably get worse without some form of treatment.

Are you on any AD meds? Might be something to discuss with your GP.

09-01-19, 16:05
Managed to get a last minute appointment and I’ve got to have more blood tests and I know at least one is a cancer test. I’m so very scared. Got to go back after had the tests done. She looked me over and sent me on my way after taking all the information down and ordering these blood tests. So now got to wait for an appointment to get those done.

---------- Post added at 16:05 ---------- Previous post was at 15:09 ----------

Forgot to say, she made me do some strength things pushing against her hands with my legs.
She took my bp which was fine and pulse/oxygen levels.
She felt my abdomen but didn’t comment to me.
She did agree with me when I said I’d been thinking that if it was serious it would have shown up as a marker in November. But she said she wanted to repeat the tests.

09-01-19, 18:15
I'm really glad you are continuing to push further Dodo, and that she is really giving you the full works. I know this will be frightening, but really is the only way forwards to find out what is causing your issues - elimination is how these GPs work.

09-01-19, 18:19
I’m just so worried that it is cancer and terminal. She didn’t really say anything which is not reassuring. The tests are not tests I’ve ever had before so they aren’t standard ones.
I’m trying to reason with myself that anxiety causes trembling and buzzing but it’s the leg pains and back pain that’s worrying.

09-01-19, 18:28
Glad you got to see GP so quickly.

09-01-19, 19:29
Lucky cancellation. Been checking on and off for days on offchance.
I’ve got microtwitches all over my legs this evening. I can’t believe how stiff my hips are in the past couple of months though. I used to be able to put my legs right up to my head, yoga style, but I can hardly lift them now. Feel arthritic. All of my joints feel knackered.

10-01-19, 08:33
This mornings new worry is addisons. They’re not testing my cortisol. Lower back is still very shaky today and been noticing my thinning legs again. There seems to be a loss of I think bulky fat (a normal persons leg is nicely rounded) which is making my muscle visible and then the rest is hanging skin.

10-01-19, 20:30
I know you guys are fed up of me but I just wanted to update you.
So I had a good day today. After my initial wobble this morning I got on with my day and by the time I finished work I realised I hadn’t been so achy today, my legs were much improved and the buzzing was extremely low level (only noticeable if I focused on it). So I felt really positive this evening. Much more motivated and more cheerful and said to myself I’d have an early night to catch up on some more sleep as it had obviously done me the world of good yesterday. However that’s where it ends sadly. I decided to have a nice shower before going to bed to refresh but as I was showering my arms became so weak. My right arm was so achy and crampy I had to stop what I was doing for s moment as I couldn’t carry on! My legs also felt really wobbly. Now the shower was very hot, much hotter than I am used to and very steamy. But now I feel utterly exhausted! Obviously that’s good for going to bed but why oh why are my arms stopping working?
My head has also felt very full today but I have been trying to ignore that but it feels like there’s loads of pressure in my head.
I’m desperately trying to remain upbeat as I don’t want my mood to go back down but this has really frightened me again.

10-01-19, 20:45
I'm sorry Dodo, after you tried really hard and then had a backward step. I'm not fed up of you posting, but I really don't know what to say that could help you as clearly you are feeling under the weather. The positive out of this is that you can have times of feeling so much better, therefore whatever is causing the symptoms to come and go. Has your GP discussed anyting with you like fybromyalgia or polymyalgia ?

10-01-19, 20:52
I don’t know what polymyalgia is but I’ve heard vaguely of fibromyalgia. Both sound like something I really don’t want to have ��

---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:49 ----------

It’s like I’m managing along quite happily but as soon as I put any strain on my muscles they just give up. I don’t know why this is happening but it’s so frightening. Home alone again and scared of what is happening to me. And also scared of what my blood tests are going to bring up. Got an anxious wait for them now. And after having them I felt so positive. I even thought to myself earlier, oh you’re so silly worry about all this, you feel better today and that a great sign. Now look at me again

10-01-19, 20:53
Well, nobody wants to wants to have them lol, but just thinking about your aching and weakness thing, which as yet the bloods don't show a reason for - and these two things sprung to my mind. They are not life-limiting conditions, neither of them and not in the realms of cancers. Just thought some of the symptoms matched some of yours. It is a great sign that you feel better today, a very encouraging sign , as something transitory is easier to have hope about isn't it.

10-01-19, 21:21
I’ve got a really intensive set of bloods done that I’m waiting for so that will pick something up if it’s there. Anxious wait over the weekend till I can call up next week.
Now I’m resting I don’t feel too bad again now but every time I exert myself I really suffer.
I’d got myself set tonight to get on with making some plans but now I just feel hopeless again with all thoughts of what it could be going round in my head...ms, me, als, mnd, cancer, brain tumour, spinal tumour, the list goes on...

---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

Today I’ve also developed a tickle cough when I breathe in out of nowhere, which I’m worried is all part of whatever this is.

---------- Post added at 21:21 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

I don’t google my symptoms as I’ve bern through that as a younger person. So I don’t know what these symptoms are all indicative of but just know I don’t think they’re right.

10-01-19, 22:01
I'm not a female, but I noted your age. Could this be related to menopause at all? The hot flushes are what my mom had, and a few other things you mentioned.

10-01-19, 22:14
Good for you for actually taking in and noting what issues your Mum had in meno Wiredincorrectly! I'm impressed you saw the same link as I did, as I'm a 50 year old female (and I'm not being sarcastic!!!!)......I recognised the symptoms as being the same ones as I am having too, going through meno transition.

11-01-19, 07:44
The drenching hot flushes I was having aren’t such an issue these days. They cake right at the beginning of all this which is why I’m wondering whether they may have been a temporary thing following my coil switch.
I’ve woken up today and my arms are so very weak and painful. Just want to curl up in a ball and hide today. My back was agony in bed again last night too.if anyone had the back/hip pain you get in pregnancy, I’d liken it to that.

---------- Post added at 07:44 ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 ----------

I’m getting really frightened about this again now. Every time I use my right arm it feels like it doesn’t belong to me. It’s very odd. Surely anxiety cannot cause this.

11-01-19, 09:36

11-01-19, 13:18
I’m so frightened. After such a positive day yesterday, today all of my body aches and hurts. My legs are in so much pain. There can’t not be something seriously wrong with me.

11-01-19, 13:23
Your last line is one that people seem to use here on a very regular basis, and in most cases there turns out to be very little wrong with them.

You're spiralling. Take time out to deal with the anxiety.

11-01-19, 13:26
I agree with BlueIris. Constantly focussing on your symptoms will perpetuate them. I know it's hard but you need to stop documenting them and try and get your anxiety levels down.

11-01-19, 13:36
Guys I do hear you I really do but this aching and pain can not be from anxiety. I’ve had an ok morning at work to come home and my arms are hurting so much I keep needing to rest them, sake with my backs of my legs and buttocks. They feel so painful and it won’t stop.
My blood tests won’t be back till late next week and I haven’t got a follow up appointment booked today, I’m desperately trying to carry on as normal as I have work and kids but I can’t. I’m struggling so much.

11-01-19, 13:39
Anxiety can cause pain, and it can definitely exacerbate it. It's very much a physical reaction, and it impacts your body. After a bad panic attack I can get muscle and joint soreness and trembling that last from days to weeks.

I'm not trying to belittle your suffering, but I know from first-hand experience that this awful disease prevents you (by which I mean me) from thinking rationally.

11-01-19, 13:44
I know. I’ve befn in bad places before, I’ve felt the exhaustion from the lack of sleep and worrying. But this is so different. I was just walking round the house and my buttocks and back if my thighs were hurting like there wasn’t enough circulation or blood or something getting to them.
I went to cut some bread and could manage that with ease, no struggle, but it left my arm aching badly. My arms are aching just sitting here typing.

11-01-19, 13:45
I have chronic neuropathic pain and anxiety makes it a hell of a lot worse.

11-01-19, 13:46
I just need to add that I am so very grateful for the support you guys are showing me. It really means a lot.

11-01-19, 13:48
It's okay. I know I might sound harsh and I'm sorry - I can just about handle my job but I wouldn't be able to function if there were children in the equation.

Focusing on the pain will make it feel worse, though - could you have a walk, or read, or take a long hot shower? Anything to pull your mind away from the physical sensations.

11-01-19, 13:55
It’s the walking that’s started it. The back of my legs all the way up and my buttocks are just hurting out of nowhere. The hot shower yesterday made me feel weak too even though I thought it would refresh me.
I don’t think you’re harsh, none of us know each other and whether someone just ‘isn’t taking advice’ or ‘ignoring replies’ so it can sound like people are just going on sometimes.
I’m stuck in a hard place of waiting for results and a follow up and just don’t want to bother the dr again as I know there won’t be much more they can say.

---------- Post added at 13:55 ---------- Previous post was at 13:54 ----------

I’ve just got all these visions of my bloods coming back completely out of whack. I keep gripping on to the fact nothing was found in November, but they were only basic tests.

11-01-19, 18:46
I only skimmed the responses, but it seems to me a clear case of hormonal imbalance. I'm only 35 and I already see changes in my cycle and worsening symptoms (I get terrible abdominal pain during ovulation that I never had before and my period is heavier since giving birth 4 years ago). You are at an appropriate age for peri menopause, you just had a hormonal birth control device removed, and you had a new birth control device inserted. For me, these are all absolute causes of hormonal shifts.

If this was me, I would have the copper coil removed and let your cycle reset for a few months. I totally get not liking condoms, but I would say worth it to see if this helps with your symptoms. Give your body some time to regulate after removing the mirena, speak with your doctor about the signs and symptoms of peri menopause, etc...

Cycle changes can be scary, but they are also so very common as we age.

And, hormonal imbalances can 100% cause more anxiety. I can't take hormones for this reason.

I hope you get some relief soon!

11-01-19, 20:24
Thank you for your reply. I’m recognising a lot as hormonal issues. If I think about it probably half of the issues have been creeping up for a little while. The hot flushes have settled and aren’t so severe (famous last words).
It’s just the leg and back pain. It’s so severe. I’ve just been sitting on the settee for a little while watching tv and went to go up to the toilet and I felt like my legs and back were so stiff and we’re going to give way. Now I’m sat back down and they are twitching all over. My whole body is stiff as a board.

---------- Post added at 20:24 ---------- Previous post was at 20:23 ----------

I am seriously considering having it removed but I’m just so unsure about where to go from there. It’s so convenient and I’m so uneasy about going back on the pill, especially if my hormones are depleating.

11-01-19, 22:58
I wouldn't go back on the pill. Personally (and this is just me!) I'd either use condoms or abstain for a month or two until I knew for sure what was going on/causing the issues. I feel like it's the only way to rule something out and hopefully feel better!

12-01-19, 08:17
Sorry I meant longer term. After a cooling off period I wouldn’t want to use consoles long term as we had a lot of problems with them.
I can’t see how the copper coil could be causing the problems though, it’s sypposed to be side effect free so what would be the use in taking it out?

12-01-19, 09:31
I can’t see how the copper coil could be causing the problems though, it’s sypposed to be side effect free so what would be the use in taking it out?

Obviously there’s no guarantee that taking it out would solve anything but there are definitely side effects related to any and all long term contraception methods, as I’ve said previously I think the two women in my life that have had adverse reactions - one of which that ended up in the hospital needing help, would greatly disagree with your statement. They were the reason I decided that the implant was going to be my long term method, plus it’s more effective.

I know that the wait and see with the blood results causes a lot of stress, this in turn will have a negative effect on the body in general. When I am feeling a large amount of stress I find that I hurt all over, especially when I’ve been ‘resting’ simply because I tense my muscles without noticing, tension in the body is incredibly common with anxiety and stress and it’s completely understandable that you are feeling both of these things. - please note, understandable that you feel these things because of how much stress this time has caused, not because I believe you have anything to be worried about.

You are going through investigations with the doctor, frankly there is nothing you can do by worrying other than making yourself feel worse. It changes absolutely nothing about the situation in the end.

What is, will be and then it will pass. We have no control over that.

Positive vibes,


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12-01-19, 10:53
Thank you midnight mouse x
Sorry pressed before meant to send - hope your friends are ok now.

---------- Post added at 10:51 ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 ----------

I’d just about calmed myself down today and now I’m in a panic again. Just gone to the toilet and had some spotting but it was brownish. According to my period log I’m ovulating today. So I stupidly googled whether spotting could be caused by ovulation - yes it can, great. But then it said it should be pink or red and anything brown was not normal ��. Back to the worry.

---------- Post added at 10:53 ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 ----------

The only thing I can say about all this is that I never had any problems with my periods or cycle until I had this new coil put in. But it may all just be a huge coincidence in timing.

12-01-19, 20:38
I’ve just read that vitamin b6 can be stimulating for some. I’ve been taking a supplement for a couple of months and am wondering whether this could account for some of my more recent problems! Numbness and tingling is apparently something that can happen from taking it along with it actually causing anxiety! I’ve not taken any today as I wanted to stop everything to give my body a break. I’m just worried that if that’s what has caused it that it will be irreversible! Goodness me, a simple vitamin off the shelf.

12-01-19, 20:42
I doubt it-you would have to take a huge amount of it.

12-01-19, 21:00
How much have you been taking of it ? Is it for some medical reason, as it seems its quite uncommon for people to be deficient in Vitamin E.

From what I just read it is vitamin E deficiency that causes numbness and tingling.

12-01-19, 21:59
It’s B6 and magnesium woman’s supplement. Not sure of dosing but it’s just a supermarket type one. Been taking for a couple of months.

12-01-19, 22:19
I'm really sorry, I have absolutely NO IDEA why I read that as vitamin E ?! Doh, hence why I was confused

B6 and magnesium you honestly should be able to get plenty from food sources, as they are fairly common foods.

13-01-19, 08:36
Well this is what’s worried me now. I know when I had pmt in the past a dr suggested b6 to help with the symptoms. This was years ago. So I remembered and got some and now I’m wondering whether it’s caused me some damage.
I know people swear by the magnesium to calm the nerves so assumed this was ok too.
I’ve also been taking fizzy vit c with zinc.

13-01-19, 09:06
My friend had to stop taking magnesium as it made her feel really poorly.
Maybe go a couple of days without anything and see how you feel?

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13-01-19, 10:08
I haven’t had anything today or yesterday.
I keep getting cold patches inside my body today. I don’t know what’s happening to me but it feels like I’m going mad.
My whole body, especially my legs are buzzing again. I feel like I’m sat on a washing machine or something!

14-01-19, 08:18
So I woke up this morning feeling much improved. Legs much better. But back come the hot flushes ☹️

14-01-19, 10:14
Well, thats good on one front......

....hot flushes are the pits!

15-01-19, 19:58
Well I’ve had a great couple of days with the muscle and buzzing issues. Strength returned to what it was and I’ve been feeling fairly positive.
Today the old issues have returned. Tonight I’ve got pains all round my collar bone. Indigestion? It’s come on in the last hour and I’m hoping that’s all it is. My fear is always my heart. I’m full of wind in my tummy so hoping it’s all linked.

15-01-19, 20:12
Glad you’ve been doing better, yes it could be indigestion.

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19-01-19, 02:51
Well this is typical. Been doing so well this week, feeling great and looking forward to a nice peaceful weekend and then this..
Woke up with wet running off me in sweat. Felt red hot all over, even my bloody toes are sweating. Feeling nauseous and my tummy is gassy.
So I sit up in bed and now I’m shaking and chilly. And now I’m on the verge of a panic over it as I don’t know what’s happening.

19-01-19, 03:22
My anxiety goes through a similar cycle. It's weird but a lot of times some of my anxiety symptoms take time to show up and even appear after I feel calm. Night sweats are definitely one of them! And, I often wake up in the middle of the night with muscle pain, sweating, and panic. You hold so much tension in your body when you're anxious. I've actually gotten back spasms in the middle of the night.

19-01-19, 03:42
Thanks Erin. I’ve managed to calm down and am back under the covers as I am now freezing cold.
I’ve not been anxious at all this week. I’ve felt great, my pains have gone away. Been getting on with life until tonight out of nowhere. It wasn’t just a little bit damp either. It was drenching wet all over. This is the worrisome night sweats isn’t it?
I was trying to think it could be hormonal still but I’m not due my period for a week and do night sweats/hot flushes usually make you feel nauseous?

19-01-19, 04:20
When I get night sweats they are BAD. Like I'm soaked, my clothes, my sheets, everything. The only time I've ever gotten them were for a few weeks postpartum and when I have anxiety. I also often have this kind of calm before the storm where I feel so much better and then BAM. I think it's my subconscious getting the better of me - like I let me guard down but the anxiety is still in there saying "don't calm down, something might happen!"

---------- Post added at 02:20 ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 ----------

I also totally get the shakes like I'm freezing. That's the worst. You're ok. But, waking with panic in the night is so awful and I'm so sorry it's happening to you tonight.

19-01-19, 06:01
And now I’m on the verge of a panic over it as I don’t know what’s happening.

You do know, its hormonal changes, yes the week before your period. Get some books, good recommended ones on perimeno and see much of what you are saying matches! Two periods ago I had a week of night sweats and day sweats the week leading up to my period, awful insomnia, couldn't eat, felt ill in many ways. I also had light spotting, attacks - and not ones I could control, they were brought about by low hormone levels and there was no reason for it at all as I didn't feel anxious! Hard to describe to someone else, but within hours I was fine again once a period started. It is part of peri changes for some people, who are sensitive to hormones. You need to do some proactive reading on this stuff I even have my muscles twitching from it, ocular migraine (never had before the last few years) and much more besides.

19-01-19, 09:39
Thanks guys.
It’s the upset tummy and nausea that puzzled me. Surely a night sweat is a night sweat. I get that you can get cold when you’re cooling down.
It took me an hour to get back to sleep from the beginning of it and even then I slept irratically. I was shivering all night but too warm under the duvet. I’d stripped down to a vest by then.
I’d only been thinking this week that it was nice I wasn’t being plagued by waking up hot and then this happens. I’ve worked hard this week, I’m 100% improved on how I felt before with the muscles and buzzing etc. Now this.
I’m still waiting for my blood test results. It’s beeb over a week now but I can’t get in to see the dr that requested them till next month! I think I’ll have gone crazy by then!

---------- Post added at 09:39 ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 ----------

Cerys do you have any recommendations? Everything I’ve looked up goes on about the menopause and not peri. And everything says it starts mid fourties not late thirties.

19-01-19, 14:16
I'll get back to you on books. DO join this facebook group, I have been astounded how many people are on there in their 30s. I honestly never realised until I saw droves joining. Its a closed group, you apply to join, but some of the threads make interesting reading. (and yes I've seen threads on nausea and tummy issues)

Its called - Early Menopause And Perimenopause Support

Even if you aren't in peri (which can take 10 years to get through) then hormonal changes honestly could give you lots of your symptoms.

There is also the forum, 'menopause matters', but its a bit HRT driven and for those who have come out the other side.

19-01-19, 15:45
Thank you, I will take a look.

20-01-19, 09:20
Back to my lower back aching today. Had to get out of bed it hurt so much. Good news was I didn’t have a drenching sweat last night, just mildly damp on my neck.
This morning my body can’t decide whether it’s hot or cold, this really is the pits.

20-01-19, 09:30
All those symptoms sound like the start of perimenopause, here is a great website I found https://mysecondspring.ie/

20-01-19, 09:36
Thank you I will take a look ��
What doesn’t seem to fit with it though and the worrying symptoms are tingling. I keep getting cold patches on my skin randomly. They won’t be in the same place, they’ll move. Like one minute I’ll have a cold patch on my temple and then next it’ll be my left upper arm. Sometimes it’ll spread. It’s like the feeling you get when you’ve had a dead arm and the sensation starts to come back in it.
Like now it’s in my upper right back. Sometimes it’ll be on my tongue.

20-01-19, 09:52
Look up 34 symptoms of menopause tingling is one of them as well as joint pain. I have 80 percent of these if not more

Symptoms Irregular Periods Hot Flashes Night Sweats Insomnia Fatigue Anxiety (Increased) Depression or Worsening Irritability Mood Swings Loss of Confidence/Feeling Invisible/Not Yourself Changes in Libido or sex drive Weight Gain Dry Skin Vaginal Dryness Increased PMS Urinary Leakage or Urgency Aches and Pains in Muscles or Joints Difficulty Concentrating Memory Lapses Hair Loss Bloating Brittle Nails/Changes Changes in Body Odor Irregular Heartbeat Panic Disorder Breast Pain/Shooting Pain/Tenderness Headaches Burning Tongue/Dry Mouth Feeling Electric Shocks Digestive Problems Gum Problems/Bleeding (uncommon) Itchy Skin Tingling in Extremities

20-01-19, 09:56
I can see why people say it’s such a miserable time. To think I’ve got years of this ahead of me, you can see why it brings about the psychological issues that are associated with it x

20-01-19, 09:59
It can start in your 40s to mid and last a few months to ten years.

20-01-19, 10:03
I’m only late thirties ��
Every month seems to differ. I had a spike of symptoms when I had my coil taken out and then a few symptoms calmed down. But now I seem to be going through an increase in other symptoms.
Feel like a creaky old lady today.
The tingling feels like my circulation isn’t working properly which then takes me back to my heart worries as that’s where all my anxiety stems from.

20-01-19, 16:41
For some reason I’ve felt a bit anxious today. Not massively but just a little bit on edge. So I decided to have a lazy day. Just been upstairs and my arms and legs have started shaking inside again. I’m so cross, I don’t know why or what is happening to me. It’s not as bad as it was before but I can feel it. It’s like my body can’t tolerate any physical exertion without breaking down. Now I’m sat worried again wondering what is happening to me. Why can’t I just walk around my house without shaking?

21-01-19, 07:51
So last night was so so. Tonight I’ve befn tossing and turning all night, not particularly sweaty, just a bit on my neck but now I’m awake feeling sick agsin! My tummy is gargling so much it’s majingvreally loud noises and I just have to keep stalling as I feel so nauseous. This is getting so tiring. I’m shivering again because it’s cold but I feel too warm if I get under the duvet. So fed up, I’ve got work in a couple of hours 😔

---------- Post added at 07:51 ---------- Previous post was at 04:58 ----------

Well managed to get back to sleep but now I’m awake I’m sweating like mad. I can feel around me how cold it is and so I’m trying to shiver but my body is just sweating up. This is a miserable existence. So hard to function and do your normal routine.

21-01-19, 08:17
Best to carry on as normal, dodo. Focussing on symptoms will make them more noticeable. Your bloods presumably are fine because you would have heard if not.

21-01-19, 17:53
Not necessarily. They have a notice in the surgery saying not to assume your test results are normal if you haven’t been contacted. It’s the patients responsibility to chase them up.

21-01-19, 18:08
Not necessarily. They have a notice in the surgery saying not to assume your test results are normal if you haven’t been contacted. It’s the patients responsibility to chase them up.

And have you chased them up?

21-01-19, 19:37
I’ve been waiting for my dr appointment where we’ll discuss my results x

22-01-19, 21:19
Well I thought I’d update you, finally managed to get my results, although still waiting to see the dr for follow up. Everything normal! Can’t believe it. Big weight lifted. But no closer to an answer on the multitude of symptoms other than the possibility of hormones. Couple of days left before the period shows up. Praying for a decent nights sleep tonight as last night was dreadful.

22-01-19, 21:51
:D That really is very good news, but from my 'objective end' not unexpected! As I said earlier, hormonal tests are notoriously unreliable, as variations often occur at different days in the cycle, in different cycles and from morning to evening lol My hormone results came back 'normal' but a urine sample done showed high FSH, a sign of heading to meno. (and of course every symptom going on the meno list) Progesterone is usually the first hormone to go dolally, as you start having some non-ovulating cycles and sometimes oestrogen can show as even higher than for women in the normal reproductive part of life.

22-01-19, 22:23
No hormones tested this time Carys. Had a raft of other tests though, thyroid, lft, u+e, vit d, bone mass, feratin, crp, ana and ca125 as well as fbc.

---------- Post added at 22:23 ---------- Previous post was at 22:21 ----------

Will see what’s suggested next time I see the dr. They are going to examine me too to check my coil is where it should be as well. Possibility of a scan but we’ll see.

28-01-19, 03:01
I’m so over all this it’s getting stupid now. I’m on about day 5 of my period today and not been too bad until tonight going to bed it’s kike my body has forgotten how to control itself. I keep going hot and cold sweating and my stomach is so full of gas. I keep trying to lie down to sleep but then feel sick or like I need to go to the toilet. So bloated and gassy. Pain in my back all over and shoulders. I hate feeling poorly in the night as it’s so lonely because you don’t want to wake anyone for company as they’ve got work tomorrow, I’ve got work tomorrow and at this rate I’m going to be exhausted yet again. Just don’t know what’s happening to me and why this won’t leave me alone.

14-02-19, 09:52
So a little update. Finally been to the dr for my follow up. All bloods normal, smear test normal. I’ve had no more bleeding after sex. She didn’t think there was therefore any point doing the internal or swabs or scan she was going to do. But I said I’d like them done as I was still getting hip pain etc.
So she did swabs for infection etc and a referall for a scan to check my coil etc. But on exam, everything internally felt felt but she saw ‘a small ulceration’ on my cervix. I immediately burst into tears. She did say she ‘didn’t think it was cancer’ but wanted to see what it was because of the bleeding I’d had. So I’ve got an urgent referal to gynaecology.
I’m spinning out. Why did my smear come back normal? Can the coil change your cervix? What else could it be than something nasty? I’m so so frightened.
She also said there was some ectropian (can’t spell that) but that was normal??
She wouldn’t comment further or discuss anything else, just wanted to sort this and ‘see what it is’ before dealing with anything else.

14-02-19, 09:59
IMHO You need your DHEA checked cos of the hormone changes and referreal to endocrinolgy. Your gp has done great but Adddisons is also some thing that creeps up on you.

Just my ten pence worth.

14-02-19, 11:30
So you’re suggesting I have addisons?

14-02-19, 20:38
Anyone had an experience of this? ��

14-02-19, 21:04
I am new to the site so it’s not easy to advise sometimes. Others have posted some helpful stuff and barn door Addisons is hardly top of the list, but I have seen it with weakness, low Bp, hairiness and browning of the skin in the flexures. There are often changes in kidney function which your doc has checked.
I am only saying what I would have done when was a GP, —-ask an endocrinologist.
I am sure it’ll be all normal, which you want of course but I do sympathise —many of us fret.

Chekhov said “any idiot (eg me) can face a crisis, it’s day to day living that wears us out”

16-02-19, 09:13
I’m just looking for someone with experience of abnormalities down below. In my nearly 40 years I’ve never had an abnormal smear test nor any follow up. My smear in January came back normal but now I’ve got to go for a colposcopy for an abnormality seen on examination. It’s all very worrying and I don’t really understand it so any experiences would be helpful.