View Full Version : 6 months of symptoms

30-12-18, 18:19
Going through a rough patch and I just can’t shake the fear again... 6 months ago I started getting itchy all over- then loads of cherry angiomas either appeared over night or I suddenly noticed them. Then I noticed petechia all over my feet and lower legs.. Then I started getting night sweats and hot flashes..
I feel this is lymphoma...

I only get night sweats if I sleep under the big duvet with my girlfriend I’ve taken too sleeping under a light blanket and don’t get them.. however this is new for me. It’s a mild winter in the u.k and our house is always 21 and above throughout the night so this is my only saving grace I’m clinging on to.

I’ve seen 9 drs in total some more than once...6 gps 1 dermatologist 1 rheumatologist specialising in vasculitis ..an ER dr
3 cbc at different stages normal.. anca ERS CRP liver functions etc all fine

I’ve tried cbt it hasn’t really helped at all.. 16 sessions..

I was feeling a bit better but now my feet are getting sweaty all the time and I just feel hot... no nodes enlarged yet but pain in my neck.. maybe from where I keep prodding around.

Part of me thinks it’s highly unlikely to be lymphoma the other thinks it is unquestionably it and just a matter of time before it’s more pronounced...

My life isn’t a mess apart from this. I’ve just landed my dream job and things are going well socially. I’m just a mess inside and feel like I’m going to become very ill soon which isn’t a great place to be

Drs especially my gp doesn’t understand.. I get they have better things to do but it’s ruining my life. It’s not like these symptoms are made up. They are visible for the world to see.

Hopefully I can get passed this on my own... I feel it helps letting it out even via an internet post so this is all this is for

30-12-18, 18:48
Red moles, or cherry angiomas, are common skin growths that can develop on most areas of your body. They’re also known as senile angiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots.
They’re usually found on people aged 30 and older. The collection of small blood vessels inside a cherry angioma give them a reddish appearance.

A cherry angioma is often bright red, circular or oval in shape, and small — usually ranging in size from a pinpoint to about one-fourth of an inch in diameter. Some cherry angiomas appear smooth and even with your skin, while others appear slightly raised. They most often grow on the torso, arms, legs, and shoulders.
"I only get night sweats if I sleep under the big duvet with my girlfriend"
I too get sweats sleeping with my husband under a big duvet, it's normal, as the duvet is warm, your girlfriend is putting off body heat you put off body heat, if you are itchy it could be dry skin, not enough water, a reaction to the soap you use, to the laundry soap, etc. how do you know the spots are petechaie? Could they be Cherry Angiomas instead? I have them on my body have had them for years since I was in my thirties and Iam 45 now. I doubt you have cancer, besides all the tests you have had, they would have found something.

30-12-18, 19:18
Me and my other half were only saying today how warm it is all the time at the moment. Overnight we’re really warm in bed under a 9 tog duvet but if we get out from under the duvet we’re too cold. You can’t win.

30-12-18, 19:43
It is warm but the night sweats are something new and to come on when i start getting other symptoms is alarming.

Yeah they are definitely petechia as confirmed by the dermatologist but he wasnt concerned and said its leaky blood vessels in my case without doing any tests whatsoever so i dont know if i can trust that.

30-12-18, 19:45
I've heard night sweats are proper drenching rather than sweating at night?

30-12-18, 20:01
I don't know, mines more of sweaty around the neck/chest area... I've only had really bad ones where the sheets are a bit damp a couple of times

30-12-18, 20:25
I understand why you're worrying. If I were you I would be worried about it too, that's why we're on here after all. However from where I am here, detached from that specific worry, that sweating seems normal to me. You do sweat at night typically because 1) the house will have heating either on or still around from when the heating was on and 2) because you're under heavy sheets.

It seems you've had it ruled already from the doctors but you're worried they missed it and now the sweats are making you think this time it's here? Is that right?

I don't think that's likely since the later 'symptom' comes across as normal and surely they would have found it before? Especially since the tests themselves are more likely to pick up something for which you didn't have symptoms than they are to miss something for which you do. Tests are are more accurate diagnostic tool than symptoms are.

30-12-18, 20:39
Yeah i've worried about many things in my life so far(Only 26) but this has been the most real..
The drs arent concerned for me at all.. Lymphoma / blood cancers can cause petechiea by disrupting platelet production so that would be picked up by cbc.. And thus once its at the stage of effecting platelet production is usually quite advance and detectable.. However in rare cases it can cause capilaritus which is more than likely what i have as it's not from low platelets (vasculitis specialist said he doesnt think its vasculitis).
So i'm hanging on to the what if's... What if the lymph node effected are not visible and that is causing the capilaritus =/

I've read too many case studies :(

30-12-18, 20:58
But that still would be picked up the blood test? Blood cancers are blood cancers and if it were impacting you enough to cause symptoms, even in the rare case you describe, it would be found in the far more precise measures that blood tests are.

Also you've said you've had these symptoms for six months. How likely is it's been there for six months, caused a multitude of symptoms, but is not prominent enough to be picked up in a blood test? :)

30-12-18, 21:20
Night sweats, I had full blown wet the sheets through after pregnancy and you are literally wet everywhere, not just on the chest.
I think you’re just getting warm in bed. Sweats don’t differentiate between the different type of bedding,. For instance, I’ve had hot flushes in the day in air conditioned rooms.

30-12-18, 21:34
Yeah i guess your right, thanks for the replies guys. There is always outliers in typical onset of these things and i'm just thinking what if this is.. I guess we all have this problem on here.

I wake up every night around 1-2am without fail always super anxious to check if i have been sweating.. I check around my chest/neck/feet ect.. Maybe my subconscious is having a panic attack and this raises my body temperature too... Happens if i sweat or not.. Interestingly somtimes when i wake i then jump into the big duvet because im freezing and wake up in the morning as normal - no sweat. If i do sweat it only seems to be at this 1-2am

30-12-18, 21:46
Ah well you’ve hit the nail on the head then, your body is now anticipating and rewarding you with what you expect. The mind and body are very clever. I think you’re absolutely fine

31-12-18, 01:51
Hi mate sorry to hear your struggling! If it makes you feel any better I've had times when I've sweat so much during the night I've had to change the sheet....and guess what? The more I worried the more it happend lol. Can last for weeks. And then one day I stopped worrying and it stopped. I understand where your coming from with cbt...it's not for everyone and I couldnt get on with it! Do you enjoy exercise? Any activities you enjoy? All them doctors wouldn't have missed it if you was ill so try and have faith in them I know it's hard as sometimes I don't believe them...good luck